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NEW VERSION in one piece instead of multiple parts, and with improved video & sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRG0D7-Dr1Y

Originally a public domain film from the National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.

The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).

part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8xb_KY4ksA


Wikipedia license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

The American Expeditionary Force Siberia (AEF Siberia) was a United States Army force that was involved in the Russian Civil War in Vladivostok, Russian Empire, during the end of World War I after the October Revolution, from 1918 to 1920.

President Woodrow Wilson's objectives for sending troops to Siberia were as much diplomatic as they were military. One major reason was to rescue the 40,000 men of the Czechoslovak Legions, who were being held up by Bolshevik forces as they attempted to make their way along the Trans-Siberian Railroad to Vladivostok, and it was hoped, eventually to the Western Front. Another major reason was to protect the large quantities of military supplies and railroad rolling stock that the United States had sent to the Russian Far East in support of the prior Russian government's war efforts on the Eastern Front. Equally stressed by President Wilson was the need to "steady any efforts at self-government or self defense in which the Russians themselves may be willing to accept assistance." At the time, Bolshevik forces controlled only small pockets in Siberia and Wilson wanted to make sure that neither Cossack marauders nor the Japanese military would take advantage of the unstable political environment along the strategic railroad line and in the resource-rich Siberian regions that straddled it.

Concurrently and for similar reasons, about 5,000 American soldiers were sent to Arkhangelsk (Archangel), Russia by President Wilson as part of the separate Polar Bear Expedition.

The American Expeditionary Force Siberia was commanded by Major General William S. Graves and eventually totaled 7,950 officers and enlisted men. The AEF Siberia included the U.S. Army's 27th and 31st Infantry Regiments, plus large numbers of volunteers from the 13th and 62nd Infantry Regiments along with a few from the 12th Infantry Regiment.

The U.S. troops were equipped with M1918 Browning Automatic Rifles (BAR) and Auto 5 shotguns/trench clearers, M1903 Springfield rifles and M1911 .45 caliber pistols, depending on their duties.

Although General Graves did not arrive in Siberia until September 4, 1918, the first 3,000 American troops disembarked in Vladivostok between August 15 and August 21, 1918. They were quickly assigned guard duty along segments of the railway between Vladivostok and Nikolsk-Ussuriski in the north.

Unlike his Allied counterparts, General Graves believed their mission in Siberia was to provide protection for American-supplied property and to help the Czechoslovak Legions evacuate Russia, and that it did not include fighting against the Bolsheviks. Repeatedly calling for restraint, Graves often clashed with commanders of British, French and Japanese forces, who also had troops in the region and who wanted him to take a more active part in the military intervention in Siberia.

Logistic problems and casualties

The experience in Siberia for the soldiers was miserable. Problems with fuel, ammunition, supplies and food were widespread. Horses accustomed to temperate climates were unable to function in sub-zero Russia. Water-cooled machine guns froze and became useless.

The last American soldiers left Siberia on April 1, 1920. During their 19 months in Siberia, 189 soldiers of the American Expeditionary Force Siberia died from all causes. As a comparison, the smaller American North Russia Expeditionary Force experienced 235 deaths from all causes during their 9 months of fighting near Arkhangelsk.

Es gab spezielle Gerichtskameramänner und Fotografen, die den Alltag der Romanow-Familie festhielten. Die Gesellschaft von Gun filmte den Zaren und zeigte diese Filme mit Erlaubnis des Gerichts ab 1907 in den Kinos. Vor der Revolution im Februar 1917 war die von Gun Company der Hauptlieferant für die Chroniken des Zaren in der russischen Filmindustrie. Nach 1907 wurde anderen Filmemachern gestattet, die königliche Familie zu filmen, darunter A. Drankow, V. Bulla (der Ältere), Khanzhonkov Company, Pate Company und andere. Vor Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs wurde eine Wochenschau populär, in der Militärparaden, Feiertage, Rezensionen und Übungen festgehalten wurden. Viele widmen sich der Flotte. Sie dokumentieren den Alltag der Ostsee- und Schwarzmeerschwadronen. Einige der Wochenschauen dokumentieren den Brand des Moskauer Maly-Theaters, Massenturnen, Auto- und Autorennen, Zoos und Tiergehege und das Leben der Völker des Russischen Reiches. Gegenstand der Dreharbeiten waren Persönlichkeiten aus Politik und Kultur, der Bau von Kriegsschiffen, die Moskauer Flut, die Erprobung neuer landwirtschaftlicher Geräte und die Ölindustrie in Baku. Es gibt auch Filme, die die Städte Russlands usw. zeigen. Während des Ersten Weltkriegs hielten Kameraleute Ereignisse an allen Fronten fest. Vor 1915 gehörten die Exklusivrechte an Filmschlachten der Filmabteilung des Skobelew-Komitees. Das Skobelew-Komitee zur Unterstützung der verwundeten Soldaten des Generalstabs wurde im November 1904 als öffentliche Organisation gegründet. Auf Befehl des Scobelev-Komitees filmten viele Kameraleute die Ereignisse des Ersten Weltkriegs, wie der Engländer Arcol (Vertreter der Pate Company, gefilmt an der Südwest- und Kaukasusfront), Kameraleute E.D. Dored (vertrat amerikanische Unternehmen) und P.V. Ermolow, (gefilmte Ereignisse an der Kaukasusfront); P.K. Nowizki (Firma Gomount), N.M. Toporkow, K.E. von Gan, A.K. Gan-Jagelskiy drehte im Generalstab. Andere Kameraleute wie: A. G. Lemberg, S, Zebel, Trushe, usw. funktionierte auch an den Fronten. Kameraleute filmten den Krieg nicht nur an den Fronten, sondern auch von hinten. Seit dem ersten Kriegsmonat bis 1917 produzierte das Scobelev-Komitee etwa 70 Wochenschauen. Von 1914 bis 1915 produzierten Kameraleute des Scobelew-Komitees 21 Serien der Wochenschau "Russische Militärchronik". Das Material dieser Wochenschau wurde viele Male für die einzelnen Filme des Scobelev-Komitees und anderer Filmfirmen verwendet. Lesen Sie mehr unter: http: / / www.pbs.org / redfiles / rao / archives / rgakfd / textind10.html



российская империя Russisches Reich Russland россия amerikanisch Expeditionsteilnehmer Macht Sibirien 1918 aef in sibirien US-Armee Das große Bild aef sibirien Heer groß 27. Infanterieregiment 31. Infanterieregiment Allgemeines Gräber Wladiwostok Ausbildung lehrreich Dokumentarfilm Geschichte Sovietunion sowjetische Union кинохроника Wochenschau Video видео Public-Domain-Filmmaterial gemeinfreier Film Woodrow Wilson Präsident Wilson m 1911 Pistole m 1911 Tschechoslowakei



in sammlungen

Wochenschau - инохроника

Videomaterial und Wochenschau des Russischen Reiches


Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых




No known copyright restrictions (video). Soundtrack may be subjected to copyright.

label_outline Explore General, History, Siberia


российская империя Russisches Reich Russland россия amerikanisch Expeditionsteilnehmer Macht Sibirien 1918 aef in sibirien US-Armee Das große Bild aef sibirien Heer groß 27. Infanterieregiment 31. Infanterieregiment Allgemeines Gräber Wladiwostok Ausbildung lehrreich Dokumentarfilm Geschichte Sovietunion sowjetische Union кинохроника Wochenschau Video видео Public-Domain-Filmmaterial gemeinfreier Film Woodrow Wilson Präsident Wilson m 1911 Pistole m 1911 Tschechoslowakei