Railway station, Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia
Railway station In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting point... More
Train arrival, Railway station, Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia
Railway station In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting point... More
Railway station. Kovrov, Vladimir Gubernia, Russia
Railway station In 1858, the first scheduled train of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow suffered an accident near the station Kovrov I. In 1880, Kovrov became the starting point... More
Baku railway station, Russian Empire, 19th century
Baku railway station Train Terminal Station. Baku. Железнодорожный вокзал. Баку. Бакинский вокзал
1918 year. The area of three train stations in Moscow.
Площадь трех вокзалов (Ярославский, Ленинградский, Казанский) на кадрах кинохроники 1918 года (Кино-неделя Дзиги Вертова). Больше инфо читайте на нашем сайте. О Казанском вокзале: Музыкальное сопровождение: D... More