
Sister of mercy with wounded сossack and soldiers

Wounded soldiers with nurses

Farewell of Slavyanka military march

With wounded soldiers, Great duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria

Stikherry, by the princesses of Peter's sisters

Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna with wounded soldiers.

Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana with wounded soldiers

Grand duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria helping wounded

A group of soldiers from the 7th Aviators squad
Sisters of mercy with wounded soldiers
Сестры милосердия (Екатерина Анастасьевна Колпакчи с крестом на груди) с ранеными солдатами лазарета № 42 города Екатеринодара, 1915
Sisters of mercy (Ekaterina Anastasyevna Kolpakchi with a cross on her chest) with wounded soldiers of hospital No. 42 in the city of Ekaterinodar, 1915
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