
Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev

Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev
Drawings of ancient copper artillery stored in the arsenals of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga and Kiev
Чертежи древних медных артиллерийских орудий, хранившихся в арсеналах Москвы, Петербурга, Риги и Киева, изготовленные при Артиллерийском кадетском корпусе
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technical drawing
military art
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1629 - 1705
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Public Domain