educational facilities, school

277 media by topicpage 1 of 3
Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Курганская Александровская женская гимназия

Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

1910. Рязанская Мариинская женская гимназия

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

1899. Симбирская классическая гимназия. XIX-й выпуск

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Курганская Александровская женская гимназия

Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

Real school of Livny, Russia

Real school of Livny, Russia

Реальное училище города Ливны

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

1889. Александровское реальное училище в Тюмени

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

1889. Александровское реальное училище в Тюмени

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

1889. Александровское реальное училище в Тюмени

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

1910. Рязанская Мариинская женская гимназия

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

1910. Рязанская Мариинская женская гимназия

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

1899. Симбирская классическая гимназия. XIX-й выпуск

Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
The first class of the Samara Commercial School, 1908-1909.

The first class of the Samara Commercial School, 1908-1909.

1908-1909. Первый выпуск учеников Самарского коммерческого училища

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Moscow Women's Gymnasium named after V. P. Von-Derviz

Московская женская гимназия имени В. П. Фон-Дервиз

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

1889. Александровское реальное училище в Тюмени

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

Aleksandrovskoe real school in Tyumen, 1889

1889. Александровское реальное училище в Тюмени

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

1910. Рязанская Мариинская женская гимназия

Moscow Commercial School and Women's Commercial School

Moscow Commercial School and Women's Commercial School

Московское коммерческое училище имени Цесаревича Алексея (1901-1911 г.) и Женское коммерческое училище (1903-1911 г.), учрежденные М.О.Р.К.О.

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

1899. Симбирская классическая гимназия. XIX-й выпуск

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

1899. Симбирская классическая гимназия. XIX-й выпуск

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

1899. Симбирская классическая гимназия. XIX-й выпуск

Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
Moscow commercial school, 1904
The first class of the Samara Commercial School, 1908-1909.

The first class of the Samara Commercial School, 1908-1909.

1908-1909. Первый выпуск учеников Самарского коммерческого училища

The first class of the Samara Commercial School, 1908-1909.

The first class of the Samara Commercial School, 1908-1909.

1908-1909. Первый выпуск учеников Самарского коммерческого училища

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

Moscow Voskresensky Real School 1910

1910. Московское реальное училище Воскресенского

Real school of Livny, Russia

Real school of Livny, Russia

Реальное училище города Ливны

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

St. Petersburg Gymnasium of Emperor Alexander I

1913-1914. Санкт-Петербургская гимназия императора Александра I (бывшая 2-ая)

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

Ryazan Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium, 1910

1910. Рязанская Мариинская женская гимназия

Moscow Commercial School and Women's Commercial School

Moscow Commercial School and Women's Commercial School

Московское коммерческое училище имени Цесаревича Алексея (1901-1911 г.) и Женское коммерческое училище (1903-1911 г.), учрежденные М.О.Р.К.О.

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

Simbirsk classical gymnasium. XIX class, 1899

1899. Симбирская классическая гимназия. XIX-й выпуск

Samara Women School, 1903
Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Курганская Александровская женская гимназия

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Курганская Александровская женская гимназия

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Alexandrov Women's Gymnasium, Kurgan, Russia, 1900s

Курганская Александровская женская гимназия

Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Saratov girls’ gymnasium (formerly E.K. Ulrich), Class 1905
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Vyatka Second Men's Gymnasium 1908-1929
Moscow commercial school, 1904

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