Members of the Imperial family before the Livadia Palace.
Members of the Imperial family before the Livadia Palace. The Empress Maria Feodorovna sits in the center to her right, Emperor Alexander III to her right, the Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna sits to the left... More
His Imperial Highness Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas I...
His Imperial Highness Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) while traveling to the East.Egypt. The year 1890. Его Императорское Высочество Николай Александрович (будущий Император Николай II) во в... More
Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, in the role of Ophelia - Grand Duches...
По окончании любительского спектакля "Гамлет". В роли Гамлета - Цесаревич Николай Александрович, в роли Офелии - Великая Княгиня Елизавета Феодоровна. 1888 г. After the amateur performance "Hamlet." In the rol... More
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Nikol...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich with the sister of the Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Российского престола Цеса... More
Tsesarevna Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) with her son Grand Duke Nikolai A...
Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) the wife of Tsesarevich Alexander Alexandrovich (Alexander III) with his son Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Nicholas II) and his mother, Danish Queen Louise (right).... More
Emperor Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna, Tsesarevich Nikolai A...
In the first row: Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (Nicholas II), Grand Duke George Alexandrovich, Grand Princess Olga Alexandrovna, the youngest daughter of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna an... More
Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia (1868-1918) when Grand Duke Nicholas Al...
NaN Public domain photograph - child portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A scene from an amateur performance "Eugene Onegin".
Сцена из любительского спектакля "Евгений Онегин". В роли Онегина - Цесаревич Николай Александрович, в роли Татьяны - Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна. 1888 год A scene from an amateur performance "Eugene ... More
Future Emperor of Russia Nikolay II child portrait
Его Императорское Высочество Великий Князь Николай Александрович, Цесаревич, будущий император Николай II. His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich, Tsesarevich, future Emperor Nicholas II.
Emperor Alexander III with Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) and child...
Emperor Alexander III with Empress Maria Feodorovna (Dagmar) and children: The heir is Tsarsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich behind the emperor, Grand Duchess Ksenia Aleksandrovna and Grand Duke George Alexandrovi... More
Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich visiting the royal family in Greece....
Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich visiting the royal family in Greece. The year 1890. Цесаревич Николай Александрович в гостях у королевской семьи в Греции. 1890 год.
Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Princess of Hesse Alice after th...
His Imperial Highness The heir to the Russian throne Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Princess of Hesse Alice after the engagement. Coburg.20 April (2 May) 1894. Его Императорское Высочество Наследник Рос... More
Round-the-world trip to the East Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich. At t...
His Imperial Highness Tsesarevich Nicholas (future Emperor Nicholas II) visiting the Siamese King while traveling to the East 1890-1891.In the photo (in the first row from left to right): His Highness Siamese C... More
A scene from an amateur performance "Eugene Onegin".
Сцена из любительского спектакля "Евгений Онегин". В роли Онегина - Цесаревич Николай Александрович, в роли Татьяны Лариной - Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна. 1888 год A scene from an amateur performance ... More
Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Hessian Princess Alice afte...
Heir Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) and Hessian Princess Alice (future Empress Alexandra Feodorovna) after the betrothal, surrounded by relatives. Princess Alice sits in the seco... More
His Imperial Highness Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas I...
His Imperial Highness Nikolai Alexandrovich (future Emperor Nicholas II) while traveling to the East.Egypt. The year 1890. Его Императорское Высочество Николай Александрович (будущий Император Николай II) во в... More
The journey of Tsesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich to the East. Verkhneu...
The house of the merchant Ivan Goldobin, in which the Heir to the throne stopped Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich during his trip to the East. Verkhneudinsk (now Ulan-Ude), June 20-21 (July 1-2), 1891. Дом куп... More
In the role of Hamlet - Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, in the role o...
Сцена из любительского спектакля "Гамлет". В роли Гамлета - Цесаревич Николай Александрович, в роли Офелии - Великая Княгиня Елизавета Феодоровна. 1888 г. A scene from the amateur performance "Hamlet". In the ... More