
Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”

Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”
Hospital for workers at the factory “Association of Manufactories of Ivan Garelin and Sons”
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1910 - 1913
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