
Princess Maria Sofia Friederika Dagmar.

Princess Charlotte Christina Sofia

Prince Stcherbatow, Princess Stcherbatow, nee Princesse Bariatinsky

Princess Charlotte Christina Sofia

Princess Alexandra, Tsarevna Maria Feodorovna and Princess Tire

Countess Sofya Alexandrovna Ferzen, born. Princess Dolgorukaya (Boyarynya XVII century)

Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna

Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

grand duchesses Olga, Tatyana, Marie and Anastasia
Princess Sofia Sergeyevna Trubetskaya, de Morny
Side 1..By Disderi..Princess Sofia Sergeyevna Trubetskaya (Moscow, 25 March 1836 – 8 August 1896), the only daughter of Prince Sergey Vasilyevich Trubetskoy (1814 - 12 May (30 April Old Style), 1859) and his wife Ekaterina Petrovna Mussina-Pushkina (1 February 1816 - c. 1897). Sophie was legally daughter of Prince Sergey Vasilyevich Trubetskoy, but may have been the illegitimate daughter of Nicholas I of Russia...The photographer is André Adolphe Eugène Disdéri (1819-1889). The probable inventor of the carte-de-visite, Disdéri received a patent for the process from the French government on 27 November, 1854, and was certainly responsible for popularising the craze. Remembered for having been the first to establish photography as a business as well as an artistic craft, his contemporaries considered him the outstanding portrait photographer in France. Although at the height of his career he was reputed to be earning a phenomenal £48,000 a year, in January 1872 he filed for bankruptcy. He subsequently found new backers and re-established a studio, at first in Paris and then at various addresses in Nice during the 1880’s. For some reason he left the agreeable climate of Nice and returned to Paris around 1888 or 1889. He died on 4 October 1889 at the age of seventy, in the Hôpital Sainte-Anne, an institution for indigents, alcoholics and the mentally ill.
- 51 Russian Images: Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых Public ...
- De Morny High Resolution Stock Photography and Images - Alamy
- Illegitimate Daughter High Resolution Stock Photography and ...
- Princess Sofia Sergeyevna Trubetskaya, de Morny | Side 1 By ...
- Fine Photographs - Paul Frecker
- Princess Sofia Sergeyevna Trubetskaya, de Morny - Romanov ...
- Page 8 - Comtesse De High Resolution Stock Photography and ...
- Hija Ilegitima Fotos e Imágenes de stock - Alamy
- De Morny Fotos e Imágenes de stock - Alamy
- De Morny Banque d'image et photos - Alamy