Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand Duke o...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
On March 13, 1881, Alexander’s father, Emperor Alexander II, was assassinated in St. Petersburg by Narodnaya Volya, and Alexander unexpectedly succeeded to the throne. On the day of his assassination, Alexander... More
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Album of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Album of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Коронационный альбом священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Future Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Princess Dagmar future Empress Maria Feodorovna (wife of Emperor Alexa...
Princess Dagmar future Empress Maria Feodorovna (wife of Emperor Alexander III).1865 year. Принцесса Дагмар будущая Императрица Мария Феодоровна (жена Императора Александра III). 1865 год.
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand Duke o...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, Maria Feodorovna, and future Nic...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Wife of Alexander III, Maria Feodorovna with fututre Nicholas II
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Princess Alexandra and Princess Dagmar of Denmark.
Princess Marie Sophie Frederikke Dagmar was born at the Yellow Palace in Copenhagen. Her father was Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, a member of a relatively impoverished princely c... More
Tsarevich Alexander together with his wife Maria Feodorovna and Grand ...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Tsarevich Alexander and Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia with wife and kids
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Funeral of Alexander III, Russian Empire, 19th century
On March 13, 1881, Alexander’s father, Emperor Alexander II, was assassinated in St. Petersburg by Narodnaya Volya, and Alexander unexpectedly succeeded to the throne. On the day of his assassination, Alexander... More
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, with his wife Maria Feodorovna
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III and his family in the Gatchina Palace
Александр III и его семья в Гатчинском дворце
Alexander III, Maria Feodorovna, Queen Alexander and Grand Princess Ol...
Alexander III, Maria Feodorovna, Queen Alexander and Grand Princess Olga Alexandrovna. - Александр III, Мария Федоровна, королева Александра и Великая Княгиня Ольга Александровна.
Alexander III, Maria Feodorovna, Princess of Wales, Queen Olga of Gree...
Александр III, Мария Федоровна, принцесса Уэльская, королева Ольга Греческая. Благословение флагов в Красном Селе.
Alexander III and his family in the Gatchina Palace
Александр III и его семья в Гатчинском дворце
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Emperor of Russia Alexander III with his family.
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Future Emperor Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia with wife Maria Fe...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand Duke o...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Emperor of Russia Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna on a pick...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna at the military parade
Alexander III and Maria Fyodorovna at the military parade. - Александр III и Мария Федоровна на военном параде.
Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia - his family portrait
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Emperor of Russia Alexander III with his family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Emperor of Russia Alexander III in cabinet with his family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Tsarevich Alexander and Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III and his family in the Gatchina Palace
Александр III и его семья в Гатчинском дворце
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III with members of Romanov family
On March 13, 1881, Alexander’s father, Emperor Alexander II, was assassinated in St. Petersburg by Narodnaya Volya, and Alexander unexpectedly succeeded to the throne. On the day of his assassination, Alexander... More
Future Alexander III, the Emperor of Russia, King of Poland, and Grand...
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Alexander III, his family - Public domain portrait photograph
Alexander had little prospect of succeeding to the throne, as he had an elder brother, Nicholas. Even when Nicholas first displayed symptoms of poor health, the notion that he might die young was never taken se... More
Sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III
Description of the sacred coronation of the Emperor Alexander III. - Описание священного коронования государя императора Александра III.
Alexander III, Maria Feodorovna, Princess of Wales, Queen Olga of Gree...
Александр III, Мария Федоровна, принцесса Уэльская, королева Ольга Греческая. Благословение флагов в Красном Селе.