kiev, kyiv

57 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 1
Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Pokrovsky Women's Community Monastery, Kiev, 1900

Покровский Киевский женский Общежительный Монастырь

Kiev, 1897
XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Kiev, 1897
Kiev, 1897
Владимир, улица Дворянская, Золотые ворота

Владимир, улица Дворянская, Золотые ворота

Золотые ворота были построены владимирскими мастерами в 1164 году. Во времена Антона Боголюбского город был окружен удлиненной шахтой и имел семь входных ворот (Золотые, Медные, Иринины, Серебряные, Лозовые, То... Еще

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Samples and prices of the Kulzhenko stationery store and photo litho-printing house, 1901
Kiev, 1897
Kiev, 1897
XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Kiev, 1897
Kiev, 1897
XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Kiev, 1897
XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Kiev, 1897
XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

Kyiv Theological Academy graduation 1905

1905. LVIII выпуск студентов Киевской Духовной Академии

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Antiquities of the Russian State. Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral

Древности Российскаго государства. Киевский Софийский собор

Kiev, 1897
XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military School, 1909-1911

XVth graduation of cadets of the 3rd company of the Kyiv Military Scho...

1909-1911.«XV-й выпуск юнкеров III-й роты Киевского Военного Училища»