kuban oblast, russia

304 media by topicpage 1 of 4
Funeral in the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya

Funeral in the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Merchants and traders from the village of Labinskaya

Merchants and traders from the village of Labinskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Chief of Police V.Ya. Grafov surrounded by the anarchists he arrested

Chief of Police V.Ya. Grafov surrounded by the anarchists he arrested

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Chief of Police V.Ya. Grafov surrounded by the anarchists he arrested in the courtyard of the Temryuk prison. 1908.

Residents of the village of Novomikhailovskoye

Residents of the village of Novomikhailovskoye

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The Panteleev family, residents of the village of Novomikhailovskoye

At a modeling lesson in one of the schools in Yeysk / Yeisk. Third from left - V.V. Nenashev, mayor. 1910s
Yeisk (Yeysk) beach.
Yeysk - arrival of the first train
Yeysk City square
Hunting of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich
Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Tiflis.1909

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Tiflis.1909

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Dolmen, Kuban region, Russia, 1890s
Stanitsa Starominskaya

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Ученицы одноклассной церковноприходской школы (с 3-х годичным сроком обучения) при Пантелеймоновской церкви. Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казаки станицы Зеленчукской.

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казак станицы Усть-Лабинской, ветеран русско-турецкой войны 1877-1878 гг., конвоец Петр Пелипенко (Пилипенко) со своей женой

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казак станицы Гиагинской Афанасий Затолокин (сидит в центре) с семьёй

Apartment building of E. I. Pospolitaki

Apartment building of E. I. Pospolitaki

Trader V. K. Rubezhansky on the balcony of his store in the apartment building of E. I. Pospolitaki

Men's pro-gymnasium named after. M.P. Babich. 1909
Red street at the intersection with Ekaterininskaya
Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

The funeral of Cossack - st. Grigoropolisskaya

The funeral of Cossack - st. Grigoropolisskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The funeral of Ivan Parshin, a Cossack from the village of Grigoropolisskaya, who died from wounds. 1914

Shulgin family from the village of Giaginskaya

Shulgin family from the village of Giaginskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The family of the Cossack Yakov Ivanovich Shulgin from the village of Giaginskaya. 1910s

Yeisk (Yeysk) Kseninskaya Women's Gymnasium
Yeisk (Yeysk). Kerch street. Real school
Yeisk (Yeysk). Taganrog street.
Yeisk (Yeysk) Shipping Company. Steamship "Grigory Kozlov"
Yeisk (Yeysk) - veiw from the sea
Yeysk train station
Yeysk square
Kuban Hunting of Grand Dukes Georgy Mikhailovich and Pyotr Nikolaevich
Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Prokhladnaya st., Terek region .1909

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Prokhladnaya st., Terek reg...

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Prokhladnaya st., Terek region .1909

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Prokhladnaya st., Terek reg...

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Vorontsov-Dashkov, Governor of the Caucasus

Vorontsov-Dashkov, Governor of the Caucasus

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Stanitsa Grigoropolisskaya

Stanitsa Grigoropolisskaya

Members of the village assembly. Stanitsa Grigoropolisskaya

Dolmen, Kuban region, Russia, 1890s
Dolmen, Kuban region, Russia, 1890s
Stanitsa Starominskaya

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Гимнастика учеников Староминского двухклассного казачьего училища. 1909 Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Церковь Рождества Христова. Начата постройкой в 1809 году, освящена в 1811 Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казаки-пластуны со своими семьями. Фото из станицы Абинской

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казаки из станиц Переправной и Лабинской

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казак Подгирный Иван Семенович с семьей.

Ekaterinodar Alexander Nevsky Military Cathedral. 1872
Cossacks of the village of Giaginskaya

Cossacks of the village of Giaginskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Shelekhov Family of the Cossacks of the village of Giaginskaya. 1902

Yeisk (Yeysk). Taganrog street.
Yeysk - first steam locomotive
Yeysk Train Station
Vorontsovskaya street. Yeysk City hall.
Yeisk. View
Kuban Hunting of Grand Dukes Alexander Mikhailovich and Sergey Mikhaylovich
Kuban Hunting of Grand Dukes Georgy Mikhailovich and Pyotr Nikolaevich
Wild boar hunt
Hunting of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich
Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Beslan.1909

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Beslan.1909

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Wedding. Stanitsa Starominskaya

Wedding. Stanitsa Starominskaya

Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Cossaks, Stanitsa Starominskaya

Cossaks, Stanitsa Starominskaya

Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Пантелеймоновская церковь. Начата постройкой в 1905 году, освящена в 1909 Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Cossacks of the Kuban region

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossack post on the banks of the Kuban river. 1909
Ekaterinodar Alexander Nevsky Military Cathedral. 1913

Ekaterinodar Alexander Nevsky Military Cathedral. 1913

Празднование 800-летия дома Романовых - Вид Войскового Александро-Невского Собора и Соборной площади во время молебствия. 1913

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

Cossacks of the village of Yasenskaya.

Cossacks of the village of Yasenskaya.

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Cossacks of Kopanskaya village.

Cossacks of Kopanskaya village.

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Maryansk Kuban region. 1914

Maryansk Kuban region. 1914

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Cossacks and Cossack women of the village of Maryansk Kuban region. 1914

The Safronov family, Novomikhailovskoye

The Safronov family, Novomikhailovskoye

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области The Safronov family, residents of the village of Novomikhailovskoye

The Potapov family from the village of Belorechenskaya

The Potapov family from the village of Belorechenskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

A migrant family from the village of Staromyshastovskaya.

A migrant family from the village of Staromyshastovskaya.

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области A migrant family from the village of Staromyshastovskaya. Kuban region, 1907

The Vursalo family from the village of Starovelichkovskaya.

The Vursalo family from the village of Starovelichkovskaya.

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Residents of the Yaman-Dzhalga

Residents of the Yaman-Dzhalga

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Residents of the Yaman-Dzhalga village in the yurt of the village of Belomechetskaya, Batalpashinsky department. Cossack Konorezov Grigory Mikhailovich, his wife Daria Sidorovna... More

Cossack of the Yeysk / Yeisk branch of Art. Kanevskaya. August 23, 1904
Yeisk (Yeysk). Old Intercession Church
Yeysk - veiw from the sea
Yeysk railroad
Yeysk train station
Yeisk. Drilling an Artesian well and water supply until 1909
Kuban Hunting of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich
Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Tiflis.1909

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Tiflis.1909

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области станицы Терновской. Ф. и К. Силенковы, В.Бут, О. и Ф. Гурины. 1913

Cossack post on the banks of the Kuban river. 1909
Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Stanitsa Batalpashinskaya, Kuban

Станица Баталпашинская, Кубань

Village of Armavir, 1880

Village of Armavir, 1880

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области Assistants to the headman of the village of Armavir, 1880

Cossacks of the village of Dakhovskaya

Cossacks of the village of Dakhovskaya

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Group photo of Kuban foresters, 1887

Group photo of Kuban foresters, 1887

Жизнь казаков Кубанской области

Tea party. Yeysk, 1913
Yeisk (Yeysk). Cathedral street.
Yeysk - veiw from the sea
Vorontsovskaya street. Yeysk City government
Yeisk. Drilling an Artesian well
Wild boar killed by A.A. Kalinovskiy
Kuban Hunting of Grand Dukes Georgy Mikhailovich and Pyotr Nikolaevich
Group of hunters
Valdshnep Hunters
Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Tiflis.1909

Vorontsov-Dashkov's visit to the Caucasus. Tiflis.1909

1909. Пребывание Воронцова-Дашкова на Кавказе

Dolmen, Kuban region, Russia, 1890s
Stanitsa Starominskaya

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Stanitsa Starominskaya

Покровская церковь Станица Староминская, Краснодарский Край

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Cossacks of the Kuban region. 1900s

Казак 3-го Екатеринодарского полка со своей семьей. Станица Ильская


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