tsarskoe, history of russia

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Emperor Nicholas II with the daughter of Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna during a walk.Tsarskoe Selo. Spring 1916.

Emperor Nicholas II with the daughter of Grand Princess Anastasia Niko...

Emperor Nicholas II with the daughter of Grand Princess Anastasia Nikolaevna during a walk. Император Николай II с дочерью Великой Княжной Анастасией Николаевной во время прогулки. Царское Село. Весна 1916 года.

Grand Duchess Anastasia.Tsarskoe Selo. Spring 1916.

Grand Duchess Anastasia.Tsarskoe Selo. Spring 1916.

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna daughter of Emperor Nicholas II. Tsarskoe Selo. The spring of 1916. Великая Княжна Анастасия Николаевна дочь Императора Николая II. Царское Село. Весна 1916 года.