
Vladimir - a woman portrait. - Public domain portrait print

Woman portrait by Jan Soberg Photography

Murom. Female portrait. 1850-1860

Jan Soberg photography - The Solovetsky Monastery.

Arkhangelsk province - photographs by Zakhary Zakharievich Vinogradov

Murom, Portrait of three young women. 1908 - 1912

Jan Soberg photography - The Solovetsky Monastery.

Jan Soberg photography - The Solovetsky Monastery.

Jan Soberg photography - The Solovetsky Monastery.
Samoyed woman. Novaya Zemlya. - Public domain portrait photograph
Samoyeds (also "Samoyed", "self-united") were first called only the Nenets - the largest Samoyed people, but later this name was also used as a collective name for all Samoyedic peoples. Самоедами (также «самоядь», «самоедины») сначала называли только ненцев — самый крупный самодийский народ, но впоследствии это название стало использоваться и в качестве собирательного названия всех самодийских народов.
Murmansk shore, Murman. The Pomeranian coast is the shore of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border to Cape St. Nose. Has several deep-cutting bays (Kola, Motovsky, and others), along the coast - a number of islands (the largest - Kildin). The most important port is Murmansk. Мурманский берег, Мурман. Поморский берег — берег Баренцева моря от Норвежской границы до мыса Святой Нос. Имеет несколько глубоко врезающихся заливов (Кольский, Мотовский и другие), вдоль берега — ряд островов (наиболее крупный — Кильдин). Важнейший порт — Мурманск
- 31 Samoyedic peoples, 19th century Images: PICRYL - Collections
- 145 Музыка Images: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search Engine ...
- 30 Samoyedic peoples, Arkhangelsk province Images - Collections
- 30 Samoyedic peoples, Far north Images - Collections - GetArchive
- 30 Samoyedic peoples, Arkhangelkaia oblast Images - Collections
- 30 Samoyedic peoples, History of russia Images - Collections
- Public domain portrait photograph Samoyed woman. Novaya Zemlya.
- arctic regions, 19th century - Romanov Empire - Империя Романовых
- Новая Земля и ее обитатели - LiveJournal
- Виноградов Захар Захарович (1882 - 1963) - Полярная Почта