clergy, russia

128 media by topicpage 1 of 2
Father John and Hieromonk Gennady Zadne-Nikiforovskoy desert. Sura on the Sura River. Archangel region, 1891

Father John and Hieromonk Gennady Zadne-Nikiforovskoy desert. Sura on ...

Father John and Hieromonk Gennady Zadne-Nikiforovskoy desert. One of the oldest settlements on Pinega. Mentioned in the Novgorod document of 1471 as "Sura filthy." The village was part of the Kevrol, Pinega an... More

During a visit to the royal family of the Martha and Mary Convent.

During a visit to the royal family of the Martha and Mary Convent.

Во время посещения царской семьей Марфо-Мариинской обители 30 мая 1910 года. На снимке: Император Николай II и "Великая Матушка" - основательница и настоятельница Марфо-Мариинской обители сестер милосердия в Мо... More

Murom, Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913

Murom, Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913

Murom. Events and people. Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913. Муром. События и люди. Общество хоругвеносцев при Муромском соборе. 1913.

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

From Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1892

1892. Крестный ход из Москвы в Троице-Сергиеву Лавру в честь 500-летия Сергия Радонежского 1892. Procession from Moscow to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in honor of the 500th anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh

Святые Иоанн Кочуров, Севастиан (Дабович) и Тихон (Беллавин)

Святые Иоанн Кочуров, Севастиан (Дабович) и Тихон (Беллавин)

Русский: священномученик Иоанн Кочуров, преподобный Севастиан (Дабович) и святитель Тихон (Беллавин)

Sitsilinskiy Vasiliy Yakovlevich

Sitsilinskiy Vasiliy Yakovlevich

Sitsilinskiy Vasiliy Yakovlevich Русский: Неизвестный художник. Портрет протоиерея Василия Яковлевича Сицилинского. 1839 - 1844 гг. Холст, масло Происходит из собрания Музея 1812 года. Подарен в конце января ... More

Вынос тела Святейшего Патриарха Тихона после отпевания

Вынос тела Святейшего Патриарха Тихона после отпевания

Русский: Донской монастырь. 1925 год. Вынос тела Святейшего Патрирха Тихона после отпевания. (Слева направо, на переднем плане): архиепископ Борис (Соколов), епископы Афанасий (Сахаров), Августин (Беляев), Ила... More

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Igumen Ksenofont, Nastoi︠a︡telʹ Verkhoturskago monastyri︠a︡. Verkhoturʹe, photographic print

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy: Igumen Ksenofont, Nastoi︠a︡telʹ Verkhoturskag...

In album: Views in the Ural Mountains, survey of industrial area, Russian Empire, LOT 10335-A, no. 143. Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.... More

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904.

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904.

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904. День Крещения Господня в Санкт-Петербурге. 6 января 1904.

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904.

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904.

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904. День Крещения Господня в Санкт-Петербурге. 6 января 1904.

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

1911. Лития в Киево-Печерской Лавре

1911. Лития в Киево-Печерской Лавре

Русский: П.А. Столыпин на совершенной в Высочайшем присутствии в Киево-Печерской Лавре литии над могилой народных героев Кочубея и Искры, жизнь свою за веру, царя и Отечество положивших в царствование Петра Великого

Амвросий (Келембет) - Public domain portrait painting

Амвросий (Келембет) - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: архиепископ Тобольский и Сибирский Амвросий (Келембет) (1745 — 1825) Public domain photograph of Russian Orthodox priest, clergy, church, religion, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Pic... More

Архимандрит Иоанн (Смирнов). Иркутская церковно-учительская семинария

Архимандрит Иоанн (Смирнов). Иркутская церковно-учительская семинария

Русский: Архимандрит Иоанн (Смирнов). Иркутская церковно-учительская семинария. 1907-1909

Basil Nadezhnin, Russian Empire

Basil Nadezhnin, Russian Empire

New Hieromartyr Basil Nadezhnin, priest, of Moscow († 1930).Русский: Священномученик Надеждин Василий Фёдорович.

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Petersburg, 1913

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Pete...

Закладка в высочайшем присутствии во дворе казарм лейб-гвардии 4-го Стрелкового Императорской Фамилии полка по Волконской улице церкви Св. Николая Чудотворца

Ioann, episkop Poltavskoi i Pereiaslavskii.

Ioann, episkop Poltavskoi i Pereiaslavskii.

Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Епископ Суздальский Варлаам и Иван IV
Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Public prayer about opening of the anniversary exhibition in Tsarskoe Selo

Public prayer about opening of the anniversary exhibition in Tsarskoe ...

Public prayer about opening of the anniversary exhibition in Tsarskoe Selo. Русский: Молебен по случаю открытия Царскосельской Юбилейной выставки.

Icon Kholmogory surroundings, public domain photograph

Icon Kholmogory surroundings, public domain photograph

Kholmogory was first mentioned in the charter charter of the Novgorod prince Svyatoslav Olgovich 1138 as the Novgorod "Ivani-Pogost". The name of Kholmogory (originally Kolmogory, Kolmogorsky town) is containe... More

Procession with royal regalia at the coronation of Mikhail Fedorovich

Procession with royal regalia at the coronation of Mikhail Fedorovich

Procession with royal regalia at the coronation of Mikhail Fedorovich

Filaret (Drozdov) by Gau - Public domain portrait drawing

Filaret (Drozdov) by Gau - Public domain portrait drawing

Filaret, Metropolitan of Moscow Public domain photograph of 19th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Mikhail Feodorovich Izbranie, russian painting

Mikhail Feodorovich Izbranie, russian painting

Michael I of Russia. Elections Русский: Один из моментов избрания Михаила Романова на царство. Сцена на Красной площади. Перепечатка из "Книги о царскомъ избранiи". Правая верхняя часть срезана в подлиннике. ... More

The procession with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov during the canonization of the saint on July 19 (August 1), 1913.

The procession with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov during the can...

The procession with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov during the canonization of the saint on July 19 (August 1), 1913. Sarovsk. July 15 - July 22, 1903. Cancer with relics are borne by members of the family... More

The baptism of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna.

The baptism of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna.

The baptism of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna. Tsarskoe Selo, November 14, 1895. Крещение Ея императорского высочества великой княжны Ольги Николаевны. Царское село, 14 ноября 1895.

Arkhangelsk. Students of the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary. 1915

Arkhangelsk. Students of the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary. 1915

Arkhangelsk. Students of the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary. 1915 December 1907, the peasant of the Estland province, Jan Soberg, opened a photographic institution in Arkhangelsk. In 1909, the Photographic S... More

Father John and Hieromonk Gennady Zadne-Nikiforovskaya desert Olonets province

Father John and Hieromonk Gennady Zadne-Nikiforovskaya desert Olonets ...

Father John and Hieromonk Gennady Zadne-Nikiforovskaya desert Olonets province, helped Father John in the departure of church services and the preparation of a new church for consecration. 1891 One of the olde... More

Astrakhan, Kalmyk clergy, Russian Empire

Astrakhan, Kalmyk clergy, Russian Empire

Kalmyk clergy Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches,... More

Murom. The religious procession - Assumption Church

Murom. The religious procession - Assumption Church

Murom. Events and people. The religious procession from the Assumption Church along Polevoy Street. Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход от Успенской церкви по улице Полевой.

Murom in portraits. Persons of spiritual rank. In the monastery. 1900 - 1910.

Murom in portraits. Persons of spiritual rank. In the monastery. 1900 ...

Murom in portraits. Persons of spiritual rank. In the monastery. 1900 - 1910. Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания. В монастыре. 1900 – 1910.

Император в Троице-Сергиевой лавре

Император в Троице-Сергиевой лавре

Русский: Их Величества в Троице-Сергиевой лавре, встреченные митрополитом, прикладываются к кресту

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Murom, The priest's family is drinking tea. Murom, 1900 - 1910

Murom, The priest's family is drinking tea. Murom, 1900 - 1910

Murom in portraits. Clergy. The priest's family is drinking tea with samovar. Murom, 1900 - 1910 Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания. Семья священника за чаепитием с самоваром. Муром, 1900 – 1910.

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Grigory Rasputin 2, Russian Empire

Grigory Rasputin 2, Russian Empire

Rasputin Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mitropolita Moskovskogo SPb photo 27-27962

Mitropolita Moskovskogo SPb photo 27-27962

Saint Petersburg (Russia), . Русский: Санкт-Петербург. Проспект Стачек. Церковь святого Петра митрополита Московского. Français : Saint-Pétersbourg. .

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Petersburg, 1913

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Pete...

Закладка в высочайшем присутствии во дворе казарм лейб-гвардии 4-го Стрелкового Императорской Фамилии полка по Волконской улице церкви Св. Николая Чудотворца

Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

Prayer on the day of the inauguration of the State Council and the First State Duma in the Winter Palace.

Prayer on the day of the inauguration of the State Council and the Fir...

Prayer on the day of the inauguration of the State Council and the First State Duma in the Winter Palace. The opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Молебен в день торжественного открытия Государстве... More

Vladimir, The Most Reverend Bishop Theophanes (Govorov), the founder of the Vladimir Diocesan Women's School.

Vladimir, The Most Reverend Bishop Theophanes (Govorov), the founder o...

The Most Reverend Bishop Theophanes (Govorov), the founder of the Vladimir Diocesan Women's School. Преосвященный Епископ Феофан (Говоров), основатель Владимирского епархиального женского училища.

Murom, Procession. 1905 - Public domain portrait photograph

Murom, Procession. 1905 - Public domain portrait photograph

Murom. Events and people. Religious Procession. 1905. Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход. 1905.

Bishop Mitrofan (Zagorsky). Murom, 1913 - 1918

Bishop Mitrofan (Zagorsky). Murom, 1913 - 1918

Murom in portraits. Clergy. Bishop Mitrofan (Zagorsky). Murom, 1913 - 1918 Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания. Епископ Митрофан (Загорский). Муром, 1913 – 1918.

The clergy of Kostroma meet the royal family at the gates of the Green Tower of the Ipatiev Monastery.

The clergy of Kostroma meet the royal family at the gates of the Green...

At the gates of the Green Tower of the Ipatiev Monastery, the royal family is met with a cross process by Archbishop Tikhon of Kostroma and Galich, Protopresbyter of the Military and Maritime Clergy George (Sha... More

Facial Chronicle - b.20, p. 294 - Wedding of Ivan IV and Anastasia

Facial Chronicle - b.20, p. 294 - Wedding of Ivan IV and Anastasia

Свадьба Ивана Грозного с Анастасией Романовой. Царственная книга. И женился руский царь и великий государь меся- ца февраля в 3 (день), в четверг на Всеедной неделе, и венчал их в соборной церкви Пречистой Вла... More

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Petersburg, 1913

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Pete...

Закладка в высочайшем присутствии во дворе казарм лейб-гвардии 4-го Стрелкового Императорской Фамилии полка по Волконской улице церкви Св. Николая Чудотворца

Alexander II., papa - Public domain portrait engraving

Alexander II., papa - Public domain portrait engraving

Public domain reproduction of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Murom, Funeral procession at the Ascension church. 1900.

Murom, Funeral procession at the Ascension church. 1900.

Funeral procession at the Ascension church. 1900. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX c... More

Mitropolit Platon - Public domain portrait painting

Mitropolit Platon - Public domain portrait painting

Public domain photograph of 18th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Russisch orthodoxe priester in een een rijtuig met koetsier

Russisch orthodoxe priester in een een rijtuig met koetsier

Public domain scan of artwork in the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Prayer before the beginning of the troops review in Tsarskoye Selo.

Prayer before the beginning of the troops review in Tsarskoye Selo.

Review of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the Leib Guards Regiment of the Jäger Regiment and prayer before the beginning of the review in Tsarskoye Selo. Emperor Nicholas II takes the parade of the Preobrazhensk... More

Surroundings of Kholmogory. At the consecration of St. Nicholas Church in the village of Zachachye. 1915

Surroundings of Kholmogory. At the consecration of St. Nicholas Church...

Surroundings of Kholmogory. At the consecration of St. Nicholas Church in the village of Zachachye. 1915 Окрестности Холмогор. На освящении Никольского храма в селе Зачачье. 1915

Igumen Ksenofont, Nastoi︠a︡telʹ Verkhoturskago monastyri︠a︡. [Verkhoturʹe]

Igumen Ksenofont, Nastoi︠a︡telʹ Verkhoturskago monastyri︠a︡. [Verkhotu...

Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Тимофей (Щербацкий) - Public domain portrait painting

Тимофей (Щербацкий) - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: митрополит Московский и Калужский Тимофей (Щербацкий) Public domain photograph of Russian Orthodox priest, clergy, church, religion, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Krestny hod, Moscow, Russian Empire

Krestny hod, Moscow, Russian Empire

Religious procession from the Blagovecshensky Cathedral in the Kremlin Крестный ход у Благовещенского собора в Кремле

Czar and religious leaders at unveiling of monument to Peter the Great, St. Petersburg

Czar and religious leaders at unveiling of monument to Peter the Great...

Public domain image of aristocratic military leader, general, monarch, 18th-19th century armed forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description

Burial of Prince Oleg Konstantinovich, Ostashevo

Burial of Prince Oleg Konstantinovich, Ostashevo

Русский: Похороны князя Олега Константиновича Романова в усадьбе Осташево. Виден несохранившийся главный дом усадьбы

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Епископ Можайский Парфений (Левицкий)

Епископ Можайский Парфений (Левицкий)

Русский: Подпись на обратной стороне: "Его Высокопреосвященство Епископ Можайский Парфений"

Georgievskie kavalery i nagrazhdennye zolotym oruzhiem. Za vziatie ukriep. Dzhizag [sic]. 18 Oktiabria. 1866 g. Kap: Gvar. N. A. Mazing

Georgievskie kavalery i nagrazhdennye zolotym oruzhiem. Za vziatie ukr...

Illus. in: Turkestanskīi al'bom, chast' istoricheskaia, 1871-1872, part 4, pl. 41. Mikhail Karlovich Masing (German: Karl Reinhold Michael Masing, 1836-1911) - Russian general, participant in the Turkestan c... More

The bedroom of the Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in the Winter Palace.ed

The bedroom of the Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra Feodo...

The bedroom of the Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in the Winter Palace. Спальня Императора Николая II и Императриц Александры Феодоровны в Зимнем дворце.

The procession with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov during the canonization of the saint

The procession with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov during the can...

The procession with the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov during the canonization of the saint on July 19 (August 1), 1913. Sarovsk. July 15 - July 22, 1903. Cancer with relics are borne by members of the family... More

Emperor Alexander III on his deathbed.

Emperor Alexander III on his deathbed.

On March 13, 1881, Alexander’s father, Emperor Alexander II, was assassinated in St. Petersburg by Narodnaya Volya, and Alexander unexpectedly succeeded to the throne. On the day of his assassination, Alexander... More

The Epiphany Day, St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904.

The Epiphany Day, St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904.

The Epiphany Day in St. Petersburg. January 6, 1904. День Крещения Господня в Санкт-Петербурге. 6 января 1904.

Prayer on the day of the inauguration of the State Council and the First State Duma in the Winter Palace.

Prayer on the day of the inauguration of the State Council and the Fir...

Prayer on the day of the inauguration of the State Council and the First State Duma in the Winter Palace. Молебен в день торжественного открытия Государственного Совета и Первой Государственной думы в Зимнем дворце.

Astrakhan, Tatar clergy, Russian Empire

Astrakhan, Tatar clergy, Russian Empire

Astrakhan is a city on the Volga River in southern Russia. It's known for the Astrakhan Kremlin, an expansive fortress built in the 1500s. Its values are home to several Russian Orthodox churches, including the... More

Calling of Mikhail Fedorovich detail 01

Calling of Mikhail Fedorovich detail 01

Н.С. Шустов. Призвание Михаила Федоровича на царство. 1859, ГРМ Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

39. Вынос мощей Преподобного Серафима из Успенского собора на крестный ход, 18 июля 1903 года

39. Вынос мощей Преподобного Серафима из Успенского собора на крестный...

Русский: Вынос мощей Преподобного Серафима из Успенского собора на крестный ход, 18 июля 1903 года

Иеромонах Иона (Покровский), Russian Empire

Иеромонах Иона (Покровский), Russian Empire

Русский: иеромонах Иона (Покровский). КДА Public domain image - related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy, Ekaterinburg. Vʺi︠e︡zd v zhenskīĭ Tikhvinskīĭ monastyrʹ, color separation negative

Sergei Prokudin Gorskiy, Ekaterinburg. Vʺi︠e︡zd v zhenskīĭ Tikhvinskīĭ...

Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views in the Ural Mountains, survey of industrial area, R... More

Religious procession. Moscow in Murom. 1890s

Religious procession. Moscow in Murom. 1890s

Murom. Events and people. Religious procession on the Moscow street in Murom. 1890s Муром. События и люди. Крестный ход на ул. Московской в Муроме. 1890-е

Murom, Metropolit Sergius and bishops Mitrofan (Zagorsky), Evgeny (Mertsalov)

Murom, Metropolit Sergius and bishops Mitrofan (Zagorsky), Evgeny (Mer...

Murom in portraits. Clergy. Metropolit Sergius and bishops Mitrofan (Zagorsky), Evgeny (Mertsalov), unknown. 1890 - 1900 Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания. Митрополит Сергий и епископы Митрофан (Загорск... More

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

Graduates of Voronezh Theological Seminary, 1914-1915

1914-1915. Выпуск Воронежской Духовной Семинарии

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Petersburg, 1913

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Pete...

Закладка в высочайшем присутствии во дворе казарм лейб-гвардии 4-го Стрелкового Императорской Фамилии полка по Волконской улице церкви Св. Николая Чудотворца

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Petersburg, 1913

Groundbreaking of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St.Pete...

Закладка в высочайшем присутствии во дворе казарм лейб-гвардии 4-го Стрелкового Императорской Фамилии полка по Волконской улице церкви Св. Николая Чудотворца


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