ethnic groups, traditional clothing

166 media by topicpage 1 of 2
Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Ket People, Enisey region, Siberia, 1900s
Ket People, Enisey region, Siberia, 1900s
Zemnaya os, 1911, page 100, Russian Empire
Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Малороссийские типы 057 - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Малороссийские типы 057 - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Русский: Дореволюционная открытка Российской империи из серии «Малороссийские типы».

Imeretian and Mingrelian women (Esadze, 1913) 09

Imeretian and Mingrelian women (Esadze, 1913) 09

Imeretian and Mingrelian women. An illustration from Letopis' Gruzii, edited by B. Esadze, 1913.

Central Asia - Mongols native people
Types of peoples of Russia, 1890
Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Bashkir peoples1862, Russian Empire

Bashkir peoples1862, Russian Empire

Русский: Башкиры. Этнографическое описание народов России Густава-Федора Христиановича Паули

Types of peoples of Russia, 1890
Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Kazakhs of the Semipalatinsk region - photographs of Samuil Martynovich Dudin

Kazakhs of the Semipalatinsk region - photographs of Samuil Martynovic...

1899. Казахи Семипалатинской области на снимках Самуила Мартыновича Дудина

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
The family of the Arkhangelsk Tatars. 1917

The family of the Arkhangelsk Tatars. 1917

The family of the Arkhangelsk Tatars. 1917 Семья архангельских татар. 1917

Pomor Women. Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia, 1887

Pomor Women. Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia, 1887

Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla... More

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Types of peoples of Russia, 1890
Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Uzbek portraits, 1926
Uzbek portraits, 1926
Uzbek portraits, 1926
Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Pomor Women. Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia

Pomor Women. Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia

Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla... More

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

Podolia Portraits by Michael Grim

1870-е. Лица Подолии. Фотографии Михала Грайма (1828–1911)

Types of peoples of Russia, 1890
Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Ket People, Enisey region, Siberia, 1900s
Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait print

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait print

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Korean Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Korean Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Ale...

Highest Persons, Representatives of Foreign States, Commander-in-Chief and High-Ranked Persons who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the Sacred Crowning of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor Nicholas II and the ... More

Pomor Women in traditional costumes. Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia

Pomor Women in traditional costumes. Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia

Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) and Kuznetsova (Malaya) settlement of the Mezen district. The first to settle here was the boyar son of Okla... More

Types of peoples of Russia, 1890
Types of peoples of Russia, 1890
Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov, 1911.

Volga region peoples in the photographs of Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogr...

1911. Поволжские народы на снимках Захария Захариевича Виноградова

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Matthias Zikov, 1867

Anthropological album “Russians” by Anatoly Petrovich Bogdanov and Mat...

1867. Антропологический альбом «Русские» Анатолия Петровича Богданова и Матиаса Зикова, издан в 15 экземплярах в Москве

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

Types of peoples of Russia and views, 1890

1890. Типы народов России и виды. художественный альбом. 15 картин. картины исполнены красками и фотографией

Yakutia and Yakut people - 1890
Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain  print

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain print

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait photograph

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait print

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait print

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait print

Tipy narodnosteĭ Sredneĭ Azīi. - Public domain portrait print

Photographs show portraits of men and women from Central Asia. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Bukhara Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896.

Bukhara Guests of the Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Al...

Highest Persons, Representatives of Foreign States, Commander-in-Chief and High-Ranked Persons who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the Sacred Crowning of Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor Nicholas II and the ... More


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