
Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Elizabeth Feodorovna. Founder and head of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy

Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. 1914

Founder and head of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Moscow Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Founder and head of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Moscow.

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. 1914

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna as a nun

Ella. Founder and head of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy - Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.
Elizabeth Feodorovna. Great Mother. Founder and head of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Moscow.
Ея Императорское Высочество Великая Княгиня Елисавета Феодоровна. Великая Матушка. Основательница и начальница Марфо-Мариинской обители сестер милосердия в Москве.
Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Great Mother. Founder and head of the Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy in Moscow.
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марфо мариинская обитель
настоятельница обители
елизавета фёдоровна
одиночный портрет
великая княгиня
russian empire
российская империя
grand duchess
elisaveta feodorovna
елизавета феодоровна
elizabeth feodorovna
portrait photographs
history of russia
1909 - 1917
Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых
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