
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia

Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia
Buildings in the regimental headquarters of His Majesty the King's Grenadier Regiment of Prussia
1828. Атлас строениям в полковом штабе и в поселенных ротах гренадерскаго его величества короля прусскаго полка
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