
APPENDIX. 209 Sasine of Ardendraugbt and superiority of Auchleuchries

INDEX OF PERSONS. 231 Pierun (Perun), a god of the heathen Muscovites

391. Musketeerskaya and Grenadier Sumy and Temlyak, 1762 year.

INDEX OF PERSONS. 227 Grant, of Freuchie, Sir James

Murom, Temple of Kozma and Demian.

Murom, Trinity and Annunciation Monasteries.

195. Sergeant and Fuseler L.-G. Preobrazhensky regiment, from 1720 to 1732

INDEX OF PERSONS. 227 Grant, of Freuchie, Sir James

181. CARTHOUSES OF THE ARMED Infantry and Cavalry, from 1700 to 1720
208 APPENDIX. the pendicle called Murris Tack, and the milne of Auchleuchries
Passages from the diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries : A.D. 1635-A.D. 1699"
the pendicle called Murris Tack, and the milne of Auchleuchries, with the milne lands, etc.
Sasine was given on the 31st of August, 1633.
Instrument of seasing given to Johne Gordone, third lawfull sone to Patrick Gordone of Nethir-
muir, and Marie Ogilvie, his spous, of tuo pleuches of land in Easter Auchleuchreis, etc,
presentit he Mr. William Lumsden, noter thairto, wpone the penult day of October, 1633.—
[From the Particular Register of Seisins for Aberdeenshire, vol. viii., foil. 827, 328.)
35 By a charter, dated at Old Deir, on the 19th of August, 1633, Sir Alexander Hay of Delgatie,
knight, granted to John Gordone, third son of the deceased Patrick Gordone of Nethirmuir, and
to Marie Ogilvie, his wife, in conjunct infeftment, and to the longer liver of them, and the heirs
lawfully begotten between them, whom failing to the heirs and assignees of the said John
Gordone whomsoever, the two ploughs of the toun and lands of Easter Auchleuchries, formerly
occupied by George Hay, George Eleis, and Alexander Clark, the plough of the said toun and
lands of Easter Auchleuchries, occupied by James Ogilvie, John Moir, and Adam Leithe, with
the milne and milne lands, and the toun and lands of Waster Auchleuchreis, with the pendicle
called Murres Tack. Sasine was given on the 31st of August, 1633.
Charter of Ardendraught and superiority of Auchleuchries.— (A.D. 1634. From the MS. Inventory
of the Erroll Papers at SJaines.)
36 Charter by Sir Alexander Hay of Delgatty, to William Hay, his eldest lawful son, of the lands
of Ardendraught, fishing on Cruden, and superiority of Auchleuchries. 9 November, 1634.
Instrument of saising gevin to Gawine Cruilishank in Ardiffrie, nottar publict, of the tonne and
landis of Eister Auchleuchries, presentit be the said Gawin, wpoun the tent day of Julij,
1637 (From the Particular Register of Seisins for Aberdeenshire, vol. x., foil. 427-431.)
37 By a contract of alienatioun and dispositioun, dated at Aberdein on the 13th of June, and at
Wester Auchleuchries on the sext day of July, 1637, Johne Gordoun of Auchleuchries, with
consent of Marie Ogilvie, his spous, bound himself to infeft Gawin Cruikshank in Ardifferie in
the toune and landis of Eister Auchleuchries, occupied by the said Johne Gordoun, and George
Aellels, his tenant, in security of payment of 200 merkis, 28 bollis meall, 12 capones, and 12
hennes yeirlie, rcdeeraably by payment of £3000 Scots, after Whitsunday, 1640. Sasine was
given upon the 6th of July, 1637.
Instrument of saisin giwin to Walter Bodie in Auchleuchries of the tonnes, landis, maner plaice,
milne, and milne landis of Auchleuchries, presentit be George Gordoun, burges of Aberdein,
wpon the tent day of July, 1637.— (i^rom the Particular Register of Seisins for Aberdeenshire, vol.
X., foil. 432, 433.)
38 By a charter, dated at Aberdein on the 14th of June, 1637, Johne Gordoun of Auchleuchries,
granted to Walter Bodie in Auchleuchries, the mains, milne, and milne lands of Auchleuchries,
redeemably by payment of 2500 merks Scots. Sasine was given on the 6th of July, 1637.
Gordon was brought up and remained a lifelong Roman Catholic, at a time when the Church was being persecuted in Scotland. At age of fifteen, he entered the Jesuit college at Braunsberg, East Prussia, then part of Poland. In 1661, after many years experiences as a soldier of fortune, he joined the Russian army under Tsar Aleksei I, and in 1665 was sent on a special mission to England. After his return, he distinguished himself in several wars against the Turks and Tatars in southern Russia. In recognition of his service he was promoted to major-general in 1678, was appointed to the high command at Kiev in 1679, and in 1683 was made lieutenant-general. In 1687 and 1689 he took part in expeditions against the Tatars in the Crimea, being made a full general. Later in 1689, a revolution broke out in Moscow, and with the troops under his command, Gordon virtually decided events in favor of Peter the Great against the Regent, Tsarevna Sophia Alekseyevna. Consequently, he was for the remainder of his life in high favor with the Tsar, who confided to him the command of his capital during his absence from Russia. In 1696, Gordon's design of a "moveable rampart" played a key role in helping the Russians take Azov. One of Gordon's convinced the Tsars to establish the first Roman Catholic church and school in Muscovy, of which he remained the main benefactor and headed the Catholic community in Russia until his death. For his services his second son James, brigadier of the Russian army, was created Count of the Holy Roman Empire in 1701. At the end of his life the Tsar, who had visited Gordon frequently during his illness, was with him when he died, and with his own hands closed his eyes. General Gordon left behind him a uniquely detailed diary of his life and times, written in English. This is preserved in manuscript in the Russian State Military Archive in Moscow. Passages from the Diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries (1635–1699) was printed, under the editorship of Joseph Robertson, for the Spalding Club, at Aberdeen, Scotland, 1859.