classroom, russia

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A Russian soldier’s club organized by the American branch of YMCA.

A Russian soldier’s club organized by the American branch of YMCA.

Soldier’s Club with a banner in Russian reads: “At this school, a soldier’s club has been organized by the American branch of YMCA.

Class. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Class. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Studies. Class. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Учебный класс. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Kirzhach, Russia, Mixed gymnasium. 1914

Kirzhach, Russia, Mixed gymnasium. 1914

Mixed gymnasium. 1914 In the XIX century, the life of the city was animated by the large trade road that ran through it - Stromynka, which connected Moscow with the textile edge. After the abolition of serfdom... More