count, russia

90 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Portrait of Alexander Mikhaylovich, Russian Grand Duke

Portrait of Alexander Mikhaylovich, Russian Grand Duke

Portrait of Alexander Mikhaylovich, Russian Grand Duke Portrait d'Alexandre Mikhaïlovitch, grand-duc de Russie

Count Strogonoff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Strogonoff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial C...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller.

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...

Officers of the 30th air squad assigned to the 3rd Cavalry Corps. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Офицеры 30-го авиаотряда, приданного 3-... More

Collective portrait - Residents of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Collective portrait - Residents of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, ...

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Family. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Family. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Local residents. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Local residents. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

L. L. Sollogub - Public domain portrait drawing

L. L. Sollogub - Public domain portrait drawing

Русский: Граф Лев Львович Соллогуб (1810—1872), полковник, генерал-майор. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ober-Tseremoniimeister Graf Vasilii Aleksandrovich Gendrikov, po portretu stol'nika Petra Potemkina-v nariade Chrezvychainago Posla pri Velikobritanskom dvore

Ober-Tseremoniimeister Graf Vasilii Aleksandrovich Gendrikov, po portr...

Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Count Davidoff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Davidoff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Cou...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller.

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...

Tekintsy of the Turkmen equestrian regiment. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Текинцы Туркменского конного полка. Русская армия в первой ... More

Stroganov AP, Russian Empire

Stroganov AP, Russian Empire

Русский: Портрет графа Александра Павловича Строганова

Stroganov by Hau (cropped), Russian Empire

Stroganov by Hau (cropped), Russian Empire

Григорий Александрович Сторганов (1823-1879), сын А. Г. Сироганова. Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of Count Adolf Andreas Woldemar Freedricksz, Grand Marshal of the Russian Imperial Court

Portrait of Count Adolf Andreas Woldemar Freedricksz, Grand Marshal of...

Portrait of Count Adolf Andreas Woldemar Freedricksz, Grand Marshal of the Russian Imperial Court Portrait du comte Adolf Andreas Woldemar Freedricksz, grand-maréchal de la cour impériale de Russie

Count Adlerberg. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Adlerberg. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Co...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

Greece Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Greece Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Ale...

Members of the Greek royal house with suite: (standing from left to right): His Royal Highness Korolevich Nicholas, His Royal Highness Prince George, His Royal Highness The Prince of Karelia, Heir Marshal Const... More

The company of the Emperor: Count Grabbe, Nicholas II, Prince Orlov, Voeikov and Katkov

The company of the Emperor: Count Grabbe, Nicholas II, Prince Orlov, V...

A trip of the imperial family to Kozmodemyansk. 1914 - Поездка императорской семьи в Козьмодемьянск. 1914

Local family. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Local family. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Portrait of Michael Nikolayevich, Grand Duke of Russia

Portrait of Michael Nikolayevich, Grand Duke of Russia

Portrait of Michael Nikolayevich, Grand Duke of Russia- Portrait de Michel Nikolaïevitch, grand-duc de Russie-

Count Pierre Shuvaloff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Pierre Shuvaloff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Impe...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

The company of the Emperor: Count Grabbe, Nicholas II, Prince Orlov, Voeikov and Katkov

The company of the Emperor: Count Grabbe, Nicholas II, Prince Orlov, V...

A trip of the imperial family to Kozmodemyansk. 1914 - Поездка императорской семьи в Козьмодемьянск. 1914

Tolstoy Ivan Ivanovich - Count, statesman, minister of public education

Tolstoy Ivan Ivanovich - Count, statesman, minister of public educatio...

Tolstoy Ivan Ivanovich (1818-1916) - Count, statesman, minister of public education (1905-1906), member of the State Council (since 1905), numismatist and archaeologist. During 1906–1917, the status of the Sta... More

Onega residents, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Onega residents, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Seeing off the political exile 1910-1912. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Seeing off the political exile 1910-1912. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, R...

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Sheremet 3 coat of arms, Russian Empire

Sheremet 3 coat of arms, Russian Empire

Русский: Герб графов Шереметьевых. Российская империя

L. L. Sollogub1, Russian Empire

L. L. Sollogub1, Russian Empire

Русский: Граф Лев Львович Соллогуб (1810—1872), полковник, генерал-майор Public domain photograph related to Russian military forces, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Marriage. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Marriage. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Telegraphists. Onega. - Public domain portrait photograph

Telegraphists. Onega. - Public domain portrait photograph

Telegraphist. Onega. The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortes... More

Italian delegation of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Italian delegation of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empres...

Members of the Italian delegation: Crown Prince Neapolitan Victor Emmanuel with his entourage. They stand from left to right: the secretary of the Ministry of the Courtyard Camotto; Colonel General of the Gene... More

General Brusilov and Nicholas II. 1915

General Brusilov and Nicholas II. 1915

General Brusilov and Nicholas II. 1915. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Генерал Брусилов и Николай II. 1915. Русская армия в первой мирово... More

Family portrait. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Family portrait. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Wedding, Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Wedding, Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov, Russian Empire

Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov, Russian Empire

Русский: Граф Павел Андреевич Шувалов (1776-1823)

V zvanii Kamer-Iunkera Graf Vasilii Vasil'evich Gudovich (Domashnii nariad boiarina XVII veka)

V zvanii Kamer-Iunkera Graf Vasilii Vasil'evich Gudovich (Domashnii na...

Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

V zvanii Kamer-Iunkera Graf Pavel Sergeevich Sheremetev (Boiarin XVII veka)

V zvanii Kamer-Iunkera Graf Pavel Sergeevich Sheremetev (Boiarin XVII ...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a dress, costume accessory, fashion design, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

The Princess of Orange Receiving Alexander II (1818-1881), Grand Duke and Heir to the Throne of Russia, in the Czar Peter's House in Zaandam, 17 April 1839

The Princess of Orange Receiving Alexander II (1818-1881), Grand Duke ...

De prinses van Oranje ontvangt Alexander II, grootvorst en troonopvolger van Rusland, in het Czaar Peterhuisje te Zaandam, 17 april 1839. De prinses presenteert de grootvorst een blad waarop brood (in tulbandvo... More

Count Alexander Benckendorff and Earl Rowland Thomas Baring

Count Alexander Benckendorff and Earl Rowland Thomas Baring

Count Alexander Benckendorff (1849-1917), Russian Ambassador to London and Rowland Thomas Baring, 2nd Earl of Cromer (1877-1953) on the deck of the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert. Meeting of King Edward VII an... More

The Cossacks Shkuro - the 3rd Cavalry Corps.

The Cossacks Shkuro - the 3rd Cavalry Corps.

The Cossacks of the Wolf's Hundreds of Shkuro - partisan detachment of the 3rd Cavalry Corps. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Казаки Вол... More

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

School of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

School of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Portrait de Michel Nikolaïevitch, grand-duc de Russie

Portrait de Michel Nikolaïevitch, grand-duc de Russie

Portrait of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich - Public domain portrait print

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich - Public domain portrait print

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Великий князь Михаил Николаевич Portrait de Michel Nikolaïevitch, grand-duc de Russie

Count Pierre Shuvaloff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Pierre Shuvaloff. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Impe...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

Count Adlerberg. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Adlerberg. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Co...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

Grece Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Grece Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alex...

Members of the Greek royal house with suite: (standing from left to right): His Royal Highness Korolevich Nicholas, His Royal Highness Prince George, His Royal Highness The Prince of Karelia, Heir Marshal Cons... More

Italian guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Italian guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Al...

Members of the Italian delegation: Crown Prince Neapolitan Victor Emmanuel with his entourage. They stand from left to right: the secretary of the Ministry of the Courtyard Camotto; Colonel General of the Gener... More

Nicholas II in the vicinity of Mogilev. 1916

Nicholas II in the vicinity of Mogilev. 1916

Nicholas II in the vicinity of Mogilev. 1916. Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Николай Второй в окрестностях Могилева. 1916. Русская армия в пе... More

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Students of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Students of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Commerce gathering. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Commerce gathering. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Gofmeister Graf Aleksei Aleksandrovich Bobrinskii (Boiarin XVII veka)

Gofmeister Graf Aleksei Aleksandrovich Bobrinskii (Boiarin XVII veka)

Picryl description: Public domain image of portrait print, Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions

Pearl Trapper. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Pearl Trapper. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

P. I. Saltykov - Public domain portrait painting

P. I. Saltykov - Public domain portrait painting

Русский: Граф Петр Иванович Салтыков (1784—1813) Public domain photograph of 19th-century Russian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Cesarevitz Contantin Grand Duc De Russie

Cesarevitz Contantin Grand Duc De Russie

Konstantin Pavlovich - 27 April 1779 – 27 June 1831) was a grand duke of Russia and the second son of Emperor Paul I and Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg. He was the Tsesarevich of Russia throughout the reign of ... More

Nicholas II is among the wounded officers of the Red Cross military hospital, doctors and nurses of mercy. March of 1915.

Nicholas II is among the wounded officers of the Red Cross military ho...

Nicholas II is among the wounded officers of the Red Cross military hospital, doctors and nurses of mercy. March of 1915.The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F... More

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Group portrait. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Group portrait. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

People of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

People of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Residents of Onega, Arkhangelsk gubernia, Russia, White Sea.

Residents of Onega, Arkhangelsk gubernia, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Family with kids. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Family with kids. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Political exiles. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Political exiles. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Wedding Ceremony. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Wedding Ceremony. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Russischer Photograph - Graf Alexis Musin-Puschkin bei einem Kostümball (Zeno Fotografie)

Russischer Photograph - Graf Alexis Musin-Puschkin bei einem Kostümbal...

Deutsch: Russischer Photograph: Graf Alexis Musin-Puschkin bei einem Kostümball

Orlov-Davydov, Russian Empire

Orlov-Davydov, Russian Empire

Русский: Граф ru:Орлов-Давыдов, Владимир Владимирович (13 ноября 1837[1] — 7 апреля 1870) генерал-майор — сын графа В. П. Орлова-Давыдова, участник Кавказских походов, симбирский губернатор в 1866—68 гг.

F. Sumarokov-Elston, Russian Empire

F. Sumarokov-Elston, Russian Empire

Русский: Сумароков-Эльстон, Феликс Николаевич (24 January 1820 – 30 October 1877), Генерал-адъютант, генерал-лейтенант. Наказной Атаман Кубанского Казачьего войска и Начальник Кубанской области, командовавший ... More

Count Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev.

Count Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev.

Count Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev. During 1906–1917, the status of the State Council was defined by the Russian Constitution of 1906. Its chairman was appointed by the Tsar. Half of its members were appointe... More

Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elisaveta Fedorovna surrounded by friends and persons of the suite.

Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elisaveta Fedorovna ...

В Великокняжеском имении Ильинское. Великий Князь Сергей Александрович и Великая Княгиня Елисавета Федоровна в окружении друзей и лиц свиты. Справа: В.С. Гадон (стоит), В.Ф. Джунковский (сидит), граф Ф.Ф. Юсуп... More

V d. Tsermoniimeistera Graf Aleksei Alekseevich Musin-Pushkin (Stol'nik vremen Tsaria Alekseia Mikhailovicha)

V d. Tsermoniimeistera Graf Aleksei Alekseevich Musin-Pushkin (Stol'ni...

Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Count Alexander Benckendorff, Russian Empire

Count Alexander Benckendorff, Russian Empire

Count Alexander Benckendorff (1849 -1917), Russian ambassador in London on the deck of the royal yacht "Victoria and Albert" Meeting of King Edward VII and Emperor Nicholas II in the Reval Bay. June 9, 1908. Гр... More

Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich in Tsarskoe Selo in 1866.

Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich in Tsarskoe Selo in 1866.

Illuminations of Count Nostitz. Album. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Statue of the Duc de Richelieu, Odessa

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Count Fedor Loginovich Heyden 2nd

Count Fedor Loginovich Heyden 2nd

Count Fedor Loginovich Heyden 2nd (German Friedrich Moritz Reichsgraf van Heyden, 1821-1900) - Chief of the General Staff under Alexander II (from 1866 to 1881), one of the leaders of the Alexandrov military re... More

Political exiles. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

Political exiles. Onega, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, White Sea.

The river Onega before the appearance of Arkhangelsk was the main driver of the Russian North when the owner of the White Sea was the Solovetsky Monastery, to which it served as the shortest route. The estuary ... More

Sheremetev Sergey Dmitrievich2, Russian Empire

Sheremetev Sergey Dmitrievich2, Russian Empire

Русский: Шереметев, Сергей Дмитриевич Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Danksagung des Zaren - An die Bewohner von Lemberg - Mehrsprachiges Plakat

Danksagung des Zaren - An die Bewohner von Lemberg - Mehrsprachiges Pl...

Seine herrschaftliche Majestät Zar von Russland aüßert sein Gefallen am Stadtbesuch von Lemberg - Er bedankt sich bei Bewohnern von Lemberg für den herzlichen Emfang und für die Ordnung in der Stadt - Zar spend... More

Arseniy Zakrevskiy, Russian Empire

Arseniy Zakrevskiy, Russian Empire

Арсений Закревский Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Count Leonid Nik. Ignatiev, Russian Empire

Count Leonid Nik. Ignatiev, Russian Empire

Русский: Граф Леонид Николаевич Игнатьев, генерал-майор, командир 8-го Донского казачьего полка. English: Count Ignatyev, Leonid Nikolayevich

Nikolay Orlov-Denisov, Russian Empire

Nikolay Orlov-Denisov, Russian Empire

Русский: ru:Орлов, Николай Федорович (1839-1897).

Czar, Grand Duke Nicholas and Count Dobrinsky at front

Czar, Grand Duke Nicholas and Count Dobrinsky at front

Photograph shows Russian emperor Nicholas II (1868-1918) standing next to a car with Russian general Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Romanov (1856-1929) who is standing in the car, during World War I. (Source: ... More

Строганов Сергей Григорьевич, Russian Empire

Строганов Сергей Григорьевич, Russian Empire

Русский: Сергей Григорьевич Строганов (1794—1882) — русский государственный деятель, археолог, меценат, коллекционер, московский генерал-губернатор, генерал от кавалерии, попечитель Московского учебного округа... More

A. S. Stroganov, Russian Empire

A. S. Stroganov, Russian Empire

Русский: Граф Алекса́ндр Серге́евич Стро́ганов (6 декабря 1818[1]— 26 июля 1864) — флигель-адъютант, действительный статский советник, коллекционер, один из основателей Санкт-Петербургского археологического об... More

Polkovnik Graf Grigorii Ivanovich Nostits (Okol'nichii vremen Tsaria Alekseia Mikhailovicha)

Polkovnik Graf Grigorii Ivanovich Nostits (Okol'nichii vremen Tsaria A...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a dress, costume accessory, fashion design, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Count Heidenz. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Court and statesmen, 1865-1875

Count Heidenz. Album of the Russian Imperial Family, the Imperial Cour...

Альбом Российской Императорской семьи, императорского двора и государственных деятелей, 1865-1875

RusPortraits v2-052 Le Comte Pierre Vassiliewitch Zavadowsky

RusPortraits v2-052 Le Comte Pierre Vassiliewitch Zavadowsky

People's education minister of Russian Empire (1802-1810) P. V. Zavadovskylabel QS:Lru,"Министр народного просвещения Российской империи (1802-1810) П. В. Завадовский" label QS:Len,"People's education minister ... More

Le Comte Ivan Petrowitch Saltykoff

Le Comte Ivan Petrowitch Saltykoff

Русский: Граф Иван Петрович Салтыков (1730-1805) Public domain photograph of 18th-century male portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Count Illarion Voront︠s︡ov-Dashkov, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right]

[Count Illarion Voront︠s︡ov-Dashkov, head-and-shoulders portrait, faci...

Photograph by Bergamasco, St. Petersburg. Transfer; Manuscript Division (George Kennan Papers); 1973; (DLC/PP-1973:080). Forms part of: George Kennan Papers.

Musiny Pushkiny P - Public domain scenic painting

Musiny Pushkiny P - Public domain scenic painting

Графиня Прасковья Васильевна Мусина-Пушкина (1754-1826), ур.Долгорукова Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ostermann-Tolstoy Alexander Ivanovich

Ostermann-Tolstoy Alexander Ivanovich

Ostermann-Tolstoy Alexander Ivanovich Русский: Неизвестный художник Портрет графа Александра Ивановича Остермана-Толстого 1807-1808 гг. Холст, масло Частное собрание

1903 ball - Vas. Alexandr. Gendrikov

1903 ball - Vas. Alexandr. Gendrikov

Русский: Обер-церемонимейстер, состоящий при ее величестве государыне императрице Александре Федоровне граф Василий Александрович Гендриков (По портрету стольника Петра Потёмкина - в наряде Чрезвычайного посла ... More

1814. Портрет Строганова Александра Сергеевича

1814. Портрет Строганова Александра Сергеевича

Portrait of A. S. Stroganov (1733—1811) Русский: Портрет А. С. Строганова. Он изображён сидящим с архитектурным планом Казанского собора в руках на фоне величественного вида из окна на Казанский собор в Санкт... More