people, architecture

1,204 Материалы по теместраница 1 из 13
Одесса, приют Пушкина. 1900-1914 гг.

Одесса, приют Пушкина. 1900-1914 гг.

Picryl description: Public domain image of a residential building, house, 19th-20th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Central Street. Baku. - Public domain historical image

Central Street. Baku. - Public domain historical image

Central Street. Baku. Центральная улица. Баку.

Old Baku Fortress., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku Fortress., Russian Empire, 19th century

Old Baku. Muslim Quarters. Старый Баку. Мусульманские кварталы.

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Russian Empire, in 1880s
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Yeisk (Yeysk) Kseninskaya Women's Gymnasium
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1850s

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1850s

Санкт-Петербург и окрестности в 1850-х

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1850s

Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1850s

Санкт-Петербург и окрестности в 1850-х

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Travel photo album - Cairo, Egypt, 1909
Travel photo album - Cairo, Egypt, 1909
Postcards of Russian Harbin, 1910s
Postcards of Russian Harbin, 1910s
Postcards of Russian Harbin, 1910s
Postcards of Russian Harbin, 1910s
Postcards of Russian Harbin, 1910s
Kostroma, Russia, 1900s
Kostroma, Central Russia, 1900s
Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

1881. Лечебница для народа при Костромском Богоявленском Женском монастыре

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

Hospital for the people at the Kostroma Epiphany Convent, 1881

1881. Лечебница для народа при Костромском Богоявленском Женском монастыре

Borovichi, Novgorod region, 1900s
China, Tianjin, 1920s

China, Tianjin, 1920s

1925-1927. Китай на снимках Петра Емельяновича Скачкова. Тяньцзинь

China in 1900s - photographs by Pyotr Emelyanovich Skachkov

China in 1900s - photographs by Pyotr Emelyanovich Skachkov

1900. Китай на фотографиях из коллекции Петра Емельяновича Скачкова.

Crimea Travel Album, 1897
Moscow Dacha, 1900s
China, 1880s

China, 1880s

1870-е. Китай на снимках из коллекции Ивана Семеновича Полякова

Crimea in 1897
Kokand, 1880s
Samarqand 1880s
Japan in 1870s

Japan in 1870s

Япония и японцы из коллекции Ивана Семеновича Полякова

Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Bukhara, 1880s
Tashkent, 1880s
Tashkent, 1880s
Samarquand, 1880s
Samarquand, 1880s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Samarquand in 1920s
Russia in Pictures - Color lithographs
Russia in Pictures - Color lithographs
Album of drawings by V. S. Shpak, 1884
Samarkand region in 1900s

Samarkand region in 1900s

1900-е. Самаркандская область на фотографиях Самуила Мартыновича Дудина

Samarquand, 1890s
Bukhara 1898-1902. Photographer Voronets E.D.

Bukhara 1898-1902. Photographer Voronets E.D.

Бухара 1898-1902. Фотограф Воронец Э.Д.

Dutch West Indies, 1907

Dutch West Indies, 1907

1907. Путешествие Оскара Ивановича Иона в Голландскую Индию

Harbin, 1900-1920

Harbin, 1900-1920

Из семейного альбома Петра Каспаровича Межака

Odessa Postcard, 1900s
Odessa, 1900-1917
Moscow, 1880s
Moscow, 1880s
Kasimov Technical School
Japan, 1928
Tobolsk Governorate, 1900s
Beijing, China, 1926
Beijing, China, 1926
Beijing, China, 1926
Beijing, China in photographs by orientalist Georgy Monzeler, 1926

Beijing, China in photographs by orientalist Georgy Monzeler, 1926

1926. Китай на снимках востоковеда Георгия Оскаровича Монзелера. Пекин.

Mezen, Murmansk Governorate
Beshbalik, China, 1900s
Малый фонтан. Ресторан. Одесса, 1900-1914 гг.

Малый фонтан. Ресторан. Одесса, 1900-1914 гг.

Small Fountain. A restaurant. Малый Фонтан. Ресторан.

Клиника Шухевича, Одесса, 1900-1914 годы

Клиника Шухевича, Одесса, 1900-1914 годы

Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir - Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street.

Vladimir - Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Большая Нижегородская улица.

У ограды Успенской церкви

В XIX веке жизнь города оживляла пролегавшая через него большая торговая дорога - Ленинка, соединявшая Москву с текстильным краем.

У ограды Успенской церкви В XIX веке жизнь города оживляла пролегавша...

У ограды Успенской церкви В XIX веке жизнь города оживляла проходная через него большая торговая дорога "Стромынка", связанная Москва с текстильным краем. У ограды Успенской церкви, Киржач, Россия После отмены... Еще

Касимова улица. Муром, Владимирская область, Россия

Касимова улица. Муром, Владимирская область, Россия

Kasimov street. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 17... Еще

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand in 1890s

Samarkand is a historic city in Uzbekistan that was founded in the 7th century B.C. . It's located in a large oasis in the Zerafshan River valley

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1880-1900

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1880-1900

Along with Samarkand, Bukhara was the epicenter of the Persian culture in medieval Asia until the fall of the Timurid dynasty. By 850, Bukhara served as the capital of the Samanid Empire. The Samanids, claiming... Еще

Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Bukhara, Uzbekistan, 1904
Samarkand 1880-1890
Ciechocinek, Poland
Moscow in 1880s-1910s
Moscow in 1880s-1910s
Kharbin, China, 1900s
Harbin, China, 1910s
Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Alexandria, Egypt, 1909-1910
Travel photo album - Cairo, Egypt, 1909

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