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"Russian Court Memoirs, 1914-16, with some account of court, social and political life in Petrograd before and since the war" (1917)



Russian Court Memoirs, 1914-16, with some account of court, social and political life in Petrograd before and since the war.Year: 1917, Publisher: London, Jenkins.Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto

Appearing Before Image:.rganiseda model hospital in Tzarskoe-Selo, which she visits daily. The principal surgeon of this hospital isPrincess Hedroitz, one of the most skilful in Russia. The Princess spent five years in Switzerland as the favorite assistant of Professor Rose, of world-wide fame. During the Russo-Japanese war, she achieved well-deserved renown by her wonderful operations. Her Majesty appointed the Princess to be at the head of the Court hospital, and for the next few months the Empress and her two elder daughters, the Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana, diligently attended the lectures of the surgeon-Princess and under her tuition went through the appointed course as practical probationers, finally passing the examination that _^ualified them as sisters of mercy. I have heard Princess Hedroitz express her deep admiration of the Empress aptitude for nursing. To work with Her Majesty, the Princess declares, is a delight; she never loses her presence of mind, remains calm and collected under the most trying 80..

Appearing After Image:.THE EMPRESS AND HER I WO DAUGHTERS, THE GRAND DUCHESSESOLGA AND TAT I AN A RUSSIAN WOMEN DURING THE WAR 8i circumstances, and when she assists at an operation she is positively wonderful, giving her unswerving attention, handing the right instruments at the right moment, and all the time so calm, so gentle,so unobtrusive. The Tzars sister, the Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, likewise went through a course of surgical lectures and practical probation before she went out to Galicia as a hospital nurse. She worked there for several months, revealing rare self-abnegation and zeal. When Livoff was evacuated in the summer of 1915, the Grand Duchess returned to Petrograd for a short rest but is now again at work on the Austrian frontier. The Grand Duchess Olga is a true Russian and the most warm-hearted woman imaginable. Sheis clever and talented, and her watercolor drawings have often been exhibited or given for sale to charity bazaars. Her unconventionality frequently gets her into trouble with.



российская империя russian empire россия bookid russiancourtmemo 00 lond bookyear 1917 bookdecade 1910 bookcentury 1900 bookpublisher london jenkins bookcontributor robarts university of toronto booksponsor university of toronto bookleafnumber 98 bookcollection robarts bookcollection toronto grand duchess olga ольга николаевна olga nikolaevna великая княжна grand duchess tatiana татьяна николаевна tatiana nikolaevna grand duchess portrait photographs portrait history of russia high resolution princess aristocracy monarchy wwi japan russian canada toronto russia






Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых


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label_outline Explore Grand Duchess Tatiana, Grand Duchess Olga, Tatiana Nikolaevna


российская империя russian empire россия bookid russiancourtmemo 00 lond bookyear 1917 bookdecade 1910 bookcentury 1900 bookpublisher london jenkins bookcontributor robarts university of toronto booksponsor university of toronto bookleafnumber 98 bookcollection robarts bookcollection toronto grand duchess olga ольга николаевна olga nikolaevna великая княжна grand duchess tatiana татьяна николаевна tatiana nikolaevna grand duchess portrait photographs portrait history of russia high resolution princess aristocracy monarchy wwi japan russian canada toronto russia