
Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919

Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919
Funeral of the leaders of the Turkestan Soviet Republic killed during the Osipov uprising of 1919
Похороны руководителей Туркестанской Советской Республики, убитых во время осиповского восстания 1919 года
- Колузаев, Георгий Александрович - Википедия
- Морозный январь 1919 года. Трёхдневное антисоветское ...
- Fayl:Koluzaev G A Tashkent.jpg - Vikipediya
- Антисоветское восстание 1919 года. Переговоры Ташкент ...
- Туркестанские комиссары - Википедия
- Г.А.Колузаев - jnike_07 - LiveJournal
- Фото прадеда - Письма о Ташкенте
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