Album General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior.
Album: General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior, 1831-1891. Nikolai Nikolayevich - the third son of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna; General-Field Marshal (April 16, 1878). The la... More
Album General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior.
Album: General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior, 1831-1891. Nikolai Nikolayevich - the third son of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna; General-Field Marshal (April 16, 1878). The la... More
Album General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior.
Album: General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior, 1831-1891. Nikolai Nikolayevich - the third son of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna; General-Field Marshal (April 16, 1878). The la... More
The Lazenkovsky Palace. Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in W...
The Lazenkovsky Palace. Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. - Лазенковский Дворец. Пребыв... More
Mokotovskoe field. Warsaw., Russian Empire, 19th century
Mokotovskoe field. Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. Мокотовское поле. Пребыван... More
Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw.
Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. - Пребывание императора Николая II, императрицы... More
Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw.
Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. - Пребывание императора Николая II, императрицы... More
Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw.
Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. - Пребывание императора Николая II, императрицы... More
10th Hussar Ingermanland Regiment
10th Hussar Ingermanland Regiment. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. 10й гусарский Ингерманландский полк. Русская армия в первой мировой войн... More
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...
Tekintsy of the Turkmen equestrian regiment. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Текинцы Туркменского конного полка. Русская армия в первой ... More
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- Русская армия в первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала графа Ф.А.Келлера.
Emperor Nicholas II sends a report to the adjutant to Colonel AA Mordv...
Emperor Nicholas II sends a report to the adjutant to Colonel AA Mordvinov. The arrival of Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916. Император Николай II передаёт рапорт флигель-а... More
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers...
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Алексадр Михайлович по... More
Transportation of an airplane on a truck, the Russian Army, the First ...
Transportation of Nieuport airplane on a truck, the Russian Army, the First World War. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Перевозка самолёта Ньюпорт на грузо... More
Engine of the Airship Condor. during World War I
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... More
Russian dirigible Condor in test flight.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... More
A military pilot in the open cabin of the aircraft before the combat m...
A military pilot in the open cabin of the aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик... More
The squadron at the railway station on the way from Radom to Krasnik. ...
The squadron at the railway station on the way from Radom to Krasnik. May 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Авиаотряд на железнодорожной станции по пути из Радома в Красник. Май 1915. XX корп... More
A military pilot Lieutenant Golovatenko (in the center) and soldiers o...
A military pilot Lieutenant Golovatenko (in the center) and soldiers of an air squadron flying an aircraft. The Vyatka gubernia. Glazov. May 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик п... More
Lieutenant Golovatenko. The Vyatka gubernia. Glazov.
A military pilot Lieutenant Golovatenko. The Vyatka gubernia. Glazov. May 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный лётчик поручик Головатенко. Вятская губ. Глазов. Май 1915. XX корпусной ави... More
The commander of the detachment is a military pilot, Captain Tkachev, ...
The commander of the detachment is a military pilot, Captain Tkachev, by the aircraft. Riga, September 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Начальник отряда военный лётчик есаул Ткачев у летател... More
Train arriving at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1s...
At the train arriving at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. У прибывшего на станцию эшелона с имуществом авиарот. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Mechanical workshop. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.
Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Christmas. Pskov. Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Ai...
Celebrating Christmas. Pskov. Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Празднование Рождества. Псков. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Woodworks workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-19...
Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
The machine-gun, designed by military aircraft for Modsen on the Albat...
The machine-gun installation, designed by military aircraft for Modsen on the Albatross, reinforced on the hull of the aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Пулеметная установка, сконструирован... More
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the recep...
A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the reception of new aircraft for the rearmament of the 10th squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Группа летчиков у аэропл... More
Riga Dragoons. The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.
06. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Shirt
06. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Shirt "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. ... More
22. Horse outfit from the 14th to the 18th century
22. Horse outfit from the 14th to the 18th century "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 31. 22.... More
25. The Russian Shelom (Helmet). XIII century
25. The Russian Shelom (Helmet). XIII century "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 25. Русский ш... More
33. Russian armament from the 14th to the 17th century. Kujaki
33. Russian armament from the 14th to the 17th century. Kujaki "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V... More
Tsar Ioann Vasilyevich the Terrible
Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Царь Иоанн Васильевич Гр... More
55. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth centur...
55. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Yerihonki "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1... More
54. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth centur...
54. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Copper cap "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-... More
81. Russian firearms in the XVI and XVII centuries. Samopalas or handg...
81. Russian firearms in the XVI and XVII centuries. Samopalas or handgrips "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vis... More
92. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the sev...
92. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. Warriors in tehiliyah and hats of iron "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient ti... More
96. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the sev...
96. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. Warriors in Jushmans and Shishaks "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times",... More
97. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth centur...
97. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. The Ratnik in the Yuschman and in the Misyurk "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", co... More
116. German regiments musketeers in the XVII century
116. German regiments musketeers in the XVII century "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 115. ... More
122. The banner of Prince Pozharsky, 1612
122. The banner of Prince Pozharsky, 1612 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 122. Знамя Князя... More
195. Sergeant and Fuseler L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1720 to ...
195. Sergeant and Fuseler L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1720 to 1732 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vi... More
202. UNDER-OFFICER of the Artillery Regiment, from 1720 to 1728
202. ORDER OR UNDER-OFFICER of the Artillery Regiment, from 1720 to 1728 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Visk... More
268. OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1732 to 1742. The view depi...
268. OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1732 to 1742. The view depicts the time the Church of St. Isaac and the main Admiralty in S.P.-burg "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops... More
294. MUSCHKETER of the Infantry Regiment, from 1756 to 1762. (In the s...
294. MUSCHKETER of the Infantry Regiment, from 1756 to 1762. (In the summer dress uniform). "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest comma... More
305. Grenadier OFFICER of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1762.
305. Grenadier OFFICER of the infantry regiment, from 1756 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovato... More
324. Officer of the Kirassir Regiment, from 1756 to 1762. (daily unifo...
324. Officer of the Kirassir Regiment, from 1756 to 1762. (daily uniform) "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vis... More
328. The sergeant-major of the Serbian Hussar Regiment, from 1741 to 1...
328. The sergeant-major of the Serbian Hussar Regiment, from 1741 to 1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vi... More
332. Hussar of the Georgian regiment, from 1741 to 1761.
332. Hussar of the Georgian regiment, from 1741 to 1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 3... More
355. The Guards Grenadier Hat, from 1742 to 1762.
355. The Guards Grenadier Hat, from 1742 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 355. Гва... More
349. The foreman of the Artillery Fourstat, from 1757 to 1762.
349. The foreman of the Artillery Fourstat, from 1757 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V... More
367. OFFICER and SERGEANT of the Life Company, from 1742 to 1762.
367. OFFICER and SERGEANT of the Life Company, from 1742 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov ... More
Officer of the Hussar Regiment, 1760-1761.
Officer of the Hussar Regiment, 1760-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Офицер Гусарско... More
Private and Officer of the Kirassier Lotcov regiment, 1762.
Private and Officer of the Kirassier Lotcov regiment, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. ... More
Private of the Gusar Cobeltish Regiment, 1762.
Private of the Gusar Cobeltish Regiment, 1762. Private of the Gusar Cobeltish Regiment, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest com... More
Officer and Under Officer of the Fortress Garrison 1758-1761.
Officer and Under Officer of the Fortress Garrison 1758-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V.... More
502. Cannoner of the Artillery Command at the Infantry Regiment, from ...
502. Gunner of the Artillery Command at the Infantry Regiment, from 1763 to 1786. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1... More
531. THE DRUMER AND MUSICIAN OF THE Infantry Regiment, from 1786 to 17...
531. THE DRUMER AND MUSICIAN OF THE Infantry Regiment, from 1786 to 1796. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vis... More
534. OFFICERS of the Infantry Regiment, in the Army of Prince Potemkin...
534. OFFICERS of the Infantry Regiment, in the Army of Prince Potemkin 1788-1791. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1... More
560. CAPRAL and the UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 t...
560. CAPRAL and the UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 to 1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862)... More
570. OBER-OFFICER and UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1775...
570. OBER-OFFICER and UNTER-OFFICER of the Dragoon Regiment, from 1775 to 1786. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-186... More
595. PRIVATE Novotroitsk Cuirassier Regiment, from 1776 to 1786
595. PRIVATE Novotroitsk Cuirassier Regiment, from 1776 to 1786 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.... More
611. PRIVATE Serbian Hussar Regiment from 1763 to 1783
611. PRIVATE Serbian Hussar Regiment from 1763 to 1783 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 611... More
654. OBER-OFFICER of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, 1776-1784.
654. OBER-OFFICER of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, 1776-1784. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V.... More
660. HORSE Jaeger Officer in 1788.
660. HORSE Jaeger Officer in 1788. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 660. КОННО-ЕГЕРСКИЙ ОФИ... More
682. OFFICER and the private of Hussar squad of the Moscow Legion, fro...
682. OFFICER and the private of Hussar squad of the Moscow Legion, from 1769 to 1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 18... More
700. OFFICER AT THE MASTER AND MASTER GARRISON Artillery, from 1765 to...
700. OFFICER AT THE MASTER AND MASTER GARRISON Artillery, from 1765 to 1786. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) ... More
Album General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior.
Album: General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior, 1831-1891. Nikolai Nikolayevich - the third son of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna; General-Field Marshal (April 16, 1878). The la... More
Album General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior.
Album: General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior, 1831-1891. Nikolai Nikolayevich - the third son of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna; General-Field Marshal (April 16, 1878). The la... More
Album General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior.
Album: General-Field Marshal Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich senior, 1831-1891. Nikolai Nikolayevich - the third son of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Feodorovna; General-Field Marshal (April 16, 1878). The la... More
Uezdovsky military hospital, Russian Empire, 19th century
Uezdovsky military hospital. Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. Уездовский военн... More
Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw.
Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. - Пребывание императора Николая II, императрицы... More
Zarechny Fort. Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw.
Stay of Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in Warsaw. August 1897 In memory of the highest visit to the fortresses of the Warsaw Military District. - Пребывание императора Николая II, императрицы... More
10th Dragoon Novgorod Regiment.
10th Dragoon Novgorod Regiment. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- 10й драгунский Новгородский полк. Русская армия в первой мировой вой... More
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...
The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- Русская армия в первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала графа Ф.А.Келлера.
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...
Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the 6th squadron of heavy bom...
The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich examines the aircraft squad of Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Александр Михайлович осмат... More
The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.
The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Механик за проверкой мотора тяжёлого бомбардировщик... More
Russian soldiers moving the airship Condor to the parking lot.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... More
Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger.
Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Офицеры авиационной роты у разбитого Морана авиатора ... More
Russian soldiers and the airship Condor at the parking lot.
The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... More
Training shooting on air targets. Aerodrome. Radom province, station K...
Training shooting on air targets. Aerodrome. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Учебная стрельба по воздушным целям. Аэродром. Радомская губерния, ст. ... More
A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX ...
A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX corps air force in the war. 1914-1915 Группа русских лётчиков и техников позирует у самолёта. XX корпусной авиационный отряд на войне. 1914-1915 гг.
The aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom...
The aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Перед боевым вылетом для бомбардировки объектов прот... More
A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft...
A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft. Kovel, July-August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный летчик поручик Бржезовский в кабине летательного аппарата.... More
Avia squads on train station. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916...
At the train arriving at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. У прибывшего на станцию эшелона с имуществом авиарот. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Assembly of aircraft engines. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916...
Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Assembly of Newport aircrafts. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-191...
Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Celebrating Christmas in 1915. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-191...
Celebrating Christmas. Pskov. Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Празднование Рождества. Псков. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-191...
Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.
Hangars of Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915
Hangars of Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Ангары - Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
Meteorological station. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army....
Meteorological station. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Метеорологическая станция. Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
A field power station installed on an air base car. Aviation Squad and...
A field power station installed on an air base car. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Походная электростанция, установленная на автомобиле авиабазы. Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915
General Vogel during the inspection of the 5th Army
General Vogel (center) and his accompanying officers inspecting the aircraft at the airport during the inspection of the 5th Army in the formation of the Vth Air Division. Aviation Squad and V Division at the X... More
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852.
The military uniform of the Russian army in 1852. Военная форма русской армии образца 1852 года.