artwork, российская империя

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The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.

The cart of the dzhangrikshi by master Daisuke Akih.

The cart of the dzhangrikshi by master Daisuke Akih.

The Japanese section of the exhibition, in which, in the winter of 1893-1894, objects brought by the Heir Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich from the journey to the East in 1890-1891 were exhibited. The carriage o... More

328. The sergeant-major of the Serbian Hussar Regiment, from 1741 to 1761.

328. The sergeant-major of the Serbian Hussar Regiment, from 1741 to 1...

328. The sergeant-major of the Serbian Hussar Regiment, from 1741 to 1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vi... More

Vladimir - a woman portrait. - Public domain portrait print

Vladimir - a woman portrait. - Public domain portrait print

Vladimir - a woman portrait. Владимир - женский портрет. Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Russian peasants thank emperor Alexander II for the liberation from serfdom on February 19.

Russian peasants thank emperor Alexander II for the liberation from se...

1861. Russian peasants thank emperor Alexander II for the liberation from serfdom on February 19. 1861. Русские крестьяне благодарят императора Александра II за освобождение от крепостной зависимости 19 февраля.

Mahometan regiment. The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

Mahometan regiment. The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.

The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.

Martyrdom of the emperor tsar-liberator of the All-Russian Alexander II, emperor of Russia from 1855 to 1881, "Czar Liberator".

Martyrdom of the emperor tsar-liberator of the All-Russian Alexander I...

On 1st March, 1881, Alexander was traveling in a closed carriage, from Mikhailovsky Palace to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. An armed Cossack sat with the coach-driver and another six Cossacks followed on... More

Murom, Portrait of a girl with a cat. 1896

Murom, Portrait of a girl with a cat. 1896

Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of a girl with a cat. 1896. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет девочки с кошкой. 1896.