
Открытки с изобрежением Тулы (1912). Издание Кампель М.А. 25

Виды Киева (светопечать С. В. Кульженко), 2-09

St. Petersburg-Warsaw railway station in Daugavpils (5)

Former Vologda City Duma, Russian Empire

The city school and the government - Kirzhach, Russia

Homiel, Prabojnaja-Saborny. Гомель, Прабойная-Саборны (1909)

Barysaŭ, Novaje Miesta, Trubiackoha. Барысаў, Новае Места, Трубяцкога (1908)

Mologa. Holy Cross Church 01, Russian Empire

Благовещенская церковь (Тула) 2

Arkhangelsk Tram (Archangel), Russian Empire, 19th century

Taganrog prospect old 1 - Russian postcard. Public domain image.

Tiflis railway strike 1905, Russian Empire

Railway station Moscow, Russian Empire

Mologa. Epiphany Cathedral 01, Russian Empire

Railway platform of the station "Belovezh"

Arkhangelsk mosque (Archangel), Russian Empire, 19th century
Таганрог Здание вокзала (монохром)1
Русский: Таганрог здание вокзала
A black and white photo of people standing outside of a building. A group of people standing in front of a building. Public domain postcard scan.
1900 - 1917
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