
Ipatiev House - Cellar room

Ipatiev House - Dining room

Ipatiev House - Room of the Emperor, the Empress and the Heir

Grand Duchess Ekaterina Ioannovna

Alexander Palace - Maple Room Alexandra

Olga Nikolaevna - Mauve Room Alexander Palace

The imperial family leaves Ipatiev Monastery.

Grand Duchess Alexander Iosifovna

Grand Duchess Alexander Iosifovna
Ipatiev House - Princesses room after the murder
Princesses room after the murder. On the floor of the extracted result of ash and residues of things.
Sokolov's investigation: No. 9. The Grand Duchesses' room. It was taken soon after the murder. The villains after having stolen everything of value, burnt the small valueless things inthe stoves of the house. The charred remains taken outof the stoves can be seen on the floor.
Русский: Комната Княжон после убийства. На полу извлеченные следствием зола и остатки вещей.
- File:Ipatiev House - Princesses room after the murder.jpg
- Category:Ipatiev's Mansion - Wikimedia Commons
- The Grand Duchesses room in Ipatiev House. - Pinterest
- Ipatiev House and the execution of the Romanov family
- The Grand Duchesses room in Ipatiev House. | House of romanov ...
- Category:Sokolov's investigation - Wikimedia Commons
- Vanished Ipatiev House: Place that Romanovs were Murdered.
- Romanov Execution Photos Articles - Bk Kent Week
- Archivo:Ipatiev House - Princesses room after the murder.jpg
- Category:Ipatiev's Mansion - Wikimedia Commons
1800 - 1917
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public domain