UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION 1900 - Avenue Nicolas II and the Palais des Beaux...
UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION 1900 - Avenue Nicolas II and the Palais des Beaux-Arts - 1900 EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE 1900 - Avenue Nicolas II et les Palais des Beaux-Arts - 1900
Monument to Peter the Great in Riga, 1910-1915
Monument to Peter the Great in Riga, 1910-1915 Памятник Петру I в Риге, 1910-1915
The Voyage of the Tsarevich - Festivities given in honor of His Highne...
The Voyage of the Tsarevich - Festivities given in honor of His Highness in Saigon, 21-3-1891 Le Voyage du Tsarévitch - Fêtes données en l'honneur de Son Altesse à Saïgon, 21-3-1891
A visit to the czar's country house, Białowieża (Poland)
The dining room. Construction around 1894. The hunting mansion did not survive WW II.
Church of St Nicholas, Messines
View of the church taken from Rue Courte et Belle (Korte Mooiestraat). c.1914...The church originally served as an abbey church for the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Messines and was erected by Countess Adela of France... More
Circassians Kids - Public domain portrait photograph
Handwritten note in german on the backside: "Autonomous Oblast Karachay near Mikojan (today's Karatschajewsk). A group of children in their traditional costumes".1920s. Photographer probably V. Pjatov (В. Пятов)
Avenue Nicholas II, Paris - Art nouveau public domain image
Avenue Nicholas II, looking towards the Dome of the Invalides - Exposition Universal, 1900, Paris, France
Russia Under Romanov Rule, Album
Cвятая Русь под Скипетром Дома Романовых. Альбом 1613-1913. Портреты Романовых. Russia Under Romanov Rule, Album. 1613-1913. Romanovs Portraits.
Russia Under Romanov Rule, Album
Cвятая Русь под Скипетром Дома Романовых. Альбом 1613-1913. Портреты Романовых. Russia Under Romanov Rule, Album. 1613-1913. Romanovs Portraits.