
The imperial family leaves Ipatiev Monastery.

Imperial family for a walk. Livadia . 1914.

Emperor Nicholas II, members of the imperial family before the start of the royal hunt. Belovezh

Members of the imperial family in Spala. 1890

Family of the Emperor Alexander III.

Emperor Nicholas II, members of the imperial family before the start of the Belovezh royal hunt

A group of officials, Members of the imperial family in Spala. 1890.

Members of the royal family on one of the park alleys near the Belovezhsky Palace.

The imperial family leaves Ipatiev Monastery. Kostroma.
Members of the Imperial family before the Livadia Palace.
Members of the Imperial family before the Livadia Palace.
The Empress Maria Feodorovna sits in the center to her right, Emperor Alexander III to her right, the Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna sits to the left of the empress, behind her stands the Grand Duchess Ksenia Aleksandrovna, to the left of Xenia - the heir Cesarevich Nikolai (future Emperor Nicholas II), to the left of the emperor stands the Great Prince George Aleksandrovich, to the right of the emperor sits the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.
Crimea, Livadia, 1894 .
Члены Императорской фамилии перед ливадийским дворцом.
В центре сидит Императрица Мария Феодоровна, справа от нее Император Александр III, слева от императрицы сидит Великая Княжна Ольга Александровна, за ней стоит Великая Княжна Ксения Александровна, левее Ксении - Наследник Цесаревич Николай Александрович (будущий Император Николай II), слева от императора стоит Великий Князь Георгий Александрович, справа от императора сидит Великий Князь Михаил Александрович.
Крым, Ливадия, 1894 год.
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