samples, russian empire

15 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples of fonts and decorations from the printing house of A.I. Vilborg in St. Petersburg.

Samples of fonts and decorations from the printing house of A.I. Vilbo...

Образцы шрифтов и украшений типографии А.И.Вильборга в С.-Петербурге. Русских и иностранных

Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Zar probiert Lebensmittel russischer Soldaten

Zar probiert Lebensmittel russischer Soldaten

Photomechanical print shows Czar Nicholas II in eating with soldiers and a cook as Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich of Russia stands to the side. Copyright by Underwood & Underwood, New York. On verso: addressed... Mehr

Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Zar probiert Lebensmittel russischer Soldaten

Zar probiert Lebensmittel russischer Soldaten

Photomechanical print shows Czar Nicholas II in eating with soldiers and a cook as Grand Duke Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich of Russia stands to the side. Copyright by Underwood & Underwood, New York. On verso: addressed... Mehr