Solemn opening of the State Duma and the State Council. Winter Palace....
Solemn opening of the State Duma and the State Council. Winter Palace. April 27, 1906. Торжественное открытие Государственной Думы и Государственного Совета. Зимний дворец. 27 апреля 1906 года.
Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace
Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace after receiving the Emperor Nicholas II. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Депутаты Первой Государственной думы выходят из Зимнего дворц... More
A group of deputies of the First State Duma is sent to the Winter Pala...
A group of deputies of the First State Duma is sent to the Winter Palace for an appointment with the Emperor Nicholas II. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Группа депутатов Первой Государственно... More
Deputies of the First State Duma on the Palace Square near the Winter ...
Coaches arriving at the opening ceremony of the Duma members of the State Council and deputies of the First State Duma on the Palace Square near the Winter Palace. The opening of the First State Duma. April 27,... More
Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace
Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace after receiving the Emperor Nicholas II. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Депутаты Первой Государственной думы выходят из Зимнего дворц... More
A group of generals at the Winter Palace
A group of generals at the Winter Palace on the opening day of the First State Duma. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Группа генералов у Зимнего дворца в день открытия Первой Государственной д... More
Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Opening of the F...
Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with their accompanying persons pass along the Neva embankment on the opening day of the First State Duma. ... More
Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace
Deputies of the First State Duma leave the Winter Palace after receiving the Emperor Nicholas II. Opening of the First State Duma. April 27, 1906. Депутаты Первой Государственной думы выходят из Зимнего дворц... More