historical, city

1,302 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 14
Irkutsk (?) - 2 Männer (Mongolen?) Last auf einer Stange zwischen den Schultern tragend; große Kirche im Hintergrund

Irkutsk (?) - 2 Männer (Mongolen?) Last auf einer Stange zwischen den ...

Geschenk; William P. Meeker; 1971. Bildet einen Teil von: Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942. Die Fotosammlung der World's Transportation Commission (Library of Congress).

Kremlin of Moscow, 1896, Russian Empire, 19th century

Kremlin of Moscow, 1896, Russian Empire, 19th century

Illuminations of Count Nostitz. Album. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a tram car, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of a tram car, free to us...

Public domain image with Picryl description as title Public domain photograph of a tram car, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Odessa, Post office 1900-1914, Russian Empire, 19th century

Odessa, Post office 1900-1914, Russian Empire, 19th century

Public domain photograph of 19th-century vintage card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Archangelsk im Jahr 1917. Albert Thomas reist nach Russland.

Archangelsk im Jahr 1917. Albert Thomas reist nach Russland.

Der Sozialist Albert Thomas war ein glühender Anhänger des Ersten Weltkriegs und stand auf einer sozialchauvinistischen Position. Nach der Februar-Revolution von 1917 reiste er nach Russland, wo er mit der Prov... Mehr

Moscow street. Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir. Московская улица. Центр Владимира.

Nevskij96, Russian Empire

Nevskij96, Russian Empire

Italiano: Casa Kutuzova, dove visse nel 1879-1880 Nikolaj Kletočnikov

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1880-1900

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1880-1900

Along with Samarkand, Bukhara was the epicenter of the Persian culture in medieval Asia until the fall of the Timurid dynasty. By 850, Bukhara served as the capital of the Samanid Empire. The Samanids, claiming... Mehr

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Russian Empire, in 1880s
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Old Kara (Kars) Gate

Old Kara (Kars) Gate

1877. Война с турками

Anapa, Russia 1900-1910

Anapa, Russia 1900-1910

Анапа в начале XX века.

Berlin, Germany, 1907
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1910s
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1910s
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1910s
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1910s
Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia, 1900-1915

Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia, 1900-1915


Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia
Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Russia
Russians in Harbin 1910-1920

Russians in Harbin 1910-1920

Харбин на фотографиях М.К. Скамони-Шапшинского

Kharbin, China, 1900s
Kharbin, China, 1900s
Saint Petersburg's Night Life

Saint Petersburg's Night Life

1910. “Petersburg at night.” Large panorama illustrating the nightlife of the capital's whirlpool

Kostroma, Central Russia, 1900s
Balashov, Saratov Governorate, Russia, 1900s
Kostroma, Russia, 1900s
Verkhneudinsk (Ulan Ude), Byryat region, Russia, 1900s
Borovichi, Novgorod region, 1900s
Mukden, China in 1900s

Mukden, China in 1900s

1900. Китай на фотографиях из коллекции Петра Емельяновича Скачкова. Мукден

Mukden, China in 1900s

Mukden, China in 1900s

1900. Китай на фотографиях из коллекции Петра Емельяновича Скачкова. Мукден

Moscow, 1880s
Samarqand 1880s
Samarqand 1880s
Samarqand 1880s
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Semipalatinsk, 1900s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Tashkent, 1880s
Samarquand, 1880s
Samarquand, 1880s
Belebey, Bashkiria, 1900s
Kobryn, Belarus, 1900s
Kobryn, Belarus, 1900s
Yakutsk, 1900s
Yakutsk, 1900s
Yakutsk, 1900s
Yakutsk, 1900s
Chita, Russia, 1900s
Chita, Russia, 1900s
Chita, Russia, 1900s
Khabarovsk Residents, 1900s
Khabarovsk Residents, 1900s
Irkutsk - City and province in photographs by Podgorbunsky

Irkutsk - City and province in photographs by Podgorbunsky

Иркутск. Город и губерния на снимках Подгорбунских

Irkutsk - City and province in photographs by Podgorbunsky

Irkutsk - City and province in photographs by Podgorbunsky

Иркутск. Город и губерния на снимках Подгорбунских

Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Residents of Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s
Irkutsk postcard, 1900s
Moscow, 1900s
Moscow, 1900s
Moscow postcard 1900s
Bodaybo, 1890s
Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s

Irkutsk, Russia, 1900s

Иркутск, портреты

Odessa, 1910s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa, 1900s
Vladivostok, 1900s
Moscow, 1890s
Moscow, 1890s
Moscow, 1880s
Moscow, 1880s
Russian Civil War in Siberia, Irkutsk, 1917-1919
Tobolsk and Tobolsk Governorate, 1900s
Moscow City railroads, 1910s
Beijing, China, 1926
Beijing, China in photographs by orientalist Georgy Monzeler, 1926

Beijing, China in photographs by orientalist Georgy Monzeler, 1926

1926. Китай на снимках востоковеда Георгия Оскаровича Монзелера. Пекин.

Hankou, China, 1926

Hankou, China, 1926

1926. Китай на снимках востоковеда Георгия Оскаровича Монзелера.

Beijing and surroundings, China, 1926

Beijing and surroundings, China, 1926

1926. Китай на снимках востоковеда Георгия Оскаровича Монзелера.

Andijan, Uzbekistan, 1900s
Andijan, Uzbekistan, 1900s

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