factory, ivanovo voznesensk

19 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of I...

Больница для мастеровых и рабочих при фабрики «Товарищества мануфактур Ивана Гарелина с сыновьями»