1903, costume ball

3 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Prince Stcherbatow, Princess Stcherbatow, nee Princesse Bariatinsky

Prince Stcherbatow, Princess Stcherbatow, nee Princesse Bariatinsky

Le Prince Stcherbatow, Aide de Camp de S. A. I. I'lnspecteur-General de la Cavalerie (Boyard du XVII siecle) & La Princesse Stcherbatow, nee Princesse Bariatinsky (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle) Князь, адъю... More

Portrait of Countess M.E. Orlova-Davydova, 1903

Portrait of Countess M.E. Orlova-Davydova, 1903

Portrait of Countess M.E. Orlova-Davydova, 1903 Портрет графини М.Е.Орловой-Давыдовой, 1903 год

Countess Vera Sergeevna Witte in the costume of the boyarynya of the XVII century.

Countess Vera Sergeevna Witte in the costume of the boyarynya of the X...

Countess Vera Sergeevna Witte in the costume of the boyarynya of the XVII century. Графиня Вера Сергеевна Витте в костюме боярыни XVII в.