
Russian in WWI Pt2/3 220505-02X | Footage Farm

Russian in WWI Pt1/3 220505-01X | Footage Farm

WWI Russian Troops 220504-07 | Footage Farm

Russian Troops World War One 220501-12 | Footage Farm

WW1 Russian Activities 220497-11 | Footage Farm

WWI - Russian Military Preparation & Fighting 220504-11X | Footage Farm

Early Russian 220503-03 | Footage Farm

WW1 Russian and Multinational troops 220605-03 | Footage Farm

WWI Russian Home Front Activities 220500-10 | Footage Farm
Russia in WWI Pt3/3 220505-03X | Footage Farm
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Continued from 220504.
11:36:16 High angle ammunition factory interior in large concrete building - MCUs women workers at machines & assembling parts.
11:37:50 Peasants women & camels for agriculture / farming - traditional costume. Pulling reapers, bundling sheaves & scything / cutting hay. Stacking bundles.
11:38:45 Boy, Tsarevich Alexei, rides up in army uniform & salutes officers, dismounts & gives them note. Standing in MCU saluting. CU.
11:39:17 Military armored trucks parked by side of road, motorcycle w/ sidecar arrives. Officers discuss & move out.
11:39:55 Large damaged fort w/ grafitti on wall. Pan over town w/ soldiers on wall. (note tape damage).
11:40:24 Religious processions thru city w/ soldiers & priests & banners. Military w/ hats off following; Tsar & son Alexei & others walk past in MCU.
11:41:22 Pan across soldiers relaxing around fire; MCU play game w/ dice. Soldiers run down snowy street towards people walking towards them, they begin to run away.
11:42:34 Demonstrations in Tverskaya? Moscow - parade with banners.
11:43:03 POV from balloon of landing on snowy field.
11:43:20 Troops deflate balloon (no snow).
11:43:31 Priests in procession along cobblestone street w/ troops at attention being blessed as priests pass in Red Square. MCU showing young men & women soldiers (maybe unit of women). Military walking w/ flag thru square.
11:44:03 Civilian & others presenting plaque to cadets; officer w/ arm in sling speaking (MOS); w/ flag on pole over bowed heads of cadets. Kneeling cadet kissed on top of head.
11:44:50 MCU of Bolshevik troops under banner. Soldiers & officer w/ still camera posing & joking.
11:45:36 German officers in spike hats at train station in winter; greet Russian civilian & military men getting off railroad car, hand shaking & saluting. Possibly Rosa Luxemburg (?) in white hat w/ Karl Liebknecht.
11:46:31 Soviet / Russian troops in woods posing. Montage of faces in slow motion including officers. CU man in cap in snow. Soldiers posing, laughing. Trotsky (?) by river.
11:47:23 MCU Lenin standing, smiling - freeze frame giving thumbs up.
WW1; Russian History;
There were special court cameramen and photographers who captured the daily life of the Romanov family. The Company of von Gun filmed the Tsar, and with the permission of the Ministry of the Court, showed these films in movie theatres beginning in 1907. Before the February 1917 Revolution, the von Gun Company was the main provider of the Tsar's chronicles in the Russian film industry. After 1907 other filmmakers were permitted to film the Royal family, including A. Drankov, V. Bulla (the elder), Khanzhonkov Company, Pate Company, and others. Before the beginning of World War I a newsreel became popular capturing military parades, holidays, reviews and drills. Many are devoted to the Fleet. They document everyday life of the Baltic Sea and Black Sea squadrons. Some of the newsreels document the fire of the Maly Theatre in Moscow, mass gymnastics, auto and motor races, zoos and animal preserves, and the life of peoples of the Russian Empire. The objects of filming were political and cultural figures, the construction of warships, the Moscow flood, the testing of new agricultural equipment and the oil industry in Baku. There are also films showing the towns of Russia, etc. During World War I, cameramen captured events on all fronts. Before 1915, the exclusive rights to film battles belonged to the Film Department of the Skobelev Committee. The Skobelev Committee of the Assistance to the Wounded Soldiers of the General Staff was founded in November 1904 as a public organization. By the order of the Scobelev Committee many cameramen filmed the events of the World War I, such as Englishman Arcol (representative of Pate Company, filmed on South-Western and Caucasus fronts), cameramen E.D. Dored (represented American companies) and P.V. Ermolov, (filmed events on Caucasus front); P.K. Novitskiy (Gomount Company), N.M. Toporkov, K.E. von Gan, A.K. Gan-Jagelskiy, made filming in the General Headquarters. Other cameramen such as: A. G Lemberg, S, Zebel, Trushe, etc. also worked at the fronts. Cameramen filmed the war not only on the fronts but also from the rear. Since the first month of the war until 1917 the Scobelev Committee produced about 70 newsreels. From 1914 to 1915 cameramen of the Scobelev Committee produced 21 series of the newsreel "Russian Military Chronicle". The materials of this newsreel were used many times for the separate films made by Scobelev Committee and other film companies. Read more at: http://www.pbs.org/redfiles/rao/archives/rgakfd/textind10.html