Cranberry plant at chocolate and confectionery production of the Georges Bormann partnership, 1900s
Cranberry plant at chocolate and confectionery production of the Georges Bormann partnership, 1900s
Cranberry plant at chocolate and confectionery production of the Georges Bormann partnership, 1900s
Cranberry plant at chocolate and confectionery production of the Georges Bormann partnership, 1900s
Nicholas II in Fredensborg Castle. 1899-1900
Beer label. St. Petersburg. Russia, 1900s.
Odessa Brewery, 1900-1914 - Russian postcard. Public domain image.
Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Trekhgorny Brewing Partnership in Moscow, 1901
Passing Spasskiy Tower Gates. Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1896
Cranberry plant at chocolate and confectionery production of the Georges Bormann partnership, 1900s
Шоколадно-кондитерское производство товарищества Жорж Борман. Клюквенный завод
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- "Шоколадная" фабрика Россия... - ZAVODFOTO.RU - LiveJournal
- Заводы и фабрики Санкт-Петербурга. Часть 2 - LiveJournal
- Из серии «Промистория России» - Шоколадно-кондитерское ...
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- Пушкинский хлебозавод - ZAVODFOTO.RU
- Саратовская кондитерская фабрика: как производят конфеты
- Тольятти: мукомольный завод "Жито" - ZAVODFOTO.RU
1900 - 1910
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Public Domain