
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.

Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
Burials of Russian soldiers died in the battles for the liberation of the Balkans, 1879.
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