Montage des synchronen Colt-Maschinengewehrs auf dem Doppeldecker Siko...
Montage des synchronen Colt-Maschinengewehrs auf dem Doppeldecker Sikorskij S-16
Flugzeugunglück. Bruchlandung des Doppeldeckers Leutnant Grinev. Aviat...
Airplane accident. Crash landing of biplane of Lieutenant Grinev. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авария аэроплана. Неудачная посадка биплана поручика Гринева. Авиационная рота и V дивизио... Mehr
Sikorsky S-16 biplane crash during World War I
Sikorskij S-16 Doppeldecker nach Absturz
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker, Winterausrüstung
Sikorskij S-16 biplane on winter skies Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 during World War I
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 biplane, 1916 during World War I
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Russische Prinzessin Schaikowski [und] Flieger Abramowitsch
Das Foto zeigt die Flieger Wssewolod Abramovitch (1890-1913) und die russische Prinzessin Eugenia Michailowna Shakhovskaya (1889-1920). Die beiden Piloten waren 1913 bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben gekommen... Mehr
Pilot Efimow mit dem Passagier. Odessa, 1900-1914
Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker. Sarapul.
Sikorskij S-16 biplane assembled in Sarapul factory. Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Synchron Colt Maschinengewehr auf Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker
Synchronous Colt machine gun on Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Flug 1900, Russian Empire
Русский: Флуг, Василий Егорович (1860 — 1955) — русский военачальник, участник Китайского похода 1900—1901, Русско-японской, Первой мировой и Гражданской войн: Чин/звание: «Генерал от инфантерии» Знаки различи... Mehr
Sikorsky S-16 biplane during World War I
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of propeller aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker auf Winterskiern
Sikorskij S-16 biplane on winter skie Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Flugzeugunglück von Leutnant Grinev.
Airplane accident. Airplane accident. Crash landing of biplane of Lieutenant Grinev. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Неудачная посадка биплана поручика Гринева. Авария аэроплана. Авиационн... Mehr
Biplan Olhovskogo during World War I
Biplan Olhovskogo Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 front view during World War I
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of experimental aircraft, prototype, aviation design and development, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker flugbereit
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 biplane crew during World War I
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker neben der Werkstatt
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker - Techniker vor dem Start
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bruchlandung des Doppeldeckers Leutnant Grinev. Aviation Squad und V D...
Airplane accident. Crash landing of biplane of Lieutenant Grinev. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авария аэроплана. Неудачная посадка биплана поручика Гринева. Авиационная рота и V дивизио... Mehr
Ausstellung in Odessa und Fliegerclub, 1900-1914
Public domain photograph of a postcard, historic place view, landmark, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker, Winter 1916
Sikorskij S-16 biplane Public domain photograph - aircraft, aviation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Synchron Maxim Maschinengewehr auf Sikorsky S-16 Doppeldecker
Synchron Maxim Maschinengewehr auf Sikorskij S-16 Doppeldecker
Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Russia 1890-1910
Bleriot - XI bis Airplane demonstration flights in Ekaterinodar. Postcard of Krasnodar, city in southern Russia