владимир, россия

367 media by topicpage 1 of 4
Vladimir - Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street.

Vladimir - Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street.

Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street. Большая Московская улица.

View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir from Klyazma. Вид Владимира с Клязьмы.

Vladimir - Ancient Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Vladimir - Ancient Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir, Prokudin-Gorskiy color separation negative

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, Vladimir, Prokudin-Gorskiy color separation neg...

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary

Vladimir, the Theological Seminary Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Golden Gate, Vladimir, Russian Empire

Golden Gate, Vladimir, Russian Empire

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Barracks of the Siberian regiment

Vladimir, Barracks of the Siberian regiment

Barracks of the Siberian regiment. Казармы Сибирского полка.

Maltsev Industrial College., Russian Empire, 19th century

Maltsev Industrial College., Russian Empire, 19th century

Maltsev Industrial Crafts College. Мальцевское Ремесленное училище.

Moscow street. Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir. Московская улица. Центр Владимира.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House.

Vladimir, People's Assembly House. Владимир, Народный Дом. Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir panoramic View., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir panoramic View., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir panoramic View. Панорама Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, view from the river Klyazma.

Vladimir, view from the river Klyazma.

Vladimir, view from the river Klyazma. Владимир, вид с реки Клязьмы.

View of Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir. Вид Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Russian Empire, 19th century

Public domain photograph of 19th-century vintage card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, The Technical school.

Vladimir, The Technical school.

Vladimir, The Technical school. Владимир, Реальное училище. Public domain photograph of a palace, mansion building in Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment.

Vladimir, Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Ru...

Vokzalnaya Street. A platoon of drummers 10 of the Little Russian Grenadier Regiment. Улица Вокзальная. Взвод барабанщиков 10 Малороссийского гренадерского полка.

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral and Vladimir Chapel

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral and Vladimir Chapel

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral. Владимир, Успенский Собор.

Bogolyubovsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir

Bogolyubovsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin - a female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region, occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civ... More

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption convent. Fresco "Last Judgment" in the Assumption Cathedral.

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century...

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption convent. Fresco "Last Judgment" in the Assumption Cathedral. Княгинин монастырь. Фрески стенной иконописи XIII века в Ус... More

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan church (chapel of St. John Chrysostom). The beginning of XX century.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan churc...

Knyaginin monastery. The iconostasis of the warm Kazan church (chapel of St. John Chrysostom). The beginning of XX century. Княгинин монастырь. Иконостас тёплой Казанской церкви (придела Иоанна Златоуста). Начало XX в.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Knyaginin monastery. Княгинин монастырь. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimirб Sergievskaya church in 1779 - Iconostasis.

Vladimirб Sergievskaya church in 1779 - Iconostasis.

Sergievskaya church in 1779 - Iconostasis. Сергиевская церковь 1779 г. Иконостас. Public domain photograph of the interior of a church, altar, choir, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir - Portrait of Bacchus Nazarovich and Irina Evtikhievna Muravkin.

Vladimir - Portrait of Bacchus Nazarovich and Irina Evtikhievna Muravk...

Portrait of Bacchus Nazarovich and Irina Evtikhievna Muravkin. Портрет Вакха Назаровича и Ирины Евтихиевны Муравкиных.

Vladimir, A group of students at the Maltsev School.

Vladimir, A group of students at the Maltsev School.

A group of students at the Maltsev School. Группа учащихся Мальцевского училища.

The Great Moscow Street. Vladimir

The Great Moscow Street. Vladimir

The Great Moscow Street. Stone building of the late XVIII - XIX centuries. Большая Московская улица. Каменная застройка конца XVIII - XIX вв.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Vladimir

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Vladimir

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Большая Нижегородская улица.

Vladimir - Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. 1900s

Vladimir - Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. 1900s

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Большая Нижегородская улица.

Vvedenskaya church, women's diocesan school. Vladimir

Vvedenskaya church, women's diocesan school. Vladimir

Vvedenskaya church, women's diocesan school. Введенская церковь, женское епархиальное училище. Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir. Uspensiky Cathedral and Railway Station.

Vladimir. Uspensiky Cathedral and Railway Station.

Vladimir. Uspensiky Cathedral and Railway Station. Владимир. Успенсикй Собор и Железнодорожный вокзал.

Vladimir. Terminal., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir. Terminal., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir. Railway Station. Владимир, Железнодорожный вокзал

Vladimir. Railway Station., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir. Railway Station., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir. Railway Station. Владимир, Железнодорожный вокзал

Vladimir - The second men's urban school (Vasiliev school).

Vladimir - The second men's urban school (Vasiliev school).

The second men's urban school (Vasiliev school). Второе мужское городское училище (Васильевское училище).

Vladimir, Dvoryanskaya street, Golden Gate

Vladimir, Dvoryanskaya street, Golden Gate

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Policeman and The Golden Gate view.

Vladimir, Policeman and The Golden Gate view.

Vladimir, The Noble Street and Golden Gate

Vladimir, The Noble Assembly, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, The Noble Assembly, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Noble Assembly Дворянское Собрание Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, The Noble Assembly, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, The Noble Assembly, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Noble Assembly Дворянское Собрание Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Golden Gate, Published by M.V.Petrov

Vladimir, Golden Gate, Published by M.V.Petrov

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Golden Gate from the roof

Vladimir, Golden Gate from the roof

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, The Nikolo-Galeyskaya Church.

Vladimir, The Nikolo-Galeyskaya Church.

Vladimir, The Nikolo-Galeyskaya Church. Владимир, Николо-Галейская церковь.

Vladimir, The Technical school.

Vladimir, The Technical school.

Vladimir, The Technical school. Владимир, Реальное училище. Public domain photograph of a palace, mansion building in Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Spasskaya st. and Transfiguration Church.

Vladimir, Spasskaya st. and Transfiguration Church.

Vladimir, Spasskaya st. and Transfiguration Church. Владимир, Спасская улица и Спасо-Преображенская церковь.

Vladimir, Theater at the Golden Gate

Vladimir, Theater at the Golden Gate

Vladimir, Theater at the Golden Gate Владимир, Театр у Золотых ворот

Vladimir, view of the Assumption Cathedral.

Vladimir, view of the Assumption Cathedral.

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral. Владимир, Успенский Собор. Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Assumption Cathedral., Russian Empire, 19th century

Assumption Cathedral., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral. Владимир, Успенский Собор.

Vladimir, the postcard with Assumption Cathedral.

Vladimir, the postcard with Assumption Cathedral.

Vladimir, the Assumption Cathedral. Владимир, Успенский Собор. Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl ... More

Bogolyubsky Monastery - Vladimir.

Bogolyubsky Monastery - Vladimir.

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin - a female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region, occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civ... More

Vladimir - Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin

Vladimir - Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin - a female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region, occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civ... More

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Knyaginin monastery. Княгинин монастырь. Public domain photograph of a historical landmark building in Russia, Russian architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Vladimir, Knyaginin monastery.

Knyaginin monastery. Княгинин монастырь. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Nikitskaya church in 1765.

Vladimir, Nikitskaya church in 1765.

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765. Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г.

Vladimir surroundings, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir surroundings, Russian Empire, 19th century

Окрестности Владимира Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, view, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, view, Russian Empire, 19th century

Владимир Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir - city hall, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir - city hall, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir - city hall and The Great Moscow Street. Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Golden Gate view, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Golden Gate view, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, The Noble Street, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, The Noble Street, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir Governor's House, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir Governor's House, Russian Empire, 19th century

Владимир, Дом Губернатора Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Golden Gate, Vladimir, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century

Golden Gate, Vladimir, Russia, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir, Kutkin lane, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Kutkin lane, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Kutkin lane Владимир, Куткин переулок Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir: Kutkin Lane. The Catholic Church of the Rosary of Our Lady. 1909-1917

Vladimir: Kutkin Lane. The Catholic Church of the Rosary of Our Lady. ...

The Catholic Church of the Rosary of Our Lady. 1909-1917

Vladimir Summer Club, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir Summer Club, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir% Summer Club Владимир, Летний клуб. Public domain photograph of church, Russian Empire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Maltsev Industrial Crafts College

Vladimir, Maltsev Industrial Crafts College

Maltsev Industrial Crafts College. Мальцевское Ремесленное училище.

Myronosynskaya street. Vladimir.

Myronosynskaya street. Vladimir.

Myronosynskaya street. Vladimir. Мироносинская улица. Владимир.

Vladimir - The Myrrh-Bearing Church. 1876-1881

Vladimir - The Myrrh-Bearing Church. 1876-1881

Vladimir - The Myrrh-Bearing Church. 1876-1881 Владимир, Мироносицкая церковь. 1876-1881

Vladimir, Nikitskaya square. Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church.

Vladimir, Nikitskaya square. Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church.

Vladimir, Nikitskaya square. Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church. Владимир, Никитская площадь. Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь.

Vladimir panoramic View., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir panoramic View., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir panoramic View. Панорама Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir View. Postcard. - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Vladimir View. Postcard. - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Vladimir View. Вид Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The flood of the Klyazma River.

The flood of the Klyazma River.

Vladimir. The flood of the Klyazma River. Владимир. Разлив реки Клязьмы.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery. Early Spring.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery. Early Spring.

Vladimir, the Nativity Monastery. Владимир, Рождественский монастырь.

Vladimir, Transfiguration Church.

Vladimir, Transfiguration Church.

Vladimir, Transfiguration Church. Владимир, Спасо-Преображенская церковь.

Uspensky nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Uspensky nunnery., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Uspensky Knyaginin nunnery. Владимир, Успенский Княгинин девичий монастырь.

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir,  Russia

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir, Russia

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin - a female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region, occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civ... More

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - Pokrov on Nerl

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - Pokrov on Nerl

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built in memory of the deceased son of Grand Duke Izyaslav Andreevich between 1158 and 1165. Vasily Tatishchev in the "History of the Russian" writes that "the mas... More

Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption convent. Fresco "Last Judgment" in the Assumption Cathedral.

Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption co...

Knyaginin monastery. Frescoes of the icon painting of the 13th century in the Assumption convent. Fresco "Last Judgment" in the Assumption Cathedral. Княгинин монастырь. Фрески стенной иконописи XIII века в Ус... More

Vladimir, Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, the Baptist church (the upper part)

Vladimir, Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of t...

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann the Baptist church (the upper part) Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г. Иконостас главной, Предтеченской, церкви (верхняя часть).

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann Baptist church. Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г. Иконостас главной, Предтеченской, церкви.

Vladimir, Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church Iconostasis

Vladimir, Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church Iconostasis

Nikitskaya (Predtechenskaya) church in 1765 Iconostasis of the main church, Ioann Baptist church. Никитская (Предтеченская) церковь 1765 г. Иконостас главной, Предтеченской, церкви.

Outskirts of Vladimir. The estate of Karpov "Sushnevo". November 27, 1912.

Outskirts of Vladimir. The estate of Karpov "Sushnevo". November 27, 1...

Outskirts of Vladimir. The estate of Karpov "Sushnevo". November 27, 1912. Окрестности Владимира. Имение Карпова «Сушнево». 27 ноября 1912.

Vladimir - a cab driver portrait.

Vladimir - a cab driver portrait.

Vladimir - a cab driver portrait. Владимир - портрет извозчика. Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir - Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street.

Vladimir - Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street.

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street. Большая Нижегородская улица.

View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir from Klyazma., Russian Empire, 19th century

View of Vladimir from Klyazma. Вид Владимира с Клязьмы.

Porch and the entrance to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Vladimir

Porch and the entrance to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed ...

View of the porch and the entrance to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Вид на крыльцо и вход в церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы.

Vladimir, view from Pushkin Garden.

Vladimir, view from Pushkin Garden.

Vladimir, view from Pushkin Garden. Владимир, вид от Пушкинского сада.

Vladimir. View from Pushkin Boulevard.

Vladimir. View from Pushkin Boulevard.

Vladimir. View from Pushkin Boulevard. Владимир, вид от Пушкинского бульвара.

Voskresenskaya street. 1909-1917. Vladimir

Voskresenskaya street. 1909-1917. Vladimir

Voskresenskaya street. 1909-1917 Воскресенская улица. 1909-1917

Vladimir Gubernia Goverтment, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir Gubernia Goverтment, Russian Empire, 19th century

Владимир, Губернская Земская Управа Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, The Noble Street. View from the east to the Student Mountain.

Vladimir, The Noble Street. View from the east to the Student Mountain...

The Noble Street. View from the east to the Student Mountain. Дворянская улица. Вид с востока на Студеную гору.

Vladimir - Ancient Cathedral, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir - Ancient Cathedral, Russian Empire, 19th century

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built in 1191 at the time of the highest power and flourishing of the great Vladimir principality by the Grand Duke Vladimir of Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest in honor of his heavenly... More

Vladimir, The house of the provincial post office

Vladimir, The house of the provincial post office

The house of the provincial post office. Дом губернской почтовой конторы.

Vladimir, Golden Gate, 1890s, Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir, Golden Gate, 1890s, Russian Empire, 19th century

The Golden Gate was built by the Vladimir princely masters in 1164. During the time of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city was surrounded by an extended shaft and had seven entrance gates (Golden, Copper, Irininy, Sil... More

Vladimir - The German church., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir - The German church., Russian Empire, 19th century

The German church. Немецкая кирха. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, Lipki. The moment of the construction of the Lipki Park in 1901-1905

Vladimir, Lipki. The moment of the construction of the Lipki Park in 1...

Vladimir, Lipki. The moment of the construction of the Lipki Park in 1901-1905 Липки. Разбивка сквера Липки в 1901-1905

Moscow street. Vladimir, central Russia

Moscow street. Vladimir, central Russia

Moscow street. The center of Vladimir. Московская улица. Центр Владимира.

Nizhny Novgorod street, Vladimir

Nizhny Novgorod street, Vladimir

Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod street. Владимир, Нижегородская улица.

Vladimir View. Вид Владимира., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir View. Вид Владимира., Russian Empire, 19th century

Vladimir View. Вид Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir View from Klyazma river.

Vladimir View from Klyazma river.

Vladimir river View. Вид Владимира. Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir. Branch of the State Bank.

Vladimir. Branch of the State Bank.

Vladimir. Branch of the State Bank. Alexander II monument. Владимир. Отделение Государственного Банка. Монумент Александру Второму.

Vladimir, Theater Ampir (Empire)

Vladimir, Theater Ampir (Empire)

Vladimir, Theater Ampir (Empire) Владимир, Театр Ампир Public domain photograph of theater building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir, the Church of Boris and Gleb.

Vladimir, the Church of Boris and Gleb.

Vladimir, the Church of Boris and Gleb. Владимир, Церковь Бориса и Глеба.

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. Vladimir

Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin - a female Orthodox monastery in the village of Bogolyubovo, Vladimir region, occupies the territory of the palace-castle of Andrei Bogolyubsky - the only civ... More

Vladimir, Outskirts of Vladimir. The village of Bogolyubovo. Remains of the chambers of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky.

Vladimir, Outskirts of Vladimir. The village of Bogolyubovo. Remains o...

Outskirts of Vladimir. The village of Bogolyubovo. Remains of the chambers of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky. Окрестности Владимира. Село Боголюбово. Остатки палат князя Андрея Боголюбского.


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