vladimir gubernia, центральная россия

613 media by topicpage 1 of 7
Vladimir - Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street.

Vladimir - Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street.

Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street. Большая Московская улица.

View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir from Klyazma. Вид Владимира с Клязьмы.

Vladimir - Ancient Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Vladimir - Ancient Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir, Prokudin-Gorskiy color separation negative

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir, Prokudin-Gorskiy color separation neg...

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Golden Gate, Vladimir, Russian Empire

Golden Gate, Vladimir, Russian Empire

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Barracks of the Siberian regiment

Vladimir, Barracks of the Siberian regiment

Barracks of the Siberian regiment. Казармы Сибирского полка.

Maltsev Industrial College., Russian Empire, 19th century

Maltsev Industrial College., Russian Empire, 19th century

Maltsev Industrial Crafts College. Мальцевское Ремесленное училище.

Moscow street. Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir. Московская улица. Центр Владимира.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House. Владимир, Народный Дом. Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir panoramic View., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir panoramic View., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir panoramic View. Панорама Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, view from the river Klyazma.

Vladimir, view from the river Klyazma.

Vladimir, view from the river Klyazma. Владимир, вид с реки Клязьмы.

View of Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir. Вид Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Public domain photograph of 19th-century vintage card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, The Technical school.

Vladimir, The Technical school.

Vladimir, The Technical school. Владимир, Реальное училище. Public domain photograph of a palace, mansion building in Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment.

Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Ru...

Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment. Улица Вокзальная. Взвод барабанщиков 10 Малороссийского гренадерского полка.

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral and Vladimir Chapel

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral and Vladimir Chapel

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral. Владимир, Успенский Собор.

Bogolyubovsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir

Bogolyubovsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin - a female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region, occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civ... More

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption convent. Fresco "Last Judgment" in the Assumption Cathedral.

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century...

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption convent. Fresco "Last Judgment" in the Assumption Cathedral. Княгинин монастырь. Фрески стенной иконописи XIII века в Ус... More

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan church (chapel of St. John Chrysostom). The beginning of XX century.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan churc...

Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan church (chapel of St. John Chrysostom). The beginning of XX century. Княгинин монастырь. Иконостас тёплой Казанской церкви (придела Иоанна Златоуста). Начало XX в.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Knyaginin monastery. Княгинин монастырь. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimirб Sergievskaya church in 1779 - Iconostasis.

Vladimirб Sergievskaya church in 1779 - Iconostasis.

Sergievskaya church in 1779 - Iconostasis. Сергиевская церковь 1779 г. Иконостас. Public domain photograph of the interior of a church, altar, choir, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir - Portrait of Bacchus Nazarovich and Irina Evtikhievna Muravkin.

Vladimir - Portrait of Bacchus Nazarovich and Irina Evtikhievna Muravk...

Portrait of Bacchus Nazarovich and Irina Evtikhievna Muravkin. Портрет Вакха Назаровича и Ирины Евтихиевны Муравкиных.

Vladimir, A group of students at the Maltsev School.

Vladimir, A group of students at the Maltsev School.

A group of students at the Maltsev School. Группа учащихся Мальцевского училища.

City garden. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century

City garden. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century

Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More

Moscow street. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. Murom, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as... More

Christmas shopping square, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Christmas shopping square, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Christmas shopping square Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale f... More

Technical School. Murom, Russia

Technical School. Murom, Russia

Technical School Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1... More

Nativity Street. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nativity Street. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nativity Street. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned ... More

Murom, A view of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of the Zhuravlev

Murom, A view of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the h...

A view of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of the Zhuravlev. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs ... More

Murom, Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church and a water tower.

Murom, Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church and a water tower.

A view from the river on the Nikolo-Naberezhnaya church and a water tower. 1890s. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in ... More

Murom, Ascension street. 1900, Russian Empire

Murom, Ascension street. 1900, Russian Empire

Ascension street. 1900 Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and ment... More

Murom, Nikolo - Zaryadskaya church.

Murom, Nikolo - Zaryadskaya church.

Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More

Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nicholay-Mozhaisk church. Interior. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Murom... More

Murom, Nativity street. A new pharmacy. 1890

Murom, Nativity street. A new pharmacy. 1890

Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 1792 and 1805 obli... More

Murom, The Holy Trinity convent in 1909-1911.

Murom, The Holy Trinity convent in 1909-1911.

The Holy Trinity convent in 1909-1911. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Mu... More

Murom, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of merchants Zhuravlev

Murom, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of mercha...

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the house of merchants Zhuravlev. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the l... More

Construction of the Murom railway station of the Moscow-Kazan railway. Around 1912.

Construction of the Murom railway station of the Moscow-Kazan railway....

Construction of the Murom railway station of the Moscow-Kazan railway. Around 1912. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in... More

Nativity Church. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nativity Church. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nativity Church. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned ... More

Church of St. George, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Church of St. George, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Church of St. George. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and menti... More

Murom. Woman portrait. Black dress. 1860s

Murom. Woman portrait. Black dress. 1860s

Murom. Female portrait. 1860s Муром. Женский портрет. 1860 Public domain photograph of female portrait, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of a girl from the Valenkov family. Murom

Portrait of a girl from the Valenkov family. Murom

Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of a girl from the Valenkov family. 1903. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет девочки из семьи Валенковых. 1903.

Murom, Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1909-1910

Murom, Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1909-1910

Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of Faina Bychkova. 1909-1910. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет Фаины Бычковой. 1909-1910.

Murom, Shura Zvorykin on the background of birches on the shore of the reservoir. Murom, 1913

Murom, Shura Zvorykin on the background of birches on the shore of the...

Murom. Children's portraits. Shura Zvorykin on the background of birches on the shore of the reservoir. Murom, 1913. Муром. Детские портреты. Шура Зворыкин на фоне берёзы на берегу водоёма. Муром, 1913.

Vladimir - The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of the late XVIII - XIX centuries.

Vladimir - The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of the late XVIII -...

The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of the late XVIII - XIX centuries. Большая Московская улица. Каменная застройка конца XVIII - XIX вв.

Vladimir - St. George's Church. 1876-1881

Vladimir - St. George's Church. 1876-1881

St. George's Church. 1876-1881 Георгиевская церковь. 1876-1881 Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir - The Great Moscow Street.

Vladimir - The Great Moscow Street.

The Great Moscow Street. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Street scene. Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimirб Theological Seminary, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimirб Theological Seminary, Russian Empire, 19th century

Theological Seminary Духовная Семинария Public domain photograph of a house, residential property, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Women School, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Women School, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Golden Gate, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Golden Gate, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Golden Gate Excavation

Vladimir, Golden Gate Excavation

Golden Gate. Excavation in the Golden Gate. Excavations in the process of restoration of the ancient course of the XII century. in the gate church by the priest Simeon Nikolsky in 1870-1872. Золотые ворота. Ра... More

Vladimir. Knyaginin nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir. Knyaginin nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir. Knyaginin nunnery. Владимир. Княгинин денский монастырь.

Christmas Monastery and the Myrrh-Bearing Church. Vladimir.

Christmas Monastery and the Myrrh-Bearing Church. Vladimir.

Christmas Monastery and the Myrrh-Bearing Church. Vladimir. Рождественский Монастырь и Мироносицкая церковь. Владимир.

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir.

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir.

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir. Московская улица. Центр Владимира.

Myronosynskaya street. Vladimir.

Myronosynskaya street. Vladimir.

Myronosynskaya street. Vladimir. Мироносинская улица. Владимир.

Vladimir, Male Gymnasium., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Male Gymnasium., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Male Gymnasium. Владимир, Мужская гимназия.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House. Владимир, Народный Дом. Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nizhny Novgorod street, Vladimir, Russia

Nizhny Novgorod street, Vladimir, Russia

Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod street. Владимир, Нижегородская улица.

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir View. Вид Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir View from Vasilyevskaya School.

Vladimir View from Vasilyevskaya School.

Vladimir View from Vasilyevskaya School. Вид Владимира от Васильевского Училища.

Vladimir. Polish Catholic Church.

Vladimir. Polish Catholic Church.

Vladimir. Polish Catholic Church. Владимир. Польский католический костел. Public domain photograph of historic building, cathedral, church, religious architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image... More

Vladimir. Flood on Klyazma River.

Vladimir. Flood on Klyazma River.

Vladimir. The flood of the Klyazma River. Владимир. Разлив реки Клязьмы.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery. Владимир, Рождественский монастырь.

Cathedral, Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery.

Cathedral, Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery. Владимир, Рождественский монастырь. Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Sergievskaya church. 1890

Vladimir, Sergievskaya church. 1890

Sergievskaya church. 1890 Сергиевская церковь. 1890 Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir. Cathedral Square. Cathedral.

Vladimir. Cathedral Square. Cathedral.

Vladimir. Cathedral Square. Cathedral. Владимир. Соборная площадь. Кафедральный собор.

Spasskaya st. and Transfiguration Church.

Spasskaya st. and Transfiguration Church.

Vladimir, Spasskaya st. and Transfiguration Church. Владимир, Спасская улица и Спасо-Преображенская церковь

Vladimir, Troitsky Val and Bogolyubovsky Lane.

Vladimir, Troitsky Val and Bogolyubovsky Lane.

Vladimir, Troitsky Val and Bogolyubovsky Lane. Владимир, Троицкий вал и Боголюбовский переулок.

Vladimir, Knyaginin nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Knyaginin nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Uspensky Knyaginin nunnery. Владимир, Успенский Княгинин девичий монастырь.

Vladimir, Uspensky nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Uspensky nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Uspensky Knyaginin nunnery. Владимир, Успенский Княгинин девичий монастырь. Public domain photograph of historic church building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main ch...

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann Baptist church (the upper part). Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г. Иконостас главной, Предтеченской, церкви (верхняя часть).

Vladimir, A group portrait of members of a circle of preachers and teachers of the Vladimir Theological Seminary.

Vladimir, A group portrait of members of a circle of preachers and tea...

A group portrait of members of a circle of preachers and teachers of the Vladimir Theological Seminary. Групповой портрет членов кружка проповедников и преподавателей Владимирской духовной семинарии.

Vladimir, Mechanical workshop of the Maltsov School.

Vladimir, Mechanical workshop of the Maltsov School.

Mechanical workshop of the Maltsov School. Механическая мастерская Мальцовского училища. Public domain photograph of a workshop, industrial building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Bogoroditskaya church in 1649. Wax candlestick ("lean candle"). The beginning of XX century.

Vladimir, Bogoroditskaya church in 1649. Wax candlestick ("lean candle...

Bogoroditskaya church in 1649. Wax candlestick ("lean candle"). The beginning of XX century. Богородицкая церковь 1649 г. Восковой подсвечник («тощая свеча»). Начало XX в.

National Bank. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

National Bank. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

National Bank. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fires in 179... More

Murom, General view., Russian Empire, 19th century

Murom, General view., Russian Empire, 19th century

General view. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as ... More

Murom, The station of the Murom Railway.

Murom, The station of the Murom Railway.

The station of the Murom Railway. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large... More

The house of Zhuravlev. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

The house of Zhuravlev. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

The house of Zhuravlev. Since the XVII century, Murom has become an important handicraft center. The architectural appearance of the historical part of Murom was formed in the XIX-XX century, as large-scale fir... More

Nikolo-Mozhaisk church. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nikolo-Mozhaisk church. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Nikolo-Mozhaisk church. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and men... More

Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia 1900-1905

Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia 1900-1905

Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people called Muromians and mentioned as early as 862. ... More

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Murom, Vladimir Province, Rus...

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. 1890. Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of the East Slavs in the land of the Finno-Ugric people c... More

Murom, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and belltower.

Murom, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and belltower.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. XVI century. The belltower of the 18th century in the 1890s Murom is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the 9th century CE, Murom was the easternmost settlement of ... More

The Tagunov family at a wedding picnic. 1910s

The Tagunov family at a wedding picnic. 1910s

Murom. Events and people. The Tagunov family at a wedding picnic. 1910s Tagunovs owned baths until the revolution of 1917. "Trading in Murom house of the first guild under the company" Brothers L. and P. Tagun... More

The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910. Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910. Murom, Vladim...

Murom. Events and people. The builders of the railway bridge across the Oka. 1910. Муром. События и люди. Групповой портрет строителей железнодорожного моста через Оку. 1910.

Murom, Planting trees city public. 1900-1910.

Murom, Planting trees city public. 1900-1910.

Murom. Events and people. Planting trees city public. 1900-1910. Муром. События и люди. Посадка деревьев городской общественностью. 1900-1910

Woman portrait, 1909, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Woman portrait, 1909, Murom, Vladimir Province, Russia

Murom. Female portrait 1909. Муром. Женский портрет 1909. Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portrait of children from the Orlov family. Murom

Portrait of children from the Orlov family. Murom

Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of children from the Orlov family. 1895. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет детей из семьи Орловых. 1895.

Portrait of the boy Vanya Sokolsky. 1910-1912

Portrait of the boy Vanya Sokolsky. 1910-1912

Murom. Children's portraits. Portrait of the boy Vanya Sokolsky. 1910-1912. Муром. Детские портреты. Портрет мальчика Вани Сокольского. 1910-1912.

Archpriest of the Murom Nicholas Church, Father Ioann

Archpriest of the Murom Nicholas Church, Father Ioann

Murom in portraits. Clergy. Archpriest of the Murom Nicholas Church, Father Ioann (Smirnov) with his grandson. 1870-1880 Муром в портретах. Лица духовного звания. Протоиерей Муромской Николо-Зарядской церкви о... More

Portrait of the Deyev spouses. On the back there is an inscription "assistant to the locomotive driver". 1894

Portrait of the Deyev spouses. On the back there is an inscription "as...

Murom in portraits. Married couples. Portrait of the Deyev spouses. On the back there is an inscription "assistant to the locomotive driver". 1894 Муром в портретах. Супружеские пары. Портрет супругов Деевых. ... More

Vladimir - city hall and The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of the late XVIII - XIX centuries.

Vladimir - city hall and The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of th...

The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of the late XVIII - XIX centuries. Большая Московская улица. Каменная застройка конца XVIII - XIX вв.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Большая Нижегородская улица.

Vladimir - View from the Market Square at Pyatnitskaya Church

Vladimir - View from the Market Square at Pyatnitskaya Church

Vladimir - View from the Market Square at Pyatnitskaya Church Владимир - Вид с Базарной площади на Пятницкую церковь

Vladimir, view from the boulevard.

Vladimir, view from the boulevard.

Vladimir, view from the boulevard. Владимир, вид с бульвара.

Vladimir, View from the river Klyazma

Vladimir, View from the river Klyazma

View from the river Klyazma Вид с реки Клязьмы

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir Province

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir Province

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

Postcard, Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir

Postcard, Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

VladimiVladimir, the Theological Seminary and the Sergius Church.r

VladimiVladimir, the Theological Seminary and the Sergius Church.r

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary and the Sergius Church.

Vladimir, Golden Gate and Vladimir Women's School.

Vladimir, Golden Gate and Vladimir Women's School.

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More


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