
Daughters of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and the Grand Duchess Alice Elizabeth (Ella), Victoria and Irena.

English Queen Victoria with her grandchildren Irena, Elizabeth, Ernst, Victoria, Alice.

The Grand Duke of Hesse Ludwig IV with the daughters of the princess Victoria, Elizabeth and Irena.

Grand Duke Ernst and his sisters Victoria , Irena, Alexandra Feodorovna, Elizabeth Feodorovna.

English Queen Victoria with granddaughters Victoria, Eisaveta and Aliceoua.

The second daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and Princess Alice, granddaughter of the British Queen Victoria.

Hessian sisters: Princess Irena, Empress Russian Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna, Princess Victoria.

Grand Duchess Victoria Augusta with her children. Nicholas II with his family members, hunting.

Sisters of Hessian princess Irena, Victoria and Elizabeth.
Queen Victoria with her son-in-law and grandchildren Victoria, Ernst, Irena, Elizabeth and Alice.
Английская Королева Виктория с зятем и внуками - детьми Великого Герцога Гессен-Дармштадтского Людвига IV и Великой Герцогини Алисы, дочери королевы (недавно скончавшейся от болезни).
Слева направо: принцесса Виктория, принц Эрнст, Великий Герцог Людвиг IV, принцесса Ирена, принцесса Елизавета и принцесса Алиса.
Алиса Виктория Елена Луиза Беатриса Гессен-Дармштадтская будущая (с 1894 года) Императрица Российская Александра Феодоровна. Четвертая дочь Великого Герцога Гессен-Дармштадтского Людвига IV и Великой Герцогини Алисы, внучка английской Королевы Виктории.
Елизавета Александра Луиза Алиса (Элла) принцесса Гессен-Дармштадская будущая Великая Княгиня Елизавета Феодоровна Романова. Вторая дочь Великого Герцога Гессен-Дармштадтского Людвига IV и Великой Герцогини Алисы, внучка английской Королевы Виктории.
The English Queen Victoria with her son-in-law and grandchildren is the children of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and the Grand Duchess of Alice, the daughter of a queen (who recently died of a disease).
From left to right: Princess Victoria, Prince Ernst, Grand Duke Ludwig IV, Princess Irene, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Alice.
Alisa Victoria Elena Louise Beatrice Hesse-Darmstadt future (from 1894) Empress Russian Alexandra Feodorovna. The fourth daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and the Grand Duchess of Alice, the granddaughter of the English Queen Victoria.
Elizabeth Alexandra Louise Alice (Ella) Princess Hesse-Darmstadt future Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova. The second daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt Ludwig IV and the Grand Duchess of Alice, the granddaughter of the English Queen Victoria.
- 60 Queen Victoria and the Children ideas - Pinterest
- Pin on Victoria - Pinterest
- Explore the Royal Collection Online - Pinterest
- File:The Hessian family with Queen Victoria in 1879.jpg
- Hesse family group with Queen Victoria, 1879 [in Portraits - Pinterest
- Princess Victoria of Hesse, Marchioness of Milford Haven - Pinterest
- Her majesty Queen Victoria and the members of the royal family / M.W.
- (active 1855-1941) - Hesse family group with Queen Victoria, 1879
- (active 1855-1941) - Hesse family group with Queen Victoria, 1879
- M.L. Jerinic, Historical Novelist - Posts | Facebook