Man seated, posed, holding sword across his lap. Credit line: Prokudin-Gorskiĭ photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Corresponding photographic print is in album: Views in Mehr
Höchste Persönlichkeiten, Vertreter ausländischer Staaten, Oberbefehlshaber und hochrangige Persönlichkeiten, die im Mai 1896 in Moskau eintrafen, um die heilige Krönung ihrer kaiserlichen Majestäten, Kaiser Ni Mehr
PERSIA AND GEORGIA--MIRZA RIZA KHAN A collection of photographs of Mirza Riza Khan, an album of views of his house in Tbilisi, Georgia (1891), and a portrait of Mirza Ali Ashgar Khan Amin al-Soltan, comprising Mehr
Alexander Orlowski (Russian, 1777-1832) Hajji Mirza Isma'il, Qajar hokmran (civil administrator) of the Khanate of Erivan, on horseback in a landscape oil on tin panel, signed and dated 1819 lower right 42 x 3 Mehr