england, emperor of russia

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Address to Emperor Nicholas II from the city of Portsmouth on the occasion of his stay in England
Address to Emperor Nicholas II from the city of Portsmouth on the occasion of his stay in England
Address to Emperor Nicholas II from the city of Portsmouth on the occasion of his stay in England
Address to Emperor Nicholas II from the city of Portsmouth on the occasion of his stay in England
Address to Emperor Nicholas II from the city of Portsmouth on the occasion of his stay in England
1666] ДНЕВНИК ПАТРИКА ГОРДОНА. 59, чтобы изгнать англичан

1666] ДНЕВНИК ПАТРИКА ГОРДОНА. 59, чтобы изгнать англичан

Выдержки из дневника генерала Патрика Гордона из Оклёкри: 1635 г. - 1699 г. н.э. - 1666 г.] ДНЕВНИК ПАТРИКА ГОРДОНА. 59 говорится о том, чтобы изгнать англичан и лишить их привилегий. платили кустони, как и дру... Еще