
The office of the heir to the Crown Prince on the frigate "Memory of Azov". Nicolas II Asia Tour

The office of the heir to the Crown Prince on the frigate "Memory of Azov". Nicolas II Asia Tour

Emperor King Edward VII, King George V, then Prince of Wales and Nicholas II II and Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna visit Regatta Kaus.

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich (Nicholas II).

Nicholas II meets members of the British royal family, who board the Imperial yacht "Standart".

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas II talks with the officers.

King Edward VII, King George V, then Prince of Wales and Nicholas II

Nicholas II meets members of the British royal family, who board the Imperial yacht "Standart".

Nicholas II meets members of the British royal family, who board the Imperial yacht "Standart".
His Highness the Crown Prince and Prince George among the officers of the squadron. Nicolas II Asia Tour
His Highness Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich and Prince George of Greece among the officers of the squadron during the journey of the Tsarevich to the East in 1890-1891.
Его Высочество Цесаревич Николай Александрович и принц Георг Греческий среди офицеров эскадры во время путешествия Цесаревича на Восток в 1890-1891 гг.
Путешествие Цесаревича Николая II на Восток Pусские наследники, начиная от Павла I и до Александра III, завершив курс наук, отправлялись в путешествие. Чаще всего путешествий было два: большое – по России, чуть поменьше – по Европе. На этот раз для Николая планировалось совершенно необычное, грандиозное, морское и сухопутное турне, которое объединило оба путешествия. Причем та, и другая части путешествия, в значительной их части, должны были проходить по территории, где раньше не бывал ни один цесаревич. 1890-1891. The journey of Tsarevich Nicholas II to the East Russian heirs, starting from Paul I and Alexander III, completing the course of science, went on a trip. Most of the travels were two: large - in Russia, a little less - in Europe. This time for Nikolay, an unusual, grandiose, sea and land tour was planned, which combined both trips. Parts of the journey were to planned through a territories Russian cesarevitches never visited before. 1890-1891.
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- His Highness the Crown Prince and Prince George among the ...
- His Highness the Crown Prince and Prince George among the ...
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- Путешествие на Восток Его Императорского Высочества ...
- Путешествие Цесаревича Николая на Восток 1890-1891 гг.
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