National Bank. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
National Bank. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 179... More
Murom, General view., Russian Empire, 19th century
General view. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as ... More
Murom, The station of the Murom Railway.
The station of the Murom Railway. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large... More
The house of Zhuravlev. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
The house of Zhuravlev. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fir... More
Nikolo-Mozhaisk church. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Nikolo-Mozhaisk church. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and men... More
Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia 1900-1905
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Murom, Vladimir Province, Rus...
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. 1890. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people c... More
Murom, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and belltower.
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. XVI century. The belltower of the 18th century in the 1890s Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of ... More
The Tagunov family at a wedding picnic. 1910s
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family at a wedding picnic. 1910s Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagun... More
The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910. Murom, Vladim...
Murom. Events and people. The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910. Муром. События и люди. Групповой портрет строителей железнодорожного моста через Оку. 1910.
Murom, Planting trees city public. 1900-1910.
Murom. Events and people. Planting trees city public. 1900-1910. Муром. События и люди. Посадка деревьев городской общественностью. 1900-1910
Woman portrait, 1909, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Murom. Female portrait 1909. Муром. Женский портрет 1909. Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of children from the Orlov family. Murom
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of children from the Orlov family. 1895. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет детей из семьи Орловых. 1895.
Portrait of the boy Vanya Sokolsky. 1910-1912
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of the boy Vanya Sokolsky. 1910-1912. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет мальчика Вани Сокольского. 1910-1912.
Archpriest of the Murom Nicholas Church, Father Ioann
Murom in portraits. Clergy. Archpriest of the Murom Nicholas Church, Father Ioann (Smirnov) with his grandson. 1870-1880 Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания. Протоиерей Муромской Николо-Зарядской церкви о... More
Portrait of the Deyev spouses. On the back there is an inscription "as...
Murom in portraits. Married couples. Portrait of the Deyev spouses. On the back there is an inscription "assistant to the locomotive driver". 1894 Муром в портретах. Супружеские пары. Портрет супругов Деевых. ... More
City garden. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century
Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More
Moscow street. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century
Moscow street. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as... More
Christmas shopping square, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Christmas shopping square Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale f... More
Technical School. Murom, Russia
Technical School Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1... More
Nativity Street. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Nativity Street. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned ... More
Murom, A view of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the h...
A view of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of the Zhuravlev. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs ... More
Murom, Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church and a water tower.
A view from the river on the Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church and a water tower. 1890s. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in ... More
Murom, Ascension street. 1900, Russian Empire
Ascension street. 1900 Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and ment... More
Murom, Nikolo - Zaryadskaya church.
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Murom... More
Murom, Nativity street. A new pharmacy. 1890
Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More
Murom, The Holy Trinity convent in 1909-1911.
The Holy Trinity convent in 1909-1911. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Mu... More
Murom, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of mercha...
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of merchants Zhuravlev. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the l... More
Construction of the Murom railway station of the Moscow-Kazan railway....
Construction of the Murom railway station of the Moscow-Kazan railway. Around 1912. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in... More
Nativity Church. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Nativity Church. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned ... More
Church of St. George, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Church of St. George. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and menti... More
Murom. Woman portrait. Black dress. 1860s
Murom. Female portrait. 1860s Муром. Женский портрет. 1860 Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of a girl from the Valenkov family. Murom
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of a girl from the Valenkov family. 1903. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет девочки из семьи Валенковых. 1903.
Murom, Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1909-1910
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1909-1910. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет Фаины Бычковой. 1909-1910.
Murom, Shura Zvorykin on the background of birches on the shore of the...
Murom. Children's portraits. Shura Zvorykin on the background of birches on the shore of the reservoir. Murom, 1913. Муром. Детские портреты. Шура Зворыкин на фоне берёзы на берегу водоёма. Муром, 1913.
Train Station of Moscow-Kazan railway. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russi...
Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More
The ancient church of Kuzma - Demyan. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
The ancient church of Kuzma - Demyan. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Mur... More
Trade Fair. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Trade Fair. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 a... More
Murom, Potter at the walls of the Trinity Monastery.
Potter at the walls of the Trinity Monastery. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX cent... More
Murom, Railway bridge across the Oka River.
Railway bridge across the Oka River. 1912 Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, ... More
Murom, School in the street Sadovaya. 1910s
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
The Holy Trinity convent. Murom, 1900s
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Family portrait Tagunov in the garden. 1910's. Murom, Vladimir Provinc...
Murom. Events and people. Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagunov and K. " Opened since 1884 on the rights of... More
Murom, The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910
Murom. Events and people. The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910. Муром. События и люди.Строители железнодорожного моста через Оку. 1910.
Murom, Teachers and students of primary school along Sadovaya street. ...
Murom. Events and people. Teachers and students of primary school along Sadovaya street. 1910s. Муром. События и люди. Педагоги и учащиеся начальной школы по улице Садовой. 1910-е.
Group portrait. 1910s. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Murom. Events and people. Group portrait. 1910s. Муром. События и люди. Групповой портрет. 1910-е.
Murom, Grandmother with granddaughter. 1870s
Murom. Female portraits. Grandmother with granddaughter. 1870s. Муром. Женские портреты. Бабушка с внучкой. 1870-е.
Murom, Portrait of an unknown girl in a lace dress. 1905-1910
Murom. Female portraits. Portrait of an unknown girl in a lace dress. 1905-1910 Муром. Женские портреты. Портрет неизвестной девушки в кружевном платье. 1905-1910.
Murom in portraits. 1870-1880. - Public domain portrait photograph
Murom in portraits. Married couple 1870-1880. Муром в портретах. Супружеская пара. 1870-1880.
City College. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
City College. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792... More
Theological school. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Theological school. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires i... More
Moscow street. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Moscow street. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as... More
General view. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century
Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More
The Trinity Convent. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
The Trinity Convent. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentio... More
Monasteries: Trinity and Blagoveschensky. Murom, Russia
Monasteries: Trinity and Blagoveschensky. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called... More
Murom, Urban buildings in winter. Barrels and firewood.
Urban buildings in winter. Barrels and firewood. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people... More
Murom, The Annunciation Cathedral, Portal XVII. 1894
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Ascension street. 1900, Russian Empire, 19th century
Murom Ascension street. 1900 Вознесенская улица. 1900
Murom, The house of the merchant Zvorykin.
The house of the merchant Zvorykin. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as lar... More
Liqueurs. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Liqueurs. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and... More
Steamboat. The Oka River. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Steamboat. The Oka River. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and m... More
Surroundings of Murom. The church in the village Arefino (Zyablitsky c...
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Murom, Nativity street. Ermakov water tower. 1901.
Nativity street. Ermakov water tower. 1901. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people call... More
The Prison Castle and the Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Sorrows So...
The Prison Castle and the Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Sorrows Soothe my sorrows. 1913. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East... More
Murom, The central part of the city with the cathedral of the Nativity...
The central part of the city with the cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, shopping arcades, overlooking the river Oka. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the eas... More
Murom, Church of John the Baptist (XVII century.) 1890s.
Church of John the Baptist (XVII century.) 1890s. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric peopl... More
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family. 1900's, Vladimir Provinc...
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family. 1900's. Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagunov and K. " Opened... More
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family at a picnic. 1910's.
Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family at a picnic. 1910's. Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagunov and ... More
Murom, Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913
Murom. Events and people. Society of Banners at the Muromsky Cathedral. 1913. Муром. События и люди. Общество хоругвеносцев при Муромском соборе. 1913.
Murom, Family Smirnov - Old Believers from Alexandrovka. 1910s
Murom. Events and people. Family Smirnov - Old Believers from Alexandrovka. 1910s. Муром. События и люди. Семья Смирновых – старообрядцев из Александровки. 1910-е.
Portrait of the boy Vsevolod Zhadin. 1908-1909
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of the boy Vsevolod Zhadin. 1908-1909 Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет мальчика. Всеволод Жадин. 1908-1909.
Couple. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia. 1880-1890
Murom in portraits. Married couple 1880-1890. Муром в портретах. Супружеская пара. 1880-1890.
Annunciation Monastery - holiday May 21, Murom, Vladimir Province, Rus...
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Railway station of the Moscow-Kazan railway. Murom, Vladimir Province,...
Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More
Nikolskaya street. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Nikolskaya street. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentione... More
Murom, View of the market square. Vladimir Province, Russia
View of the market square. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and ... More
Murom, View of the city from the bell tower of the Annunciation Monast...
View of the city from the bell tower of the Annunciation Monastery. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the... More
Murom, Ancient Temple of Kozma and Demian.
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Murom, Church of St. George., Russian Empire
Church of St. George. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and menti... More
Murom, Group portrait of military and civilians on the background of t...
Murom. Events and people. Group portrait of military and civilians on the background of the church. 1910s. Муром. События и люди. Групповой портрет военных и гражданских лиц на фоне церкви. 1910-е.
Murom, Lubov Alexandrovna Barysheva. 1910s
Murom. Female portraits. Lubov Alexandrovna Barysheva. 1910s. Муром. Женские портреты. Любовь Александровна Барышева. 1910-е.
Murom, Portrait of the schoolgirl Grani Tyurnikova. 1910-1911.
Murom. Female portraits. Portrait of the schoolgirl Grani Tyurnikova. 1910-1911. Муром. Женские портреты. Портрет гимназистки Грани Тюрниковой.1910-1911.
Murom. A portrait of a woman in Russian traditional dress.
Murom. A portrait of a woman in Russian traditional dress. Муром. Женский портрет в русском традиционном наряде.
Murom. Young female portrait. 1890s
Murom. Young female portrait. 1890s Муром. Женский портрет. 1890 Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1913-1914
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1913-1914. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет Фаины Бычковой. 1913-1914.
Portrait of a girl in a Japanese suit. Murom
Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of a girl in a Japanese costume. 1900-1905 Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет девочки в японском костюме. 1900-1905.
Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Monastery view. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More
Female gymnasium. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Female gymnasium. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in ... More
Bridge over the river Oka. Murom.
Bridge over the river Oka. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale ... More
Nikolo-Embankment church and water tower. Murom, Vladimir Province, Ru...
Nikolo-Embankment church and water tower. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called... More
Christmas street and post office. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Christmas street and post office. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromia... More
Cathedral Square. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Cathedral Square. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned... More
Murom, Ascension Church. View from the south. 1890 - 1900.
Ascension Church. View from the south. 1890 - 1900. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric peo... More
Murom, Bell tower of the Church of the Nativity of Christ.
Bell tower of the Church of the Nativity of Christ. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric peo... More
Railway bridge across the Oka River. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
Railway bridge across the Oka River. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as l... More
St. Michael's Chapel. 1910's. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia
St. Michael's Chapel. 1910's. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians a... More
Nuns at the walls of the Trinity Cathedral. Murom, Vladimir Province, ...
Nuns at the walls of the Trinity Cathedral. 1900s Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric peopl... More
Surroundings of Murom. Karacharovo, Vladimir Province, Russia
Surroundings of Murom. Karacharovo. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Murom... More