Human Anatomy
Public Domain
Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916
Medical and nutritional team of Dr. K.M. Kolyshkina-Bogulavskaya of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, 1915
High-world bacchanals, Erotic book
Children get ready for school!. Moscow, 1916
Anatomy for youth, 1912
High-world bacchanals, Erotic book
Toys. Boris Alekseevich Leman. (Tale by B. Dix. Fig. G. Narbut) 1911.
Anatomy for youth, 1912
High-world bacchanals, Erotic book
Children's stories about grandfather's pictures. (Illustration by G.G. Gagarin). Saint Petersburg
Anatomy for youth, 1912
Dance, Matvey, don’t spare your bast shoes!