st nicholas, russian empire

70 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus
Astrachan ist eine Stadt an der Wolga in Südrussland.

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus Astrachan ist eine Stadt an der Wolga in Südru...

Das ist nicht der Fall ", sagte er der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Washington - Die US-Notenbank Federal Reserve (Fed) hat die Leitzinsen für US-Staatsanleihen auf ein Rekordtief von 0,25 Prozent gesenkt. Astrach... Mehr

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, Belovezh

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, Belovezh

Kirche St. Nikolaus. Belovezh. Kirche st. Nikolaus. Belovezh.

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 17. Jahrhundert. Sura an der Sura. Erzengel-Region, 1891

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 17. Jahrhundert. Sura an der Sura. Erzengel-R...

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 17. Jahrhundert. Eine der ältesten Siedlungen auf Pinega. Erwähnt in der Nowgorod-Urkunde von 1471 als "Sure schmutzig". Das Dorf gehörte zu den Bezirken Kevrol, Pinega und Archangelsk.... Mehr

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Sura an der Sura. Erzengel-Region, 1891

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Sura an der Sura. Erzen...

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Eine der ältesten Siedlungen auf Pinega. Erwähnt in der Nowgorod-Urkunde von 1471 als "Sure schmutzig". Das Dorf gehörte zu den Bezirken Kevrol, Pinega und Archang... Mehr

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Das ist nicht der Fall ", sagte er der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.
Washington - Die US-Notenbank Federal Reserve (Fed) hat die Leitzinsen für US-Staatsanleihen auf ein Rekordtief von 0,25 Prozent gesenkt.

Das ist nicht der Fall ", sagte er der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Washi...

Astrachan, Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus Astrachan ist eine Stadt an der Wolga in Südrussland. Bekannt ist sie für den Kreml von Astrachan, eine weitläufige Festung, die im 15. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde. Seine Werte b... Mehr

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Das Dorf Sura an der Sura. Erzengel-Region, 1891

Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Das Dorf Sura an der Sura. E...

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Eine der ältesten Siedlungen auf Pinega. Erwähnt in der Nowgorod-Urkunde von 1471 als "Sure schmutzig". Das Dorf gehörte zu den Bezirken Kevrol, Pinega und Archang... Mehr

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Das Dorf Sura an der Sura. Erzengel-Region, 1891

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Das Dorf Sura an der Su...

Neue Kirche des Hl. Nikolaus, 19. Jahrhundert. Eine der ältesten Siedlungen auf Pinega. Erwähnt in der Nowgorod-Urkunde von 1471 als "Sure schmutzig". Das Dorf gehörte zu den Bezirken Kevrol, Pinega und Archang... Mehr

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsarevich Nicholas, 1914

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Church at the vocational school of Tsare...

1874-1914. Храм во имя святителя и чудотворца Николая при ремесленном училище цесаревича Николая

Tempel des St. Nikolaus-Dammes. Murom, Provinz Wladimir, Russland

Tempel des St. Nikolaus-Dammes. Murom, Provinz Wladimir, Russland

Tempel des St. Nikolaus-Dammes. Murom ist eine der ältesten Städte Russlands. Im 9. Jahrhundert n. Chr. war Murom die östlichste Siedlung der Ostslawen im Land der finnisch-ugrischen Muromier und wurde bereits ... Mehr