русская армия, российская империя

839 media by topicpage 1 of 9
10th Dragoon Novgorod Regiment.

10th Dragoon Novgorod Regiment.

10th Dragoon Novgorod Regiment. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- 10й драгунский Новгородский полк. Русская армия в первой мировой вой... More

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller.

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. --- Русская армия в первой мировой войне. Из личного фотоальбома генерала графа Ф.А.Келлера.

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916.

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916.

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916.

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1916.

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st A...

Preparation for the meeting of the emperor of the emperor in the 1st Army. Vitebsk Gubernia, the village of Gornye Dyadinki. The arrival of the Emperor Nicholas II in the location of the 1st Army. January 30, 1... More

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the 6th squadron of heavy bombers Ilya Muromets.

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich visits the 6th squadron of heavy bom...

The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich examines the aircraft squad of Ilya Muromets I. 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Великий князь Александр Михайлович осмат... More

The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets.

The mechanic is checking the engine of the heavy bomber Ilya Muromets. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Механик за проверкой мотора тяжёлого бомбардировщик... More

Russian soldiers moving the airship Condor to the parking lot.

Russian soldiers moving the airship Condor to the parking lot.

The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... More

Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger.

Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger.

Officers of an air squad in the broken Moran of aviator Spitsberger. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Офицеры авиационной роты у разбитого Морана авиатора ... More

Russian soldiers and the airship Condor at the parking lot.

Russian soldiers and the airship Condor at the parking lot.

The airship "KONDOR" (Clement Bayard N ° 5) was acquired from France in 1913 simultaneously with the airship "ASTRA" (Astra-XIII). "KONDOR" was assigned to the 2nd aeronautical company in Brest-Litovsk. Soon t... More

Training shooting on air targets. Aerodrome. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915.

Training shooting on air targets. Aerodrome. Radom province, station K...

Training shooting on air targets. Aerodrome. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Учебная стрельба по воздушным целям. Аэродром. Радомская губерния, ст. ... More

A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX corps air force in the war. 1914-1915

A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX ...

A group of Russian pilots and technicians are posing by the plane. XX corps air force in the war. 1914-1915 Группа русских лётчиков и техников позирует у самолёта. XX корпусной авиационный отряд на войне. 1914-1915 гг.

The aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom province, art. Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915.

The aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom...

The aircraft before the combat mission to bombard enemy targets. Radom province, station Konsk. February 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Перед боевым вылетом для бомбардировки объектов прот... More

A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft. Kovel, July-August 1915.

A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft...

A military pilot, lieutenant Brzhezovsky in the cockpit of an aircraft. Kovel, July-August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Военный летчик поручик Бржезовский в кабине летательного аппарата.... More

Avia squads on train station. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Avia squads on train station. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916...

At the train arriving at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. У прибывшего на станцию эшелона с имуществом авиарот. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Assembly of aircraft engines. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Assembly of aircraft engines. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916...

Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Assembly of Newport aircrafts. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Assembly of Newport aircrafts. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-191...

Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Celebrating Christmas in 1915. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Celebrating Christmas in 1915. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-191...

Celebrating Christmas. Pskov. Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Празднование Рождества. Псков. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-191...

Assembly workshop of aircraft. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Hangars of Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915

Hangars of Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915

Hangars of Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Ангары - Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915

Meteorological station. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915

Meteorological station. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army....

Meteorological station. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Метеорологическая станция. Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915

A field power station installed on an air base car. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915

A field power station installed on an air base car. Aviation Squad and...

A field power station installed on an air base car. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Походная электростанция, установленная на автомобиле авиабазы. Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915

General Vogel during the inspection of the 5th Army

General Vogel during the inspection of the 5th Army

General Vogel (center) and his accompanying officers inspecting the aircraft at the airport during the inspection of the 5th Army in the formation of the Vth Air Division. Aviation Squad and V Division at the X... More

03. Russian clothes in the XI century. Folk clothes

03. Russian clothes in the XI century. Folk clothes

03. Russian clothes in the XI century. Folk clothes "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 03. Ру... More

16. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Tourk caftan and cap

16. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Tourk caftan and ...

16. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Tourk caftan and cap "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vis... More

26. Russian armament in the 10th and 11th centuries. Infantry soldiers

26. Russian armament in the 10th and 11th centuries. Infantry soldiers

26. Russian armament in the 10th and 11th centuries. Infantry soldiers "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskov... More

45. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the half of the seventeenth century. Sheloma

45. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the half of the seventeent...

45. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the half of the seventeenth century. Sheloma "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: ... More

104. Zhilets in 1874 - Public domain book illustration

104. Zhilets in 1874 - Public domain book illustration

104. Zhilets in 1874 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 104. Жилец в 1874 «Историческое описан... More

108. Strelets of the Moscow Streletskiy Regiments Lutokhin and Ivan Poltev: in 1674.

108. Strelets of the Moscow Streletskiy Regiments Lutokhin and Ivan Po...

108. Strelets of the Moscow Streletskiy Regiments Lutokhin and Ivan Poltev: in 1674. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 184... More

159. FUZELER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1720

159. FUZELER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1720

159. FUZELER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1720. The view depicts a mazark building on the banks of the Neva River, on the site of the present Dvortsovaya Embankment in St. Petersburg, as it was i... More

158. FUZELER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1720.

158. FUZELER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1720.

158. FUZELER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1720. The view depicts part of the city and fortress of Narva, conquered by Russian troops in 1704. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the ... More

184-185. GRENADIER CAP Army and Garrison regiments, from 1700 to 1732.

184-185. GRENADIER CAP Army and Garrison regiments, from 1700 to 1732....

184-185. GRENADIER CAP Army and Garrison regiments, from 1700 to 1732. Swords of Army and Garrison Officers, from 1700 to 1732. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient t... More

201. FUZELER of the Dragoon Garrison Regiment, from 1720 to 1732.

201. FUZELER of the Dragoon Garrison Regiment, from 1720 to 1732.

201. FUZELER of the Dragoon Garrison Regiment, from 1720 to 1732. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov ... More

313. Dragoons from 1756 to 1761.

313. Dragoons from 1756 to 1761.

313. Dragoons from 1756 to 1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 313. ДРАГУНЫ с 1756 до 17... More

321. Trumpeter of the Kirassir Heir to the regiment, from 1743 to 1745. (In the Formal Form).

321. Trumpeter of the Kirassir Heir to the regiment, from 1743 to 1745...

321. Trumpeter of the Kirassir Heir to the regiment, from 1743 to 1745. (In the Formal Form). "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest com... More

317. Dragunsky Ober-Officer from 1756 to 1761.

317. Dragunsky Ober-Officer from 1756 to 1761.

317. Dragunsky Ober-Officer from 1756 to 1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 317. ДРАГУН... More

402. The Carrier, 1762. - Public domain book illustration

402. The Carrier, 1762. - Public domain book illustration

402. The Carrier, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 402. ОБОЗНЫЙ, 1762. «Историческое... More

438. Musketeer officer and Musketeer of the Musketeer Duchess of the regiment, 1756-1761.

438. Musketeer officer and Musketeer of the Musketeer Duchess of the r...

438. Musketeer officer and Musketeer of the Musketeer Duchess of the regiment, 1756-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command... More

Officer of the Leib Dragoon Regiment, 1756-1762.

Officer of the Leib Dragoon Regiment, 1756-1762.

Officer of the Leib Dragoon Regiment, 1756-1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Офицер Ле... More

Grenadier and Grenadier Officer of Dragoon Prince George Ludwig Regiment, 1762.

Grenadier and Grenadier Officer of Dragoon Prince George Ludwig Regime...

Grenadier and Grenadier Officer of Dragoon Prince George Ludwig Regiment, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-186... More

Officer and Private of the Second Hussar Regiment, 1762.

Officer and Private of the Second Hussar Regiment, 1762.

Officer and Private of the Second Hussar Regiment, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. О... More

Brigadier of the Holstein troops, 1756-1762.

Brigadier of the Holstein troops, 1756-1762.

Brigadier of the Holstein troops, 1756-1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Бригадир Голш... More

538. Private and non-commissioned officer of the Grenadier Regiment, from 1786 to 1796.

538. Private and non-commissioned officer of the Grenadier Regiment, f...

538. Private and non-commissioned officer of the Grenadier Regiment, from 1786 to 1796. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: ... More

561. Piper of Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 to 1775 year.

561. Piper of Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 to 1775 year.

561. Piper of Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 to 1775 year. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 56... More

563. SERGEANT and the PRIVATE of the Artillery Command, under the Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 to 1775.

563. SERGEANT and the PRIVATE of the Artillery Command, under the Drag...

563. SERGEANT and the PRIVATE of the Artillery Command, under the Dragoon Regiment, from 1764 to 1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the hi... More

614. OBER-OFFICER of the Georgian Hussar Regiment, from 1763 to 1776.

614. OBER-OFFICER of the Georgian Hussar Regiment, from 1763 to 1776.

614. OBER-OFFICER of the Georgian Hussar Regiment, from 1763 to 1776. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskova... More

625. HEAD OFFICER and CADET of the Kharkov Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783.

625. HEAD OFFICER and CADET of the Kharkov Hussar Regiment, from 1776 ...

625. HEAD OFFICER and CADET of the Kharkov Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862... More

641. PRIVATE of Olviopolskogo Hussar Regiment, from 1788 to 1796

641. PRIVATE of Olviopolskogo Hussar Regiment, from 1788 to 1796

641. PRIVATE of Olviopolskogo Hussar Regiment, from 1788 to 1796 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V... More

645 and 646. INFANTRY RIFLEMAN of Lugansk Pikinernogo Regiment, from 1764 to 1776 year. THE QUARTERMASTER of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, from 1764 to 1776.

645 and 646. INFANTRY RIFLEMAN of Lugansk Pikinernogo Regiment, from 1...

645 and 646. INFANTRY RIFLEMAN of Lugansk Pikemen Regiment, from 1764 to 1776 year. THE QUARTER MASTER of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, from 1764 to 1776. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Ru... More

648. Piper of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, from 1764 to 1776.

648. Piper of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, from 1764 to 1776.

648. Piper of the Dnieper Pikemen Regiment, from 1764 to 1776. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V... More

649. Non-combatant and the chief officer of Donetsk Pikinernogo Regiment, from 1764 to 1776.

649. Non-combatant and the chief officer of Donetsk Pikinernogo Regime...

649. Non-combatant and the chief officer of Donetsk Pike Regiment, from 1764 to 1776. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 18... More

663. HORSE Jaeger Officer in 1792-1796.

663. HORSE Jaeger Officer in 1792-1796.

663. HORSE Jaeger Officer in 1792-1796. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 662. КОННО-ЕГЕРСКИ... More

670 and 680. The Grenadier CAPS of Petersburg and Moscow Legions, from 1769 to 1775.

670 and 680. The Grenadier CAPS of Petersburg and Moscow Legions, from...

670 and 680. The Grenadier CAPS of Petersburg and Moscow Legions, from 1769 to 1775. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 184... More

674. The officer of hussars, St. Petersburg Legion from 1765 to 1775

674. The officer of hussars, St. Petersburg Legion from 1765 to 1775

674. The officer of hussars, St. Petersburg Legion from 1765 to 1775 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovat... More

Nicholas II in the vicinity of Mogilev. 1916.

Nicholas II in the vicinity of Mogilev. 1916.

Nicholas II in the vicinity of Mogilev. 1916. Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Николай Второй в окрестностях Могилева. 1916. Русская армия в пе... More

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller.

The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album...

Officers of the 30th air squad assigned to the 3rd Cavalry Corps. The Russian army in the First World War. From the personal photo album of General Count F. A. Keller. Офицеры 30-го авиаотряда, приданного 3-... More

The captured Austrian servicemen as forced labor on russian airfield.

The captured Austrian servicemen as forced labor on russian airfield. ...

The captured Austrian servicemen as forced labor on russian airfield. The 6th Aviation Military Group in Lemberg. 1915 6-я авиационная рота в Лемберге. 1915 Пленные австрийские военнослужащие на принудительных... More

Loading bombs. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915.

Loading bombs. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915.

Loading bombs. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Подготовка самолёта к бомбометанию. XX корпусной авиационный отряд на войне 1914-1915 гг.

A group of officers during the exam on the knowledge of the device of the motor Gnome. St. Luchinsk. July-August 1915.

A group of officers during the exam on the knowledge of the device of ...

A group of officers during the exam on the knowledge of the device of the motor Gnome. St. Luchinsk. July-August 1915. XX air force Squad in the war of 1914-1915. Группа офицеров во время экзамена на знание ... More

Loading at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Loading at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7...

At the train arriving at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. У прибывшего на станцию эшелона с имуществом авиарот. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Soldier and officer of the air force at the gasoline cellar. Pskov.

Soldier and officer of the air force at the gasoline cellar. Pskov.

Soldier and officer of the air force at the gasoline cellar. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Солдат и офицер авиароты у бензинового погреба. Псков.1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Truck with airplane for avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Truck with airplane for avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 19...

At the train arriving at the station with the property avia squads. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. У прибывшего на станцию эшелона с имуществом авиарот. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Assembly workshop of cars. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Assembly workshop of cars. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Assembly workshop of cars. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Сборочная мастерская автомобилей. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Medics of workshops. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Medics of workshops. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Medics of workshops. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Лазарет мастерской летательных аппаратов. Псков. 1-я и 7-я авиа роты. 1914-1916.

Wireless telegraph installed in one of the classrooms of the air force. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916.

Wireless telegraph installed in one of the classrooms of the air force...

Wireless telegraph installed in one of the classrooms of the air force. Pskov. 1st and 7th Air Squads. 1914-1916. Беспроволочный телеграф, установленный в одном из учебных классов авиароты. Псков. 1-я и 7-я а... More

Airplanes. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915

Airplanes. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915

Airplanes. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Самолёты. Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915

Baron Bouksgewden and the accompanying officer (in the car) during the arrival in the squadron.

Baron Bouksgewden and the accompanying officer (in the car) during the...

Baron Bouksgewden and the accompanying officer (in the car) during the arrival in the squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Барон Буксгевден и сопровождающий его офицер (в автомобиле)... More

A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" new aircraft for the rearmament

A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" new aircraft for the ...

A group of pilots at an airplane of the "Voisin" type during the reception of new aircraft for the rearmament of the 10th squadron. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Группа летчиков у аэропл... More

Farman-22 Airplane accident. during World War I

Farman-22 Airplane accident. during World War I

Farman-22 Airplane accident. Aviation Squad and V Division at the XII Army. 1915 Авария аэроплана Фарман-22. Авиационная рота и V дивизион при XII армии. 1915

08. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Kaftan and hat

08. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Kaftan and hat

08. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Kaftan and hat "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovato... More

13. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Tour fur coats and throat (gorlat) caps

13. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Tour fur coats an...

13. Russian clothes in the XIV to the XVIII century. Tourk fur coats and throat (gorlat) caps "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest com... More

Tsar Ioann Alexeevich - Engraving, Public domain image

Tsar Ioann Alexeevich - Engraving, Public domain image

Tsar Ioann Alexeevich "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Царь Иоанн Алексеевич «Историческое о... More

Tsar Vasily Ioanovich Shuisky - Public domain book illustration

Tsar Vasily Ioanovich Shuisky - Public domain book illustration

Tsar Vasily Ioanovich Shuisky "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Царь Василий Иоанович Шуйский ... More

52. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Caps made of paper

52. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth centur...

52. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Caps made of paper "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest comman... More

95. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. A warrior in a columnar with a barmician and a paper hat

95. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the sev...

95. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. A warrior in a columnar with a barmician and a paper hat "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troo... More

100. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. The voevoda in two shells and in the Erihonka (A view depicts the ancient Neuhausen Castle in Livonia)

100. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the se...

100. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. The voevoda in two shells and in the Erihonka (A view depicts the ancient Neuhausen Castle in Livonia) "Historical descr... More

120. Banner of the Tsar John the Terrible, 1560.

120. Banner of the Tsar John the Terrible, 1560.

120. Banner of the Tsar John the Terrible, 1560. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 120. Знам... More

173. GRENADERSKY OBER OFFICER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1732. The view depicts the house of Peter the Great, in the Catherine's Garden, in Revel.

173. GRENADERSKY OBER OFFICER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700...

173. GRENADERSKY OBER OFFICER L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1700 to 1732. The view depicts the house of Peter the Great, in the Catherine's Garden, in Revel. "Historical description of clothing and arms ... More

178. FUZELER L.-G. Semenovsky regiment, from 1700 to 1720.

178. FUZELER L.-G. Semenovsky regiment, from 1700 to 1720.

178. FUZELER L.-G. Semenovsky regiment, from 1700 to 1720. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. ... More

210. ZAPOROZHETS in the XVIII century

210. ZAPOROZHETS in the XVIII century

210. ZAPOROZHETS in the XVIII century "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 210. ЗАПОРОЖЕЦ в XVI... More

222-223. Banner of the Army Regiments, 1700-1712. Banner of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727

222-223. Banner of the Army Regiments, 1700-1712. Banner of the Army R...

222-223. Banner of the Army Regiments, 1700-1712. Banner of the Army Regiments, 1712-1727 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command... More

278. OFFICER and REITAR L.-G. Horse Regiment, from 1731 to 1742

278. OFFICER and REITAR L.-G. Horse Regiment, from 1731 to 1742

278. OFFICER and REITAR L.-G. Horse Regiment, from 1731 to 1742 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.... More

281. OFFICERS OF LAND MILITIA, from 1736 to 1742

281. OFFICERS OF LAND MILITIA, from 1736 to 1742

281. OFFICERS OF LANDMILITIA, from 1736 to 1742 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 281. ОФИЦЕ... More

283. GRENADIER CAP Cadet Corps, from 1735 to 1762

283. GRENADIER CAP Cadet Corps, from 1735 to 1762

283. GRENADIER CAP Cadet Corps, from 1735 to 1762 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 283. ГРЕ... More

301. GRENADIER of the Infantry Regiment, from 1756 to 1762.

301. GRENADIER of the Infantry Regiment, from 1756 to 1762.

301. GRENADER of the Infantry Regiment, from 1756 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. ... More

327. Hussar of the Serbian Regiment, from 1741 to 1761.

327. Hussar of the Serbian Regiment, from 1741 to 1761.

327. Hussar of the Serbian Regiment, from 1741 to 1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 32... More

358. GUARD GRENADIER OFFICER, from 1742 to 1762.

358. GUARD GRENADIER OFFICER, from 1742 to 1762.

358. GUARD GRENADIER OFFICER, from 1742 to 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 358. ГВАР... More

437. Oboist and flutist of the Musketeer Duchess of the Regiment, 1756-1761.

437. Oboist and flutist of the Musketeer Duchess of the Regiment, 1756...

437. Oboist and flutist of the Musketeer Duchess of the Regiment, 1756-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) ... More

441. Trumpeter and Drummer of the Musketeer Naryshkin Regiment, 1756-1761.

441. Trumpeter and Drummer of the Musketeer Naryshkin Regiment, 1756-1...

441. Trumpeter and Drummer of the Musketeer Naryshkin Regiment, 1756-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Vi... More

Officer of Dragoon Prince George Ludwig Regiment, 1762.

Officer of Dragoon Prince George Ludwig Regiment, 1762.

Officer of Dragoon Prince George Ludwig Regiment, 1762. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Оф... More

Officer of the Invalid Corps 1756-1761.

Officer of the Invalid Corps 1756-1761.

Officer of the Invalid Corps 1756-1761. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Офицер Инвалидного... More

501. FUZELER of the Artillery Command at the Infantry Regiment, from 1763 to 1786.

501. FUZELER of the Artillery Command at the Infantry Regiment, from 1...

501. FUZELER of the Artillery Command at the Infantry Regiment, from 1763 to 1786. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-... More

514. Non-battle Infantry Regiment from 1763 to 1786.

514. Non-battle Infantry Regiment from 1763 to 1786.

514. Non-battle Infantry Regiment from 1763 to 1786. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 514. ... More

618. PRIVATE of Ostrogozh Hussar Regiment, from 1765 to 1776.

618. PRIVATE of Ostrogozh Hussar Regiment, from 1765 to 1776.

618. PRIVATE of Ostrogozh Hussar Regiment, from 1765 to 1776. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V.... More

628. PRIVATE Izyumske Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783

628. PRIVATE Izyumske Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783

628. PRIVATE Izyumske Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 6... More

632. CAPRAL of the Slavonic Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783.

632. CAPRAL of the Slavonic Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783.

632. CAPRAL of the Slavonic Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.... More

633. Cadet of the Moldavian Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783.

633. Cadet of the Moldavian Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783.

633. Cadet of the Moldavian Hussar Regiment, from 1776 to 1783. "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.... More

647. PRIVATE of Donetsk Pikiner Regiment, from 1764 to 1776

647. PRIVATE of Donetsk Pikiner Regiment, from 1764 to 1776

647. PRIVATE of Donetsk Pike Regiment, from 1764 to 1776 "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. 6... More

Emperor Peter III - Public domain portrait engraving

Emperor Peter III - Public domain portrait engraving

Emperor Peter the Third "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: 1841-1862) Viskovatov V.V. Император Петр Третий «Историческ... More


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