Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and Cathedral of the Epiphany - Mezen of Arkhangelsk Gubernia Mezen was founded in the 16th century on the site of Okladnikova (Bolshoy) settlement (Sokolnya Nova) Еще
Собор Богоявленья Господня Мезень была основана в XVI веке на месте Окладниковой (Большой) слободы (Сокольня Новая) и Кузнецкой (Малой) слободы Мезенского уезда. Богоявленский собор - Мезень Архангельской губе Еще
51. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Misjurk-napleshniki "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest comma Еще
63-64. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Palash, konchar, sword, belt knives, dagger, sneaky and zasapazhnye knifes "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russia Еще
66-67. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Rogatins and Sovnya "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest co Еще
70-71. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century: hatchets and stamps "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest co Еще
77. Accessories for armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Pokrovets on the Saadak "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the Еще
85. Russian firearms in the XVI and XVII centuries. Pistols 86. Russian firearms in the XVI and XVII centuries. Pischal with an ax and pistols with axes "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russ Еще
91. Accessories for armament from the fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. Prapors "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", compiled on the highest command: Еще
96. Russian armament from the fourteenth to the second half of the seventeenth century. Warriors in Jushmans and Shishaks "Historical description of clothing and arms of the Russian troops from ancient times", Еще