WW1 1914 Russians, French, Artillery 220494-03 | Footage Farm
For broadcast quality material of this reel or for more information about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [1914 - Russian Cavalry; Serbian Diplomat; Sweden; French Leaders; WW... More
Russian Royal Family At Various Events (1910-1917)
Russia. Tzar Nicholas II and Russian Royal family attend various events. MS Tzar with 2 soldiers on deck of boat. Royal family and entourage walking down ramp from ship, the Tzarevich Alexei is carried... More
Nicholas II newsreel, Russian Empire
Первая в России киносъемка. Открытие памятника Александру III, коронация, смотры и тд. Примерно 1900 год.
Imperial Russian troops moving to engage Bolshevik revolutionary forc...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056596_Russian-soldiers_soldiers-in-boat_soldiers-in-railroad-flatcars_weapons-of soldiers Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips... More
WWI - Russian Military Preparation & Fighting 220504-11X | Footage Far...
For broadcast quality material of this reel or for more information about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [WWI - Russian Military Preparation & Fighting; Celebrating; Wounded ... More
Russian Emperor Nicholas II arrives in Helsinki in 1915
понравилось видео? подпишись на канал! Короткий фильм в котором российский император Николай II прибыл с визитом в Хельсинки в 1915 году. Это был единственный визит русского царя когда-либо снятый на плёнку.
Czar Of Russia With Cossacks (1910-1919)
Czar Nicholas II of Russia with Cossacks. Russian soldiers carrying bayonets and / or rifles march past. Group of Russian officers watch 3 others chatting - one on left is Czar Nicholas II of Russia. P... More
Tzar With Fleet AKA Czar With Fleet (1910-1917)
Tzar Nicholas II with fleet, Odessa? Russia. LS of Russian battleship of Evstafi class. Shot of small motor launch approaching and pulling alongside dock, on board are several Russian Navy officers and the T... More
Nicholas II Declares War on Germany 1914
Nicholas II speaks from the balcony of the Winter Palace to a huge crowd in Palace Square.
Russian soldiers fire artillery at Turkish position across a valley in...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675045897_Russian-soldiers_troops-firing-artillery_firing-across-valley_smoke-from-bombardment Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clip... More
Farewell of Slavyanka military march
Best military march that I know. Performed by the Ensemble of the Russian Admiralty. Special thanks to Tri2061990 who gave me the soundtrack to this video.
Tsar Nicholas II with a priest and other officials. Fallen soldiers ar...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675045957_Kaiser-Wilhelm-II_dead-bodies-of-soldiers_priest-arrives_officer-walking Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Ts... More
Moscow panorama of the city 1908. Newsreel footage.
Панорамный обзор с Успенской звонницы Кремля Колокольни Ивана Великого. 1908г. Колокольня «Иван Великий» (также известная как Колокольня Ивана Великого). Колокольня являлась самым высоким зданием Москвы до нача... More
Coronation of Tsar Nicholas II, 14th May 1896, Russia. Film 11138
Russia. Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina descend steps at his coronation in Moscow, Russia. There are large crowds. Bells ring in close up. Huge crowds in square. 1913 - Imperial parade at the Kremlin. Lots of... More
Nicholas II (1914-1916) during World War I
Here's some footage of the Czar Nicholas II during the first World War. See how he meets with some soldiers and offivers in 1914-1916. Russia. Czar (Tzar) Nicholas II walking with Grand Duke Nicholas at Ru... More
Emperor Nicolas II's voice (recording).wmv Голос Николая II
Tsar Nicholas II's Voice. Голос Николая II "Братцы! Спасибо вам за славный парад! Спасибо, братцы, вам за отличное ученье!" Прием парада. Voice recording of the Emperor Nicholas II, the parade of His Imperi... More
Chronicle of the Arrival of Nicholas II in Kostroma
Хроника прибывания Николая II в Костроме
Emperor Nicholas II visits Paris - 1896
Посещение императором Николаем II вместе с императрицей Александрой Федоровной Парижа 5-9 октября 1896 A visit by Emperor Nicholas II along with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to Paris 5-9 October 1896 Music:... More
Emperor Nicholas II visits Kaiser Wilhelm II - 1905
Николай II с братским визитом на крейсер «Берлин» 24 июля 1905 Nicholas II on a fraternal visit to the Cruiser “Berlin” Taken from a part of the album - "The Baltic Sea Voyage of Wilhelm II" 24 July 1905 Mu... More
1918 year. The area of three train stations in Moscow.
Площадь трех вокзалов (Ярославский, Ленинградский, Казанский) на кадрах кинохроники 1918 года (Кино-неделя Дзиги Вертова). Больше инфо читайте на нашем сайте. О Казанском вокзале: Музыкальное сопровождение: D... More
Nicholas II at the opening of the monument to Alexander II in Kiev 191...
Дата съёмки – 11 – 12 сентября (29 – 30 августа по старому стилю) 1911 Премьера - 1911 Жанр - Документальный, кинохроника Оператор – Владимир Добржанский Производство - Московское представительство фирмы Б... More
Russian Army (1914), Russian Empire
St. Petersburg, Russia The mobilization of Russian Army at the beginning of World War One (July 29 - 31, 1914). MS 2 men measuring horse's height. Pan on the scene in a square: officers, soldiers, and horse... More
RUSSISKE KRIGSFANGER I TYSKLAND 1914-18 Læs mere om filmen i Nationalfilmografien: http://www.dfi.dk/faktaomfilm/nationalfilmografien/nffilm.aspx?id=44763
Russian Soldiers (1914-1916), Russian Empire
Russian Soldiers. World War One. Russian Front scenes; etc. Opens with same footage already found on ON 175 Q. Soldiers in heavy winter coats; fur hats; rifles; march across snow toward camera. LS same s... More
Russian Revolution Scenes 220675-01 | Footage Farm
[Russian Revolution Scenes] Tsarist Signs taken down. Leaflets distributed to huge crowd. Vars shots of marches and demonstrations in Moscow - good top shot crowds running in panic from square as shots fired ... More
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia reviews drivers and vehicles in World War I...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675045901_Russian-Czar_cars-parked_reviews-chauffeurs_officers-standing Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Tsar Nicholas... More
Siberian Intervention in World War One. Czech Legions and U.S. troops ...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675047141_Allied-Expeditionary-Forces_Czechoslovakian-guards_refugees-walk_Chinese-troops_World-War-I Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Vid... More
American Expeditionary Force Siberia in 1918: "AEF in Siberia" pt1-2 U...
The old pre-revolutionary Moscow in the video of 1908.
Уникальный черно-белый фильм, снятый для французской кинокомпании Pathé Frères, показывает старую дореволюционную Москву зимой 1908 года.
Russian Army cavalry, supplies, troops advancing in snow during the Ca...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675024145_World-War-I_Cavalry_supplies-moved-in-carts_Troops-on-parade-in-field Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Russi... More
Russian Cavalry demonstrating a charge as they move toward Przemysl,G...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675067824_Austrian-cavalry_soldiers-advance_battlefield_Russian-gun-fire Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Russian Cava... More
1906-1914: Home Movies of the Romanov Family (speed corrected w/ added...
Old films of the Romanov family before the Russian Revolution. Taken about 1906-1914. Set to a natural rate and added in sound for ambiance
OTMA — Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria & Anastasia
This is my ultimate collection of the old archival film footage with the Russian Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Romanov of Russia (OTMA) from the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archi... More
Romanovs. Czar Nicholas II & Children
In this old film footage from the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk (RGAKFD) you can see the Russian Czar Nicholas II together with the children — mostly gymnasia pupils and military... More
1914 Russian various 220502-11 | Footage Farm
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [1914 - Russian Military Aviation; Battleship; Agricu... More
Romanovs. Tsar Nicholas II & Raymond Poincaré
In this film footage from the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk (RGAKFD) you can see the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the French President Raymond Poincaré (1860–1934) as the lat... More
Romanov's in Romania (1914), Russian Empire
Taken from the documentary Russia's Lost Princesses. This is when there where marriage negotiations between Tsar Nicholas’s eldest daughter, Olga, and Carol II of Romania. When the Romanov’s visited their Roman... More
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in Denmark 1901
see details on http://royalromania.wordpress.com Tsar Nicholas II of Russia during a visit in Denmark to King Christian IX of Denmark, his grandfather, in 1901. They had the tradition of gathering in Septemb... More
1918 The carriage row. In the Hermitage Garden ...
Улица Каретный ряд и театр "Эрмитаж" в эпизодах кинохроники Дзиги Вертова "Кино-неделя" № 24 от 1918 года. На кадрах кинохроники можно увидеть выступление Л.Б. Каменева и парад войск по улице Каретный ряд. Му... More
Newsreel 1913 Central Moscow Hippodrome / Running on Begovaya
Первый в мире рысистый ипподром был основан в 1834 году. Помимо рысистых бегов и гладких скачек здесь также проходили стипль-чезы, конкур-иппики. Главное здание Московского ипподрома (Беговая беседка) было пост... More
Romanovs. Tsar Nicholas II & The Russian Army
In this footage from the Russian State Documentary Film & Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk (RGAKFD) you can see the Russian Czar Nicholas II with the Imperial Russian Army as he reviews the troops; talks to the Rus... More
Official march of Imperial Russian Navy
Präsentiermarsch der Kaiserlich russischen Marine. "Николаевский марш" или "Флаг-марш", присвоен Российскому флоту (по данным А.Карабанова - "Утвержденный марш всего Флота Русского"). На 1901 год этот марш как... More
Russian Troops World War One 220501-12 | Footage Farm
1914 ca - Enlistments; Troops In Winter; Soldiers & Russian Orthodox Service] Woman making speech to men (suffragette?); large stone lion in background (Trafalgar Square?). Army officer standing to side & ano... More
Russian Imperial Military March "Homesickness"
Russian military march. One of my favorites. Performed by the ensemble of the Leningrad Military District.
Russian Refugees - Part 1 (1919)
Russian refugees - part 1. River Volga, Russia. GV banks of river; groups of people sitting round fires; others walking; hillside in BG. CUs groups; families; sitting around; some people eating soup from a c... More
Czar Nicholas II with wife and daughters in Russia. Edward is made Pri...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675026655_George-V_climb-down-stair_royal-women-follow_officials-stand-on-sides Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Czar ... More
World War I: Russian Revolution 1/4
Russian revolutions of 1917. Overview of life in imperial Russia and of consequences of war. Food revolts lead to February Revolution, the Czar abdicates. The Provisional Government continues the war, Germany h... More
Russian Hospital AKA Russian Artillery In Action (1915)
Item may originally have been part of RUSSIAN ARTILLERY IN ACTION (ON 20 M), in which case location is Przemysl, Austria (later Poland). Soldiers and cart with Red Cross symbol in front of large building. ... More
Russian Army During WWI music is Farewell-of-Slavyanka
My first video. Comments on improvement are appreciated.
russian revolution newsreel 1917
for hoffman's class. i made this at 11pm. Signal Corps film of World War I. One of the early controlled efforts to produce a government newsreel. America Goes Over (1of4) (WWI Silent Film) Government-... More
Tsar Of Russia (1914-1918) during World War I
Tsar of Russia - Kaiser, Francis, Joseph and Stalin. A fast montage with shots of all sorts of people. Houses on shore; with steep hill BG. Then GV ancient (middle ages) castle perched on a hill. Elderly Fra... More
Tsar´s children playing on Standart
Historical documentary
The Romanov Family visit Mogilev, October 4th 1916
Introduction - This footage is believed to be the last one ever filmed of the Imperial Family, prior to Russian Revolution in early 1917, when Tsar of all Russians, Nicholas the second had to abdicate in Ps... More
Alexandra's Bedroom at the Winter Palace
October 1927, a film by Sergei Eisenstein
Russian Artillery In Action AKA Russian Troops At Przemysl (1915)
World War One: Russians at Przemysl in Austria (later in Poland). Artillery in Action: soldiers in a ditch or trench operating large field gun, there are leafless bushes and brambles along ditch, some snow ... More
Russian Field Gun Firing (1914-1916)
Russian field gun firing. Location of events unknown. Russian artillery team. First shot of group of Russian soldiers in a shallow ditch or trench. Then back view of Russian field gun w/ team at work; loadin... More
WWI Eastern Front; Russian Battles H1496-25 | Footage Farm
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [WWI - 1914 (?) German U-Boats; Lusitania Sinking; & ... More
Imperial Russian Navy, Russian Empire
For God, Tsar and the Motherland - the Imperial Russian Navy Pics: 1. 0:01 Standart of the Tsar 2. 0:05 BB Ismail under construction 3. 0:10 BB Imperator Aleksandr III. 4. 0:15 BB Imperatritsa ... More
500 Russians Complete Their Training (1919)
Item title reads: "Newmarket - 500 Russian Officers - have completed their training and left to join Yudenitch's victorious Army" Newmarket, Suffolk. LS Russian officer firing gas from cylinder. LS Group... More
Moscow. Tverskaya Street at the end of the 19th century. The year 1896...
Тверская улица в конце 19 века. 1896 год. На видео ошибочно было указано, что съёмка производилась в Санкт-Петербурге. На самом деле это Москва. Это же подтверждает комментатор видео. Из киносборника "Первые фи... More
Moscow the beginning of the 20th century. Newsreel footage.
Нарезка из кинохроники "Кино-недели" № 32 Дзиги Вертова. Красная площадь и улицы Москвы в начале 20 века. Кинохроника 1927 года: http://youtu.be/HVEKgvpKMxo, кинохроника 1908 года: http://www.youtube.com/watch?... More
1908 - Russia: POV from rear of train; Cavalry School 220497-12 | Foot...
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [1908 - Russia: POV from rear of train; Cavalry Sch... More
Bloody WWI Footage! 1918 World War I - Public Domain Blockbuster
To Visit My Portfolio! Click Here: http://8cb378cc.yyv.co This footage is in the public domain and can be downloaded for free here: http://e89de879.yyv.co The numbers 2,000,000 German Soldiers were killed 1,8... More
WWI - Newsreel Excerpts 220766-03 | Footage Farm
For broadcast quality material or to learn more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] Street scenes NY & smaller city - good shots early cars. 21:35:09 Exterior The Gem Theat... More
Russian in WWI Pt1/3 220505-01X | Footage Farm
For broadcast quality material of this reel or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] Troops leave, march down road. 11:00:14 Troops by artillery emplacements & i... More
WW I, The Russian - Turkish War and the Battle of Trabzon (1916)
During the WW I (1914-1918), the Battle of Trabzon was a series of Russian naval and land operations which led in the capture of Trabzon. Operations began on February 5 and concluded on 18 April 1916 when Trab... More
Romanovs. The White Flower Day in Livadia (Yalta)
The White Flower Day is a charitable action in favour of the people who suffer from tuberculosis. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia along with her four daughters — Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Marie and ... More
Lenin's activities early in 1917. Mass demonstrations.Shooting at crow...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675072431_Early-stage-of-Revolution_Lenin_mass-demonstrations_shooting-at-crowd_Lenin-in-Finland Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Cl... More
1908 Moscow. Street Kuznetsky Most. Newsreel.
Москва. Улица Кузнецкий мост. 1908 г. Улица Кузнецкий мост после пересечения с Петровкой. Вид в сторону Неглинной улицы, справа Солодовниковский пассаж, разрушенный в 1941 году. Кузнецкий Мост — одна из старейш... More
Nicholas II and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich
OTMA Romanovs in Filmen (Teil 1 von 3)
Zur Erinnerung an die Großfürstinnen Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia und die letzte Zarenfamilie Romanov. Heilige Märtyrer der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche. Ermordet 1918 von den Bolschewisten, im Auftrag von Len... More
Czar Nicholas II at Livadia Palace, 1909
Old footage of Czar Nicholas II at Livadia Palace sometime in 1909. This video also has two versions of the Imperial Russian National Anthem used as the sound track. There is a recently written icon of the Holy... More
Russian Army (1915), Russian Empire
World War One - location of events unknown. Many Russian soldiers running across field, practising bayonet charge. Shot of 3 Russian officers on horses, others standing. 1 Russian navy officer & 1 French of... More
The Imperial Family| Visit to beloved Crimea for the last time ever
-How terribly sad it is to leave the Crimea, the sea, the sailors and the ships- (Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaievna, diary entry, on May 16th 1916.) After short visiting Sebastopol, and attending the Bl... More
RUSSIAN EMPIRE: Royal Family Visit to Romania
RUSSIAN EMPIRE: Royal Family Visit to Romania Saludos de http://karelcio.x10.mx/
Military and civil authorities greet Tsar Nicholas,Tsarina Alexandra, ...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675072425_annual-visit_Czar-Peter-I-of-Russia_Czarevich-Alexei_Czarina-Alexandra_Annual-visit Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips... More
The Czar of Russia and his wife during a ceremony at their palace, dur...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056574_Bolshevik-Revolution_October-Revolution_Czar-of-Russia_wife-of-Czar_soldiers-salute-Czar Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video ... More
Moscow. 1914 year. Tverskaya street. Collecting tobacco for the Russia...
Кинохроника 1914 года из "Pathé-journal", выпускавшейся фирмой "Пате", называется "Сборъ табаку для русской армiи".
Tsar Nicholas II and his family at Mogilev, 1916
Tsar Nicholas and his family visiting Mogilev in 1916. Video from frozentears.org
Visit of Russian Czar Nicholas II to Germany, meeting with Kaiser Wilh...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675027575_soldiers_soldiers-on-horses_jeep-on-the-street_soldiers-stand Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Visit of Russ... More
Moscow. Petrovsky park. Newsreel. 1908
Петровский парк. 1908г. Кинохроника. Петровский парк — пейзажный парковый комплекс в северо-западной части Москвы. Памятник паркового искусства XIX века. В первой половине XIX века парк становится престижным ар... More
Flooding in Moscow. Newsreel. 1908
Эпизод из кинолетописи XX века "Россия, которую мы сохранили" (1908-1913 гг), посмотрев который мы станем свидетелями наводнения в Москве в апреле 1908 года, не утихавшего на протяжении пяти дней. В 1908 году с... More
Cossacks In Dublin (1925), Russian Empire
Item title reads - Cossacks in Dublin. Thrilling display by these intrepid horsemen. Ireland. L/S of Cossacks marching along a field, they turn the corner. Various shots of two of them lying on the ground... More
Helsinki 1900-luvun alussa. - Helsinki, Finland
1900-luvun alussa kuvattua kuvaa Helsingistä. Helsinkiä kuvattiin ensimmäisen kerran filmille vuonna 1907.
1910s - Russian Winter, Open cars driving & racing on ice 220496-02 | ...
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [1910s - Russian Winter, Open cars driving & racing o... More
WWI Russian Troops 220504-07 | Footage Farm
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [1914 (?) - Russian Troops, ca WWI] MS Man speaking t... More
Double eagle emblems of the Romanoff dynasty destroyed by revolutionar...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056582_Bolshevik-Revolution_October-Revolution_revolutionaries-destroy-Romanoff-emblems_double-eagle Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage V... More
Generals Milan Stefanik, Rudolf Gaida and Jan Syrovy review and decora...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675072595_Russian-troops_Czech-General-Milan-Stefanik_Rudolf-Gaida_Jan-Syrovy Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Slovak ... More
Moscow. Lefortovo. First Cadet Corps in 1918. Alekseevskoye Military C...
На видео указано, что выпуск красных офицеров проходит в Алексеевском училище, однако, это не здание училища и оно в 1917 году было уже расформировано. Действие происходит на территории Первого кадетского корпу... More
Moscow in the Winter of 1908, Russian Empire
Featured Music listed below. Old silent footage that I found on the internet. Considering it was filmed in 1908 U.S. law considers this clip to be public domain (life of Author plus 70 years - dont quote me o... More
Czar With The Army (1914-1917), Russian Empire
Czar with the army. Eastern Front. LS looking into ravine ? or valley in mountains; soldiers walking on a narrow path - ledge moving both up and down. Nicholas II stands along the path; holding a walking sti... More
1911 Russia Various 220496-06 | Footage Farm
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at [email protected] [1911 - Moscow, Russia Aero Sleigh; Odessa Frozen Har... More
Russian Revolution extracts 220676-09 | Footage Farm
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: [email protected] Part 2 footage intercut w/ stills & paintings. Animated map of Lenin's travels? Printing presses in underground chamber... More
Czar Nicholas II reviews his soldiers and Alexander Kerensky and then ...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056637_Russian-Revolutions_Czar-Nicholas-II_Alexander-Kerensky_Leon-Trotsky_Vladimir-Lenin_Red-Army Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Vi... More
Revolutionaries raid and set fire to the Palace of the Romanoff dynast...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675056575_Bolshevik-Revolution_October-Revolution_emblem-of-Romanoff-dynasty_revolutionaries_soldiers Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Vid... More
White Russian troops parade and demonstrate bayonet use in Siberia HD ...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675047157_Allied-Expeditionary-Forces_World-War-I_Russian-soldiers_practice-bayonet-drill Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in ... More
Russian General Grand Duke Nicholas watches the Russian soldiers pract...
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675068684_Grand-Duke-Nicholas_Russian-soldiers_practice-bayonet-drill_World-War-I Historic Stock Footage Archival and Vintage Video Clips in HD. Rus... More